Samsung Wave sales reach 1M, Galaxy S keeps the pace

13 July, 2010
Today Samsung announced an important milestone for the first handset to run their very own Bada OS. The SuperAMOLED-packing Samsung S8500 Wave sales have exceeded 1 million units worldwide...

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  • b
  • bricked
  • mXQ
  • 13 Jul 2010

Shinigami, 13 Jul 2010Wow I thought it was "compare them side by side and yo... moreI have seen both screens with my own eyes you muppet.

And Apple haters are the lamest of the lame. What would you rather have, a colourful effect, or higher resolution.

Nice to see the ihaters changing the goalposts when it suits them, LOL

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Mtr
    • 13 Jul 2010

    Well done Samsung! This week the Wave arrived in Croatia (any Croatian readers - the price is 3200 kn) and I assume it's still not available in some other countries where people are expecting it. So, the numbers should get even better.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • v}q
      • 13 Jul 2010

      Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... moreyeah o i forget the scren on iphone 4 is made by samsung the cpu and other thing all came from samsung , i own i iphone 3gs and my brother a wave but sorry to tell you that i am jalous of it more cheaper more powerfull simple ..its just better if samsung come up with new update for wave and thats sure wave will definetly beat iphone4 ,5g or what

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 0U@
        • 13 Jul 2010

        samsung is simply the best .. nr 1

          • S
          • Shinigami
          • 3V4
          • 13 Jul 2010

          bricked, 13 Jul 2010What. Did you just make all of that up? It makes no sense. ... moreWow I thought it was "compare them side by side and you will see there isn't much of a difference", but instead its "read the text, it always states the truth".
          If you believe everything people write, read THIS: current president of US of A is Andrew Jankins!
          Well, now you know. Not everything written is truth by default.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • qFW
            • 13 Jul 2010

            Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... morei have the iphone 4 and my brother the wave and i can tel you the screen of the wave is way more beauty full!!!

              • b
              • bricked
              • mXQ
              • 13 Jul 2010

              Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010I do not agree with you.Wvga is a very good resolution for ... moreWhat. Did you just make all of that up? It makes no sense.

              The iphone 4 screen is the best out there at the moment, no question, and Apple are leading the way in that respect. Try reading text on both and you will notice.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 3AG
                • 13 Jul 2010

                Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... moreI do not agree with you.Wvga is a very good resolution for a 3.3 or even 4 inches know,Yes iphone has more pixles.but only cameras with high zoom can figure it out.what about your eyes?No they can't.But your eyes CAN feel those can say that lcd is brighter than that one but you can not decide wich one has more resolution(ofcource you can distinct a qvga display with a HD TV.I mean in the same range).
                Let's look at it in another view:
                Iphone's Retina is about(again about)3-5% better than superamoled in resolution only.BUT it uses 30%more can not understand that 5% difference.but ofcource you can understand that 30% energy going to nowhere.

                Also remember this:Retina is 4x better than previous IPHONEs.Not every phone with every resolution.

                Hope you enjoyed!

                  • m
                  • mihai
                  • M{W
                  • 13 Jul 2010

                  Don`t make my mistake and don`t ever buy a Samsung. They will tottaly dropp suport for your phone when another model will come. I have Galaxy i7500 and thounsand of user e-mail samsung because they stuck in Android 1.5
                  Samsung answer is"Galaxy never upgrade to Android 2.X

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • qpv
                    • 13 Jul 2010

                    I'll have to say that, the Bada OS, is definatly impressive. I seem to be the only BB user here. But I must say that I've had Samsung phones in the past and even back when the iPhone first came out my D900 was still superior in a lot of key ways. It was a smartphone, but I had better picture and sound quality, hotswapable SD cards, and even though it was a small screen it looked better. That and everyphone I've had since 2002 could sent a picture message. I was confused when the all mighty iPhone couldn't do that. I love the Super AMOLED screens, a buddy of mine works for t-mobile so he was showing of the new Vibrant (I9000 GalaxyS for the most part) and it looked amazing. I've seen the new iPhone4 in person, played with it and just wasn't to impressed. My Samsung Innov8 had videocalling and still has a camera that'll put most phones to shame and back again. I think with this new Galaxy line up thing that Samsung seems to be doing, we're going to see some pretty amazing phone. I'm still holding out for the Nokia N9 though. I'm impressed to see that the Samsung Wave is doing so well, even though we don't have it in the states (thanks to the i-Idiots, and they blind followings) it makes it difficult for anyone else to bring something new here, unless it has a apple logo on it.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • wce
                      • 13 Jul 2010

                      Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010Good job comparing sales of 1st-generation Bada phone to th... morethey did mention 'but remember that the first iPhone needed more than two months (74 days to be specific) to reach the 1 million milestone'

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 0wJ
                        • 13 Jul 2010

                        Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... moreBwahahaha,
                        if you can't see the pixels with normal usage, it's fine. Which means unless you want to hold the phone nearly to your eyes and look like a retard, you won't see any difference in pixels between the iPhone4 and Samsung Wave/Galaxy S.
                        Color quality however, is ALWAYS very obvious to see.
                        Not everything Steve Jobs says is true, you know, he has a product to sell and market, of course he will lie to you if that helps.

                          • x
                          • xfactor
                          • vxp
                          • 13 Jul 2010

                          I have the samsung wave. I believe it will have more sales in the next few days. nice phone,stable os, great audio, scratch resistant screen,
                          I just hope they will release satin metallic casing, in copper or silver.
                          Congratulations Samsung! This is my second phone from you.

                            • I
                            • Icrap
                            • TK4
                            • 13 Jul 2010

                            Steve Jobs, 13 Jul 20101.7 million in 3 days ring any bells ? 1.7m ring any bell?
                            Yup.. 1.7m Iphone 4 buyers got duped

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 2ZZ
                              • 13 Jul 2010

                              Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... moreSamsung Reception beats iPhone 4 reception
                              everyday of the week! It is not about how you hold the phone!
                              It is about how good it is when testing it, before selling it to the public...

                              Just teasing you but this was about how many phones was sold! Not
                              Samsung vs iPhone and what screen is better or what phone is the best.
                              Everybody has their own liking and needs.

                              Think that it is not anything to bring up all the time.

                              Just so you know have both phones and they are great but in different ways..

                                • r
                                • ritzz
                                • Nva
                                • 13 Jul 2010

                                Samsung wave is the real ROI winner! Nice milestone!

                                Samsung keep it real and going like this!

                                Kick ass marketing!

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • ibg
                                  • 13 Jul 2010

                                  keep it up, samsung! i love my samsung wave, it juz amaze me everyday. :)

                                    • C
                                    • Claudio
                                    • nGR
                                    • 13 Jul 2010

                                    Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... moreNot even half true ...have you seen what a superAmoled and iPhone screen can do ? you will find you are far away from the truth ,even the amoled beats the iphone crappy over brightness screen.
                                    compared the life battery ...

                                      • i
                                      • icrap
                                      • 3J9
                                      • 13 Jul 2010

                                      people that go on about iphone sold this much that much. bare in mind the iphone has not beaten the motorola razr. over 110 million units sold worldwide where as iphone all of them have sold only 50 million units worldwide since 2007 up until april 2010

                                      motorola milestone sold 1.5 million on launch more than iphone 3gs which cem out the same year. on the 74th day motorola milestone sold 1.5million icrap sold 1million. are iphone fans blind, steve jobs said on the 2nd iphone *nw you can send mms, woaw* every 1 goes crazy mms is old, so is everything else on the iphone. the touch focus was 1st used by sony ericsson g900, capacitive screen like iphones was 1st used by lg prada. and even after 4 years you still cant send by bluetooth unless you hack the device.

                                        • c
                                        • cthonctic
                                        • 0yG
                                        • 13 Jul 2010

                                        Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... moreWrong, a better picture does mean a better picture. The pixel resolution can't be differentiated by the human eye under normal device usage anyway, but more brightness and properly saturated colors definitely make for a better display.

                                        Now back to Stevetown with you, iDontcare...