Apple iPad announced, is iPod touch on steroids

27 January, 2010
Just as expected, today Apple announced their iPad tablet. It's not everyday that you see news about something other than mobile phones at our... Update: video roundup added

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • u73
  • 31 Jan 2010

Why appleJob must put camera multitasking etc into ipad, dont you know iphone sell like hot cake in rich couintries? It show that ifans are satisfied and happy with the lack of many featutues

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • FJT
    • 31 Jan 2010

    kurt, 31 Jan 2010im sure the user experience will be better on ipad than n90... moreLook, here's the thing. I am happy w/ my iphone and its screen size, but honestly, there are situations when I wish that it has a bigger screen, and that is where the ipad fits in. Yes, you can say that I can pull out my MacBookPro, but a MacBook will not be as convenient to pull out or to hold as the ipad let's say while you're mobile.

    Here's what I would do since I already have an iphone 3gs. When ipad 3g comes out, I will cancel my data plan on my iphone 3gs and will subscribe 3g data for my ipad, that way I won't be paying two data plans. The iphone will serve as my phone and as an extension of my ipad. My MacBook will serve as my main computer at home and of course when I am on the go as well.

    Although this will not work for everyone, but for people like me who can afford multiple devices, and has a car, this would totally work quite excellently :)

      • k
      • kurt
      • Sec
      • 31 Jan 2010

      Anonymous, 30 Jan 2010Sorry but you'll be proven wrong. The ipad will sell more ... moreim sure the user experience will be better on ipad than n900 or any other smartphone for that matter wholly due to the size of the ipad (watching movies in particulary is obviously better on a bigger screen). But my point is why would people lug around something this size that does so little? Just coz i can pinch and zoom in on pretty pictures? Id rather carry my laptop and get full computer functionality, as well as watch movies etc. And id rather have an n900 that doubles as a phone too! Apple always provide a rich user experience to make up for lack of features (eg iphone) but i don't see it working so well here, mainly because if im going to carry around something this size i'd need it to be able to do everything.

        • u
        • utouh
        • vj1
        • 31 Jan 2010

        wake up apple user.. dont be a foo with this ipad crap again.. an expensive crap w/c is nothing.. can we just name it a digital photo frame... lol

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • nvx
          • 30 Jan 2010

          whats new with dis device? are there any new application or its just the same old apple

            • d
            • dara
            • 0vS
            • 30 Jan 2010

            ..and it's not even a tablet computer!
            no multitasking!
            no camera!
            pathetic memory!
            you have to pay extra 200 for 3G!!! WTF?
            well just wait till people start reading with this.
            it is NOT ideal for reading. you CANNOT compare this with kindle or other true ireaders.
            BECAUSE it has a common TFT technology, it's tiering for the eye and the resolution is too low!!
            yes you got that right. for a truly pleasant reading pixels have to be invinsible, and this crap has barely more that 100 PPI density.(worser than my old k750i)
            it's by no way comparable with the best smartphone's PPI and sharpness of detail

              • E
              • Edemilson Lima
              • Lkr
              • 30 Jan 2010

              I found this funny! :D


                • d
                • dara
                • 0vS
                • 30 Jan 2010

                Neo, 30 Jan 2010Thanks Farhan, useful stuff ^^ i really never knew how a P... moreman, i'll second all you said.
                without the discusting and abusive MARKETING no one would know about icraps.
                that's why i hate them. cheap manipulation over snobby masses to buy over priced products!!!!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Ke1
                  • 30 Jan 2010

                  Nokia may want to unveil maepad?

                  N900 is better than this so called apple magical and revolutionary tablet

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • FJT
                    • 30 Jan 2010

                    kurt, 30 Jan 2010this is supposed to bridge the gap between smartphones and ... moreSorry but you'll be proven wrong. The ipad will sell more than your n900. Watching movies, playing videos, and reading books will be better on the ipad than your n900.

                      • k
                      • kurt
                      • Sec
                      • 30 Jan 2010

                      this is supposed to bridge the gap between smartphones and laptops/computers? Gimme a break. I would rather have a mini pc that fits in my pocket (eg nokia n900- and i am not a nokia fanboy at all) than this oversized ipod that only offers half the functionality of computers.

                        • T
                        • Tansen
                        • xnc
                        • 30 Jan 2010

                        I hate how people are so quick to judge this thing without even having touched it. I have a feeling that this thing really is gonna blow away the competition and, as with the iphone, it won't be based on features but on experience. I am confident that this will be the ultimate web browsing experience, and will be able to do things like word docs, excel and keynote etc., not to mention full webbrowsing (Flash would be nice, but most of what people do can be done in youtube, not to mention HTML5 etc.) Flash is outdated and will be replace soon enough. The ipad is thinking into the future. Simply put, it will be the best at what it can do.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • mpT
                          • 30 Jan 2010

                          to be entirely honest with you.. no its not an amazing device.
                          its missing some key features (ie multitasking) but the UI looks pretty awesome, its not ground breaking but it would be pretty cool to manipulate the web with you fingertips so easily.
                          but it will still sell.. purely for "bragging rights" or showoff value
                          at the price there offering its not a massivly expensive product.
                          from what i gather its basically just an entertainment tablet.
                          Like i said it isnt a brilliant product but all these people who are saying it is going to be apples downfall are wrong because apples marketing is unrivelled
                          and thats a fact there are more capable handsets on the market yet the iphone is still the must have gadget and holds the biggest percentage of the smartphone market over any other phone by far.

                          people will always hate apple products, its a fact and this Ipad will not flop, it wil stil make apple millions and people will continue to moan and groan about the fact it has no mulittasking or whatever. but clearly not everyone needs all the features apple have missed out.. i mean people syaing it has no camera.. would you want to take a photo on something that big. you would look a complete and utter fool!

                          in all its not completely useless it has some pretty amazing selling points and it will sell in the bucket load.

                            • N
                            • Neo
                            • 3sD
                            • 30 Jan 2010

                            Farhan, Mumbai, 29 Jan 2010I do not agree. I think it is clear enough to understand th... moreThanks Farhan, useful stuff ^^
                            i really never knew how a PDA Functioned neway, so, :P
                            All i know is, that this "Thing"...or my iPod Touch(1stGen)'s Chubby Younger Brother has 4 major turnoffs,

                            1-NO CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW THE HELL ARE WE GONNA BE ABLE TO ENJOY High Speed VOIP *hell if that was one of the biggest needs nowadays.....and yet it Sports 3G!..don't ask me why*

                            2-What's That?! NO FLASH?!...u KIDN' ME?!

                            3-64Gb Memory.....and that's just IT?! :S i Thought i had the WORLD in my Fingertips! Seriously i know that an iPod Classic has 160Gb tops now! and they can't put a lousy 160Gb HD in it that goes along w/ the 1Ghz Processor thingy?!

                            4-NO MULTITASKING!!!! GET IT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Nokia e71 Multitasks!

                            Bottom line is

                            They start Shipping in March, the WIFI+3G ships in summer, it will be available worldwide, then youd be disgusted to know that by summer, there will also be a price drop, then 6 months later, they'll release a new one w/ a Camera...therefore repeating the Legacy of iPhone all over again...

                            it won't change my biggest opinion : "Apple NEVER Listens to its Consumers' Wants & Needs...Good Products & Quite Hip...but Terrible and ABUSIVE Marketing........

                            I'm still reluctant about buying an iPhone for THIS reason....
                            and quite frankly, btween an iPad and an iPhone go for the iPhone 3GS, s00n enough they'll release the firmware update and it will be the same as the iPad's....and it would still be compact and fit my pocket and WOULD HAVE A CAMERA!!!!

                              • N
                              • Nas
                              • mEk
                              • 30 Jan 2010

                              They have been working 8years to develop this pieces of crap

                                • I
                                • Ipadaput
                                • iDx
                                • 29 Jan 2010

                                Its just a keyboardless laptop with ipod/iphone os..they should make a smaller one with 5 inch screen or something...anothert thing..if it has iphone os I don't think it wil have flash support for the internet 'at your hands'..this thing is twice as big as steve jobs head

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • kM2
                                  • 29 Jan 2010

                                  It's an expensive bathroom e-reader with 3G internet browsing enabled. Cleaning is not part of the plan. Get yourself a maid!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • IkU
                                    • 29 Jan 2010

                                    "the Internet in your hands" ok? Yeah I think a basic smartphone has Internet too, just pay for the extra data plan and.....BAM! The internet in your hands!

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • smN
                                      • 29 Jan 2010

                                      Steve jobs said the iphone was the best thing ever and millions blindly gulped down his marketing statements without question pumping money into apples bank account,don't think its going to work this time,a massive over estimation by apple of what people will buy nowadays...epic fail.
                                      It will still probably sell a bit to a zealot fanboys as the clever tv advertising will ensure of that. A device as unnessasry as it is ugly. The iphone was already looking a bit dated in design and now its been made bigger and fatter than ever imagined

                                        • F
                                        • Farhan, Mumbai
                                        • PId
                                        • 29 Jan 2010

                                        Neo, 29 Jan 2010i was sure that GSMArena would make a Post about the iPad, ... moreI do not agree. I think it is clear enough to understand that this is a supersized iPod.
                                        It is not a tablet like HP's Slate cause that is running a full fledged PCs OS - Windows 7. Its neither a netbook. Cause aren't netbook meant for surfing the web. Think about surfing the web on a browser that doesn't support Adobe Flash. No matter what Steve Jobs and Co. say its not THE BEST browsing experience.
                                        Its not a phone cause you cant make phone calls that is the most important function of a phone that differentiates it from a PDA.

                                        Its a PDA if you say iPod is a PDA - Super sized PDA, which resembles a tablet but its nothing but an e-book reader with PDA capabilities.