US Sony Xperia Z5 and Z5 Compact are not getting fingerprint readers

15 January, 2016
The Xperia Z3 and Z3 Compact suddenly look more appealing. 

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  • C
  • Chen
  • 9LB
  • 15 Jan 2016

Lex79, 15 Jan 2016Ok, and please don't think I'm having a go, but I don't see... moreLooking back at my previous comments, I see where you're coming from. I apologize.
The only viable upgrade (in terms of specs, etc) would be the either the Z5 Premium (again, int'l vsn) or simply hold out for the Z6, which, I'm very sure (looking at Sony's upgrade cycle) , is already being mass produced for an introduction around May-June.
The Z3 was indeed the latest iteration in the US;
However my Z3+ is the int'l vsn.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Ibx
    • 15 Jan 2016

    AnonD-415420, 15 Jan 2016what security feature does fingerprint sensor provide, rath... moreHaha so true!!!

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Ibx
      • 15 Jan 2016

      Lex79, 15 Jan 2016Ok, and please don't think I'm having a go, but I don't see... moreMore than upgrade, it's a Sony flagship Beast.

        • K
        • Kris
        • B$}
        • 15 Jan 2016

        Lex79, 15 Jan 2016I actually agree with you for once, how scary is that?? ... moreIknowSony mentioned this, but I don't think it has anything to do with laws or regulations in themselves. The fingerprint reader probably infringes on a current US patent, so Sony can't make, use, or sell the technology in the US without buying the patent, obtaining a license, or risking an infringement lawsuit. I can understand their decision to just take it out, and I would prefer that decision to not getting the Z5 in the US at all. It's obnoxious that it means we miss out on the feature though.

          • L
          • Lex79
          • Lh@
          • 15 Jan 2016

          Chen , 15 Jan 2016I'm mainly stating that Sony users, such as myself, will st... moreOk, and please don't think I'm having a go, but I don't see the difference.
          Sony users in the US who having been as you say starved for a new Xperia for as long as they have, are what I would call blind Sony fans (but I don't want to be derogatory, I'm taking a lot of your words here).

          If somebody were to only get the latest Galaxy S series phone year after year, and if there were there a delay in the latest model still hold out for it, then they could also be considered blind Samsung fans, right?

          I'm not exactly sure what the situation is in the US so correct me if I am wrong, but the latest model they have of the Xperia Z series is the Z3 right? If so I would say that if its Sony or nothing for you, then the Z5 is a decent enough upgrade, less so without the fingerprint scanner, and it's not what I would personally choose (would actually suggest the Z3 is the better device, current price considered), based on what I know of the Z5 I would actually suggest current Z3 users hold out for a Z6.

            • D
            • AnonD-415420
            • J1C
            • 15 Jan 2016

            AnonD-226698, 15 Jan 2016...why???? this makes no sense. Now to be fair I use the f... morewhat security feature does fingerprint sensor provide, rather than giving your fingerprints to google?

              • L
              • Lex79
              • Lh@
              • 15 Jan 2016

              FrankDrebin, 15 Jan 2016In the case of iphone if you have ever owned any iphone or ... moreGuess we are just going to have to agree to disagree on that one, cause honestly, I'm getting really tired of arguing such points on this site.

                • C
                • Chen
                • 9LB
                • 15 Jan 2016

                Lex79, 15 Jan 2016Agree that Apple fans will still buy the iPhone, headphone ... moreI'm mainly stating that Sony users, such as myself, will still jump on the US version of the Z5 regardless of the absence of the fingerprint sensor; mainly because we have been starved of a new Xperia phone. Not because we're blind Sony fans.
                iFans get new iPhones every year, regardless what feature gets added/removed becuase the phones are available everywhere you turn.
                Xperia fans dont have that luxury. We have to import from other countries to have the latest and greatest Xperia phone.
                Again, alot of VZW customers were Really pissed that they cancelled the Z4v just days after it was announced... And ATT& TMo dont even bother with Sony phones.

                  Another reason to see wait and see what the Xperia Z6 Compact will have in store. Not much has been improved over the Z3 Compact so far.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-391800
                    • Bmu
                    • 15 Jan 2016

                    dasman, 15 Jan 2016US Doesn't, but the Canadian Version has! Yeaaaaaaaahhhhh b... moreGoes to say something really is rotten in the state of US, as Shakespeare said it...

                      • D
                      • AnonD-8044
                      • nFw
                      • 15 Jan 2016

                      Fed up with different phones features for different parts of world. Subject to different frequency bands and some having TV aerials everyone on planet earth should get same phone it's racist.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Tcf
                        • 15 Jan 2016

                        AnonD-128245, 15 Jan 2016Get the international versionIf the reason really is that the sensors violate US import law, then the international version of the phone won't be available here.

                          • f
                          • felix
                          • mI6
                          • 15 Jan 2016

                          obiously a marketing stratergy for selling more z6 next year.

                            • B
                            • Bert
                            • qKh
                            • 15 Jan 2016

                            So the Z5 finally makes it to America, albeit full-price and only through a few retailers (and without a fingerprint sensor). ENGADGET points out that this underscores Sony's difficulties in getting its phones on US carriers, an issue that Gizmodo has also pointed out repeatedly. So strange that a huge company like Sony has had so many troubles getting its phones accepted by carriers, when similarly-priced phones from less well-known brands like Casio, Kyocera, Huawei, Sharp and ZTE have gotten their phones on US carriers. You would think that carriers like AT&T would exploit Sony's ready market in Playstation gamers: Look! you can stream your PS4 games to this phone! Or just point out that you can drop this phone in a puddle or in the bathtub and not have to worry. But no. Instead they're all, No thanks.

                              Lex79, 15 Jan 2016Nice, so essentially if you don't have an Xperia, keep you ... moreIn the case of iphone if you have ever owned any iphone or the iphone 4 or later, you can talk about iphone, its been the same phone for the past 5 years, just getting more expensive for no reason ;)

                                • D
                                • AnonD-488954
                                • 4uG
                                • 15 Jan 2016

                                It's hard for you to find the brand new Z3 right now.

                                  AnonD-128245, 15 Jan 2016Get the international versionI think the international versin doesnt support LTE? correct me if Im wrong please

                                    • d
                                    • dasman
                                    • jdg
                                    • 15 Jan 2016

                                    US Doesn't, but the Canadian Version has! Yeaaaaaaaahhhhh boiiiiiiiiiii

                                      • L
                                      • Lex79
                                      • Lh@
                                      • 15 Jan 2016

                                      Chen, 15 Jan 2016I have the Z3+ Dual. It's one of the smoothest Android pho... moreAgree that Apple fans will still buy the iPhone, headphone jack or not, am pretty sure any US based Sony fans are still likely to buy the Z5 even without the fingerprint scanner.

                                      Still not sure it's practical to suggest non users of a particular product refrain from commenting on that product, you could never hope to prove whether or not they own the device in question anyway.

                                        • M
                                        • MAGIC
                                        • XMI
                                        • 15 Jan 2016

                                        I give them an idea of Sony , to put in place fingerprint and remove the battery fingerprint .. :)
                                        Success world...intergalaxy..:)