iPhone 4G photos are real, the proof has been around for months

19 April, 2010
So, those iPhone 4G photos ARE real? It seems so and the proof has been around since the iPad launched, except no one noticed it at the time. Get ready... Update: More photos and a video!

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  • W
  • Wow
  • xkH
  • 19 Apr 2010

Anonymous, 19 Apr 2010How do you class any phone device as stealing from others? ... moreThat's because they all do! All the time. Every device borrows a look and feel from another. Stealing, copying, whatever you wanna call it. But it's never been more obvious than in this design! iPhones of yesteryear had a sleek, smooth feeling, unique from the rest. Now this one just looks like the N96 and the HTC Hero had a Ménage à trois with Apple!

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • qBM
    • 19 Apr 2010

    First thing is that this is in no way equivalent to finding the Loch Ness Monster in a Big Foot Photo.

    Secondly, Can you FINALLY take the back cover off the iPhone? Way to go Apple for doing something for the customers this time around.

    Third, hopefully you won't have to sync everything through crappy iTunes and have to wait 3 hours before it's done converting one cd.

    Fourth, hopefully this time around, you can actually arrange your music the way you want it instead of iTunes arranging it for you. Just maybe.

    Fifth, hopefully this device will not cost you your older sister in order to obtain.

    Sixth, hopefully Steve Jobs won't try to sue over technology that's been around since before Macintosh regained some status.

    There's more but what's the point. I do like the rumored 80GB storage space that won't be on the phone.

    Wait, I just realized something, if it's 64GB and a 16GB SD card, does this FINALLY mean that iPhone users can finally swap out an SD card? OH could it be? Is iPhone FINALLY making some smart decisions as far as the phone?

    Apple has an unbelievably good Marketing team and there's no denying that and whoever does is just a true Apple hater in every sense of the word.

    We shall see. Four to Five years later and they are FINALLY starting to do something right, if this is even true.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • nG3
      • 19 Apr 2010

      Deep space bar, 19 Apr 2010Lol n81,n96 with iphone Funnier thing how this looks exza... moreHow do you class any phone device as stealing from others?

      There are thousands of phones out there.

      I could say that the Samsung Galaxy, copies the iphone. In fact, at least half a dozen others look similar.

        • B
        • Bricked
        • nG3
        • 19 Apr 2010

        cyber-shot under dog, 19 Apr 2010bigger resolution of the screen means there's a 50% chance ... moreYou make a good point there. I was saying earlier this year that a new iphone should be something different. Backward compatibility is cool for a few years, but to keep using the same OS to run the first generation of Apps is a bit of a waste.

        Sure, I understand that current users would feel slightly cheated, but then the 3GS isn't going be dropped suddenly. A new OS, new hardware and a new start for the Iphone could be as big an advance as the ipod touch was to the classic.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • uRB
          • 19 Apr 2010

          San Jose.

            • D
            • Deep space bar
            • kDi
            • 19 Apr 2010

            Wow, 19 Apr 2010I present to you: The Nokia iPhone! LOL!Lol n81,n96 with iphone
            Funnier thing how this looks exzactly like how the n920 moch up tablet looked so
            Looks like apple is just stealing and sueing and not realizing their stuff looks like nokia's devices or other manufactures

              • B
              • Bricked
              • nG3
              • 19 Apr 2010

              Anonymous, 19 Apr 2010@ Bricked "The iphone was a premium quality handset... moreThe iphone should never have had a camera in the 2G version. Hell, it should never have been a 2G device. I think Apple were more concerned with marketing it as an ipod with phone capabilities though.
              It was the Apple fanboys that came up with the idea that it would be the best phone in the world and it was hyped too much for it's own good.

              Remember, it has the same functionality as the ipod touch. The camera was always an afterthought. Personally, I would never have included it until a 5mp lens was available. I would have added some other hardware.

                • c
                • cyber-shot under dog
                • t7x
                • 19 Apr 2010

                bigger resolution of the screen means there's a 50% chance that old applications will not work in this baby. . . but I am not an apple fan, but good thing they thought of new features rather than the crap*y simple evolution thing that idea was ridiculous. . . like the latest generation of the iPod nano. . . the video camera lens is located below the device which is a lousy idea, another was the iPad it's just a gigantic version the itouch or the iphone. . good thing in the iPhone HD or 4g it had evolution rather than revolution. . .

                  • W
                  • Wow
                  • xkH
                  • 19 Apr 2010

                  I present to you: The Nokia iPhone! LOL!

                    • &
                    • "I telegraph&qu
                    • pdt
                    • 19 Apr 2010

                    the "new" design is a huge step back. Almost to the stone age...

                      • K
                      • Karolis
                      • pdq
                      • 19 Apr 2010

                      This is total bulls*** like always... Apple will not make an iPhone with removable battery... Also, in one of the parts photo, you can see apple logo cut out in the middle(even lower that middle) and in ''4g'' photo apple logo is upper part...

                        • m
                        • mark
                        • 3Wj
                        • 19 Apr 2010

                        having just seen the fake pictures, which those are the same but in black. whats this telling us. a cheap chinese fake in the world.

                        i just really cant see a apple employee going to a bar and accidentally leaving a prototype in there as the latest story goes.

                        hmm me things a late april fools joke.

                          • m
                          • mark
                          • 3Wj
                          • 19 Apr 2010

                          indeed the photos look real. but the question is off what. is this a real iphone 4g. and to leave the prototype in a bar, highly questionable. personally i think a chinese fake.

                          or a brilliant mock up. now the question is if this really is the 4G why is apple screaming we want our prototype back. ive looked on the news around the world and nothing.

                          so again hmm makes you think fake.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • pTx
                            • 19 Apr 2010

                            Corleone, 19 Apr 2010You didnt get it^^ Offcourse there is no San Hose , but spa... moreWhat? Its a spanish name! And both english AND spanish speaking people pronounce it the same! It's GSMA that mis-spelt it. Some people are so ignorant!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Tkh
                              • 19 Apr 2010

                              look, this looks promising, i like iphones, i like the multimedia, the browsing and the awesome touchscreen, thats it. dont care if know on else likes it. if you are on here to change someones mind aboutgetting the iphone dont bother, wasting your own time as they wouldnt be on this page if they clearly wernt hooked. it has its faults i admit but so what. its good for what i need it. if someone wants it for an amazing camera, buy a camera.

                              buy a phone for what you need it for, if you want an amazing camera with a phone get a sony ericsson if you want simple UI and great apps get and iphone.

                              each to their own. cant wait until this is out in june i will upgrade to it so will millions of others.


                                • C
                                • Corleone
                                • SgW
                                • 19 Apr 2010

                                pedanticapplefan, 19 Apr 2010It's San Jose; never heard of San Hose.You didnt get it^^ Offcourse there is no San Hose , but spanish speaking people are pronouncing it like that^^

                                  • C
                                  • Corleone
                                  • SgW
                                  • 19 Apr 2010

                                  An Indian, 19 Apr 2010Question 1 : How long and how far is Apple planning to go b... moreSo what your actually saying is that you dont have the funds to buy one ? Dont be mad @ Apple ^^ The people who buy one need to work hard , so if you really want one , you know what to do^^ Its the same with cars , not everyone has the money for a BMW or Mercedes and need to buy a TATA or something but nobody is asking them to lower the prices^^

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • MFG
                                    • 19 Apr 2010

                                    @ Bricked

                                    "The iphone was a premium quality handset which flew in the face of opinion a few years back, that said that phones should have better cameras, better video calling etc. If it wasn't for them, we could be still looking at clunky UI, 12mp cameras with crappy lenses on every phone and still with numeric keypads."

                                    Do you seriously consider iPhone's inferior camera an accomplishment? I agree that the iPhone has done A LOT for mobile phone users in terms of stimulating handset manufacturers and software developers to dream up more imaginative and user friendly handsets and apps, but it totally dropped the ball on camera performance. That's where the others still lead.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 0Yk
                                      • 19 Apr 2010

                                      at least is about 10% better that the other one but i didn't see flash with the camera oh man when is apple gonna learn!

                                        • p
                                        • pedanticapplefan
                                        • M3s
                                        • 19 Apr 2010

                                        It's San Jose; never heard of San Hose.