Lenovo phasing out Motorola brand for smartphones
- E
- Eske Rahn
- 3ii
- 08 Jan 2016
It could be a smart move. Motorola has a grand history, but it also have an ooze of 'yesterday'.
I guess it is something like 'granddads' phone. A bit of what Nokia and Ericsson also struggled with.
I'm an old guy, so for me Motorola is a positive brand, but could be interesting to hear what youngsters under say 20 think of the brand?
- M
- Moto...no... la
- Hkk
- 08 Jan 2016
Google back then bought Moto @
12.5 billion and sold it to Lenovo for 2.91 billion, look at the amount of money to dumped to kill Moto's legacy.
- L
- t7X
- 08 Jan 2016
Yeah it is really a bad move, lenovo will sell less smartphone because of this just like microsoft did when they decided to not to use nokia on lumia.
- 👍
- D
- AnonD-276592
- vp1
- 08 Jan 2016
Who would buy these cheap devices?
- D
- AnonD-299209
- LEe
- 08 Jan 2016
Bad Move! It is true... Motorola is strong in LATAM
- p
- paco2x
- L8R
- 08 Jan 2016
That would be a very bad move indeed... specially in the Americas where the Motorola brand still strong and replacing it for just Lenovo don't make sense. I could understand the name change in Asia, but i would keep the Motorola brand for the rest of the world.
- 👍2
- D
- AnonD-172399
- Ibx
- 08 Jan 2016
I don't really like that move...
- S
- Sean
- rRS
- 08 Jan 2016
Um wow...I didn't see that coming.