Apple gets all defensive, free iPhone 4 cases for everyone

16 July, 2010
Apple just finished off its press conference dedicated on the iPhone 4 reception issues leaving us quite puzzled, to say the least. At one point Steve Jobs was saying that every phone has a weak spot, then he...

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  • i
  • iphone4fan
  • PUr
  • 17 Jul 2010

return rates

"Well below the smartphone average return rate" Steve Jobs
Iphone 3gs 6% returns
Iphone4 1.7% returns

face the faces.
Watch the conference ok, stop assuming its bad.
It's the opposite , proving the best figures

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Ui}
    • 17 Jul 2010

    they needed money badly to make iPhone5. That why they are selling prototype iphone4 because they knew people will buy it even if it is not 100%, even when you are told to hold the phone the right way. All they have to do is to advertised as the best smart phone on earth.
    thank you

      • i
      • iphone4fan
      • PUr
      • 17 Jul 2010

      [deleted post]Watch the press conference ok

      Apple state the facts,it's nothing more than media over hyping, like
      Mel Gisbon's relationships talk to his ex.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • PBR
        • 17 Jul 2010

        Multi Level Marketing Presentation

          • i
          • iphone4fan
          • PUr
          • 17 Jul 2010

          John, 17 Jul 2010I guess IPhone 4 owners do not have girl frineds, so they t... moreThe response to the antenna issue is nothing short of hysterical.
          Just think it's all a lie over nothing.

          Just holding it properly & i've had no issues in signal


            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 3WC
            • 17 Jul 2010

            I owned an iphone 3gs and i love iphone actually,its design,its fast response,good entrertainment device which you can use it as a music player,internet surfing and watching movie on it.but i have to admitted that iphone 4 is a crap with the antenna problem itself.The way Steve response to this by providing a FREE CASE is a dump act and irresponsible.He should have keep the design and do something on the dead spot ( like fixing a insulator) for the upcoming iphone 4 products and replace all the phone which has the problem with no charge.i think this the only way and response to LOVE THE IPHONE USERS !!!!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Iax
              • 17 Jul 2010

              Anonymous, 17 Jul 2010Okay you find some htc's that have the problem so i suppose... more* attenuation

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Iax
                • 17 Jul 2010

                Anonymous, 17 Jul 2010What was that about HTC? moreOkay you find some htc's that have the problem so i suppose that makes up for a generic flaw in the ipho
                ne4. You do realise those phones need a death grip where as the iphone has a g spot that only needs a finger to spasm and drop dead! There is a difference. How many htc's have that problem compared to iphone4. All phones are affected by attention but not because of one finger.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • P%n
                  • 17 Jul 2010

                  John, 17 Jul 2010"Apple wants its users happy and since everyone cries ... moreWhat was that about HTC?


                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • IWN
                    • 17 Jul 2010

                    can i get full refund if i am not happy with the antenna? Without being asked a single question by apple?

                    I just want to use iphone 4 for 30 days only

                      • J
                      • John
                      • vGk
                      • 17 Jul 2010

                      I guess IPhone 4 owners do not have girl frineds, so they treat their IPhone 4 as their girl friends, and that's why eventhough the IPhone 4 has a major flaw, they do not like people commenting about it and instead they would try to portray it as the best PHONE in the World.

                      These people only carry the IPhone 4, for showing off that they are loyal to Apple, and they just use the IPhone 4 listing to music, come on people it has a retina display, which has he best clarity that the human eye can accept. Lol..

                      Anyways, people pls grow up, get real.

                      Nokia N8 Rocks.


                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • P%n
                        • 17 Jul 2010

                        John, 17 Jul 2010"Apple wants its users happy and since everyone cries ... moreWhat was that about Nokia?


                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • P%n
                          • 17 Jul 2010

                          John, 17 Jul 2010"Apple wants its users happy and since everyone cries ... moreWhat was that about Samsung?


                            • z
                            • z
                            • qKB
                            • 17 Jul 2010

                            who buy iphone 4? people with simple mind and without technology knowledge. there is a word for those people but i cant remember.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 3sE
                              • 17 Jul 2010

                              iphone4fan, 17 Jul 2010Mos all jealous because samsung and nokia and HTC Don't giv... moreLol their even better they replace ur phone if it has a design flaw.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 3aR
                                • 17 Jul 2010

                                iphone4fan, 17 Jul 2010Mos all jealous because samsung and nokia and HTC Don't giv... moreat least nokia htc, se etc etc dont sell faulty phones even if they did they will sort it out straight away. how much is a case cost (minimum 50p, maximum £10 to £15) spend £500 for a phone with unfixable reception issue and get a free case wow, what a deal. I am glad i didnt buy it, instead i updated my htc hero to 2,1 and now it rocks....

                                  • M
                                  • Miguel Pereira
                                  • 3pq
                                  • 17 Jul 2010

                                  Jorge Pereira, 17 Jul 2010"The .55% reception complaints are from iphone4 users.... moreHi! Another Portuguese user here. I got mine without contract through my contact in France and this crappy phone with SIM cards from the 3 principal operators (Optimus, Vodafone and Tmn) dropped calls. It´s the first product that i bought from apple and i swear to you that ill never get another one apple product during my lifetime.

                                  I don´t like Steve Jobs and apple, but they have some nice design products. They are very expensive but i decide to give it a try and see what happened. Sorry mate but apple is for shallow and narcissist people who don´t know what do with their money. I´ll try to convince some rich, retard spoiled brat 12-18 year boy to buy me this peace of sh@@.

                                  Now i understand why some many people around the world seems to hate steve jobs and apple. They are just a FRAUD! MANIPULATORS! The isheeps in this site remind of the twilight fans. They don´t care about quality, only care on their or IMAGE! This people are real zombies! I´ll try Xperia X10 and the Android World! Never had problems with Sony Ericsson mobile phones. That´s my call!

                                  It will be a step in the dark because most of time i used windows mobile OS. Windows 7 is not in the market yet so Android will be my bet. I hope am lucky this time. Let´s see. Best regards.

                                    • J
                                    • John
                                    • vGk
                                    • 17 Jul 2010

                                    "Apple wants its users happy and since everyone cries for free cases, they will give away free cases. But not because they've messed up, but only because "they loves their users".

                                    So tomorrow of people cry for FREE Apple IPhone4, Apple will then do charity and give FREE IPhone4 to people, b'coz Apple wants it's users to happy & very happy indeed.

                                    What a JOKE.

                                    Where are the freaking IFans, who would do anything to support Apple & Steve.

                                    Apple does not have the right to say that every phone has a weak spot, no one has had reception/ antenna issues on a Nokia/ SE/ Samsung/ HTC/ or the cheap Chinese phones. But IPhone is so amazing that you would have dropped calls.

                                    Dump the IPhone 4 and go in for the sophisticated Nokia N8.


                                      • A
                                      • Ando
                                      • PV4
                                      • 17 Jul 2010

                                      Jobs New Liver, 16 Jul 2010Remember that Steve Jobs is nothing more than a salesman, h... moreHe not be the engineer, but for a CEO to advertise such thing in a heart touching manner... thats even worst than the engineers who designed it. I wonder if they actually did a proper UAT Testing on this, and if the bumper really is designed soley for the purpose of this signal issue, which should have been known right before because they did announce this "genuine" bumper right before the launch, and thats the first time ever for Apple to create a genuine rubber protector which in this case doesnt protect anything other than the antenna fix

                                        • A
                                        • Ando
                                        • PV4
                                        • 17 Jul 2010

                                        Anonymous, 17 Jul 2010I think am merely looking at the facts. I have not seen eno... moreYou should try drop off your desire's wifi signal. cause im sure its not hard to do in iphone 4. and the fact that you doesnt have signal at home is the fact that you have a crappy provider. dont blame the device on that because if you tried it with an iphone 4 im sure 200% that it would be less effective than your desire interms of phone signal or wifi signal or bluetooth signal or whatever signal thats placed in the antenna band around the phone itself