iPhone OS 4 comes on 8 April, brings video calls to the iPhone

6 April, 2010
While Apple are still mum when it comes to the launch date of the next- gen iPhone, surprisingly, they have just announced when is coming the next iPhone OS. The iPhone OS 4 will be unveiled in a couple of days...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • t7x
  • 07 Apr 2010

i dont own an iphone coz its too expensive but to those who keep bad mouthing iphone, you should at least admit that it is the phone most people want if not for the price. the apps are the one thats making iphone way too cool and it have the best touchsreen screen in the market not even nokia and samsung which have been in the business far longer than iphone can beat them.

    • i
    • iphone owner
    • IaH
    • 07 Apr 2010

    Anonymous, 07 Apr 2010HTC has the best quality (I'm using Nokia) and saying that ... moreI never said myself that the iphone was the best phone, but I will repeat the claim that it is the best SUPPORTED phone out there, and that goes a long way to making it one of the best.

    As for childish comments.....have you actually read 50% of the responses on here? Full of "LOL"'s and iphone hate. Most reasonable responses here have actually come from iphone users, so get your facts right.

    It seems like the trolls are the owners of other devices here.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • P%n
      • 07 Apr 2010

      Anonymous, 07 Apr 2010HTC has the best quality (I'm using Nokia) and saying that ... moreWhat attracted you to this thread in particular?

      The N97 is a SLOW, unresponsive piece of junk with VERY limited hardware specs (CPU, RAM).

      It has a 2005 camera and a 1999 operating system.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 39}
        • 07 Apr 2010

        NvS, 07 Apr 2010The reason iPhone lack of hardware is because it's more tha... moreHTC has the best quality (I'm using Nokia) and saying that IPhone is better in quality is wrong. You've just never used HTC phones and that's why you say such a wrong things. My father uses HTC HD. He uses it very frequently but his phone looks and feels like new one.

        I've chosen Nokia n97 because I like it's keypad. It is much more comfortable to use it when surfing in Internet and writing something than doing the same with touchscreen of my sister's iPod Touch.

        I respect your choice, but iphone users are abhorrent. Why they trying to prove that their phone is the best in the world? Each forum, each youtube video regarding to new phones, each place where people discuss phones - iphonotrolls are everywhere! Guys, you look like schoolchildren. Respect others' choice because each person has his own reason to buy Nokia or Iphone or something else. I don't play games on my phone, I don't need multitouch but I like keypad much more than touchscreen for inputing information. I like my phone. It has many advantages and it's quality is very good. IPhone is good too but it's not my choice because I like Nokia more.

        Sorry for bad english.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • IWN
          • 07 Apr 2010

          Oh my god.

          Nokia will have apple as forever rival

          fucccck nokia for not announcing new flagship
          fuccck apple for overcharging users

            • i
            • iPhone owner
            • Iax
            • 07 Apr 2010

            The iPhone was such a game changer, that every touchscreen device is compared to it. Simple. Does that mean it is a "failphone"? No. It doesn't. Quite the opposite. Just because you own a phone with a better CPU, camera and Bluetooth (bump, anyone?) it doesn't mean it is better. One thing that we have learnt, is that great support is more important than the latest features.
            Look what happened with the N97 Nokia and the Samsung Omnia HD....

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • vGq
              • 07 Apr 2010

              Anonymous, 07 Apr 2010Sorry, but those features that you have brought up are not ... more1) Those features will become dominant and Apple will have to offer them or will loose market share as nokia is loosing

              2)Sure would like to make this phone and lead the pack with far more features ... you have a Billion and a half US dollars to fund me ??

                • N
                • NvS
                • 9xE
                • 07 Apr 2010

                淡&#28, 07 Apr 2010If apple overtake nokia, they will be very arrogant, if... moreThat's what competition is for,look at touchscreen phones and PDA before iPhone,small resolution terrible UI complicated OS and many more,they all changed once iPhone arrived and started eating their pies.

                In every kind business world we need competitors to keep the balance of market,monopoly won't do any good to end users,as they'll have no other choice but to accept a single product or service from a single company,and make that particular company's wallet deeper.

                  • &
                  • 淡&#28
                  • IWN
                  • 07 Apr 2010

                  If apple overtake nokia, they will be very arrogant,

                  if nokia has no rival, they will do the stupid spec for n98

                    • M
                    • Moi
                    • D8X
                    • 07 Apr 2010

                    Trust me, there's no way the O2 website should be used as a source for this kind of info. I can guarantee it's more a copy & paste job from their other non-iphone tariffs rather than any insider info - the O2 staff are normally more likely to find stuff out by reading it online than being told, so the web shop staff are normally some of the last to know.

                      • N
                      • NvS
                      • 9xE
                      • 07 Apr 2010

                      paolothepoet, 07 Apr 2010ok, just because apple brings popularity for all this thing... moreThe reason iPhone lack of hardware is because it's more than a year already,but as of quality iPhone is a lot better than nokia,se,htc,most of all from samsung & lg,i've used omnia once for the first 2 months it's great then the nightmare began,screen sometimes stopped responding,auto rotate became self-auto rotate,speaker volume getting lower and lower,tried the software update but no good.

                      You're right about recognizing the good things and the wrong things about all the brands,i've accepted the weaknesses of iPhone and i can deal with them,that's why i'll stick with my phone until iPhone 4G released.

                      I'm also a 3Gs user.

                        • Z
                        • ZeppelinLed
                        • nxy
                        • 07 Apr 2010

                        Sod stupid video calls. I'd just like a basic bloody pop up blocker, different message alerts, and some damn themes..nothing far out, this would even make me less likely to jailbreak.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 4Uq
                          • 07 Apr 2010

                          As for my expectations for the next iphone. I only want the A4 chip and the super amoled screen, a 5mp camera w/ zoom features wouldn't hurt (although I'm honestly already happy with the iphone's 3.2mp camera), and maybe stretching the screen to 3.7 inches. I really could care less for full multitasking or video calling. I personally think that those features are better left to desktop computers and laptops. Video calling and multitasking will just drain the battery quickly. It's more cons that pros. But if ever they do add it, I'll just have to turn those off.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 4Uq
                            • 07 Apr 2010

                            Anonymous, 07 Apr 2010The Iphone needs some basic hardware upgrade instead of sma... moreSorry, but those features that you have brought up are not basic features. Those are your personal wishlist, but are not standard basic features that anyone should adapt.

                            Most users do not need dual sim cards. There are stylus available for capacitive screens, but why would I want that? A slideout qwerty would make the iphone look fat, if you can't live without it, get something else. I think a 4.3 screen would be too big for a pocketable phone. When the iphone first came out with a 3.5 screen, people were already happy and satisfied with 2.8 screens, so the iphone's 3.5 screen is more than the basic size. A xenon flash would be nice, but I can already see it eating battery life, especially when you said that you're going to use it as a torch, lol. Flash support will never come to the iphone. HTML5 will soon dominate. The iphone comes with a charger, and it works just fine, I don't need anything else. The iphone's internal memory is more than enough. It's a smartphone, not an external DD. The iphone has passed all test for safe level of harmful elements.

                            I have a better idea. Why don't you just make your own phone :)

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Uij
                              • 07 Apr 2010

                              its pointless to argue

                              get whatever you want

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 4Uq
                                • 07 Apr 2010

                                paolothepoet, 07 Apr 2010ok, just because apple brings popularity for all this thing... moreFirst of all, I never said that the iphone is the first device to come up with those features. I'm just saying that the iphone makes those features work really well and that it pushed other phonemakers to improve their features as well. I know my comments are true. I never said that no one uses video calling on their phones, did I? What I am saying is, it is a feature that is not popularly used on phones, for the reason that I have enumerated, and that is the truth. Not being a fanboy at all, just being realistic.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • uSN
                                  • 07 Apr 2010

                                  you guys talk like video call is the only thing with this new os. who knows... maybe something huge is coming.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • kV@
                                    • 07 Apr 2010

                                    -drumroll- Introducing the Imirror, to be placed on the table in front of you so you can see your screen while looking into the camera.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • PMC
                                      • 07 Apr 2010

                                      Links!, 07 Apr 2010In most parts of the world and especially the US, cell phon... moreTelephone carriers around the world are being pushed kicking and screaming into the mobile world... they pretty much have little choice, otherwise those carriers which provide the service and the bandwidth get the customers.
                                      Video calling has been around a long time, since the days when I had my clam-shell O2 phone back in 2003. It's not been widely accepted except by business... then along came Skype and a few devices which supported it along with laptops and Macs/PC's which used the copper at home...
                                      4G bandwidth should be able to tackle the demand as it's rolled out around the world... So now's the time for growth in the mobile consumer market.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • PFx
                                        • 07 Apr 2010

                                        who care!