Samsung Wave sales reach 1M, Galaxy S keeps the pace

13 July, 2010
Today Samsung announced an important milestone for the first handset to run their very own Bada OS. The SuperAMOLED-packing Samsung S8500 Wave sales have exceeded 1 million units worldwide...

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  • a
  • anonymous
  • 3J9
  • 13 Jul 2010

Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... morei have an iphone 4 my friend has a samsung wave super amoled screen, both screen look just the same. when looking at two same pictures, and bare in mind samsung super amoled achieved this with less pixels, less battery consumption, but i gotta say the colours do look better on samsung super amoled. iphone 4 is great, but id prefer amoled screen anyday lol

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 2Is
    • 13 Jul 2010

    Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... moreYeah another way to waste your Battery too...

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • na%
      • 13 Jul 2010

      Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... moreThe difference in pixels between the iPhone4 and Super AMOLED is nearly negligible at a distance of 60cm. And if you don't have a Super AMOLED screen, you really don't know what you are missing in terms of color.

        • a
        • adj0810
        • MVg
        • 13 Jul 2010

        Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... moreThe SuperAMOLED is better that retina. In every test they get about the same score on overall screen quality and sunlight legitamacy. But the SuperAMOLED uses 30% less battery than retina. So how is retina better.

        P.S. The human eye can't tell the difference between the pixel density until it is about 15 inches away from you.

          • h
          • hassan
          • 2x5
          • 13 Jul 2010

          Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... morelol get a real job dude and stop worshiping steve jobs.
          apple has messed up big time with the iphone 4 "hold it the right way" BAH!! hahaha

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • YT8
            • 13 Jul 2010

            Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010If samsung wave had resolution like iphone and if screen si... moreLol Iphone and last longer?? If you Drop it once mistakely it will crack, but Wave, N8 and Galaxy S wont crack.

              • n
              • nutiblogi
              • mE7
              • 13 Jul 2010

              Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010If samsung wave had resolution like iphone and if screen si... moreyou wait 8 years to buy new smartphone?

              wave and galaxy s are both in 2010 top 10

                • S
                • Steve Jobs
                • fu$
                • 13 Jul 2010

                1.7 million in 3 days ring any bells ?

                  • b
                  • baba pwns
                  • PAd
                  • 13 Jul 2010

                  Yup! pixel is evrything. Makes it very stunning to see how brilliant your iphone signal bars drop from 5 to flat. Amazing pixels! Truly innovative.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • prk
                    • 13 Jul 2010

                    Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... moreIf samsung wave had resolution like iphone and if screen size is the same then and ONLY then you can compare them. For now only stays a fact that samsung has greater colors and better visibility in the sun. And if iphone is brand new you have visible yellow dots on your screen, on wave you don't. Only thing in favor for iphone is that it will last longer becouse AMOLED is organic and it will start do degrade after 5-7 years...

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • BwV
                      • 13 Jul 2010

                      Just got the galaxy s, what can i say! Wow! Had a play with the ip4 first and it just seems so limited compared. Think I made a good choice, I can play around with all types of settings and stuff,its brilliant.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • q9d
                        • 13 Jul 2010

                        Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... moreanother O-hole lol!
                        put that iphone correct way in your O to get good reception!

                          • J
                          • James
                          • ixY
                          • 13 Jul 2010

                          Why does everyone love Iphones, they are overated and overpriced.

                            • n
                            • nana
                            • TGU
                            • 13 Jul 2010

                            I bought wave s8500 3 days ago and I'm still impressed love it so much, better screen beter camera and fast too also cheaper than any other phone that has almost the same feauture? nanan XD

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • ncE
                              • 13 Jul 2010

                              Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... moreyeah, pixel does... excepct when the iphone had less pixels and all the major players had the double of the resolution, by that time pixel didn't matter for nothing, right?

                              Go grad your phone in a different way...

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Tr3
                                • 13 Jul 2010

                                Is no one getting bored of the "my phone is better than yours" war yet? Isn't everyone happy that competition is tight these days? Better phones all round, more choice as well. Great for everyone no?

                                  • s
                                  • sitcoms
                                  • vaN
                                  • 13 Jul 2010

                                  Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... moreLOL its like putting a 1920x1080 on a 15 inch monitor, pretty useless indeed

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • HCy
                                    • 13 Jul 2010

                                    iphone has a great UI but if u want to compare wave or other coming bada phones u should do that 1 or 2 years later, when the owners base grows and all the major app developers take the bada OS into regard then u will be having a device which costs half the price of iphone 4, no constrictions on phone's functionality and a great UI that even if not at the top is just a few steps behind,, just remember where the android was 2 years ago and where it is now!

                                      • W
                                      • WAVE RIDER
                                      • Ld0
                                      • 13 Jul 2010

                                      Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... moreReally???? ,,,, good for you i hope you found a solution for your more pixels I(signal is always zero)Phone . ;)

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • UGj
                                        • 13 Jul 2010

                                        Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010iphone screen beats SuperAMOLED every time. Pretty colours ... morePixel is not everything of a screen. Grow up instead of eating Steve Stool