Video shows the OnePlus 3 struggling to take advantage of its 6GB of RAM

16 June, 2016
We all know that bigger numbers look great on promotional materials and there is generally nothing wrong with getting more RAM, storage and other resources for your cash. However, if you are old enough, you likely remember the so called "bit wars" that raged on for a while on the console scene - definitely a perfect illustration of what can happen when tech advancements get featured in marketing first and functionally perfected later, if at all.

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  • r
  • ramesh
  • Hkt
  • 17 Jun 2016

Very costly mobile

    • I
    • Infected
    • 0V5
    • 17 Jun 2016

    Imagine owning a nexus 9. Can't even store the homescreen in memory. Barely even lockscreen.

      • D
      • Darthcapn
      • KAX
      • 17 Jun 2016

      I am surprised how you mentioned that oneplus devices never had issues ith memory management. Op2 is slower than galaxy s4. Op sucks.. I regret buying op2!

        • D
        • AnonD-549846
        • PE2
        • 17 Jun 2016

        this test is irrelevant...OP3 has just launched and I am sure after 1 or 2 updates, these problems will be ironed out...same was the case with S7...and the price difference is too OP3 for me is a clear winner....

          • D
          • AnonD-549846
          • PE2
          • 17 Jun 2016

          yee, 16 Jun 2016maybe phones works slower in India(no disrespect) lol peaceyeah thats right...Slow phones and fast minds unlike the other countries may be the one you are from....

          Peace continues..... :P

            • D
            • AnonD-20358
            • YQ{
            • 17 Jun 2016

            AnonD-119024, 17 Jun 20161+ is about tinkering with our phone. Its all about commun... moreHmm,
            Then they should probably start selling their phones without any OS....
            That will at least prevent everyday users from being fooled...
            Problem withe the brands like Xiaomi, Micromax, OnePlus etc is that due to their shoestrings budget - they simply dont have enough dough to put for R&D....

              Alacie, 17 Jun 2016Not bashing here kay, so dun go ranting... The thing wit... moreAndroid OS has support for DUAL CHANNEL RAMs since 2012 (notable device is LG G2) but it's up to the OEM's firmware on how they utilize and optimize it.

              GEEK NOTES:
              I mentioned firmware first because these are the program instructions that handles input/output at hardware/chipset level. These are semi-permanent and is not updated regularly (or most of the time).
              As per industry standards, this part of the device should get optimized and stabilized first before the Operating Software.

                AnonD-119024, 17 Jun 20161+ is about tinkering with our phone. Its all about commun... moreAgree with completely. Thats the point of buying an 1+ device. It was never for ordinary people. It is like unofficial Nexus for xda members. I don't understand why people compare it to other device literally. Comparison should be relative.

                  So much for 'flagship killer'. S7 ftw

                    • A
                    • Alacie
                    • X}Q
                    • 17 Jun 2016

                    Not bashing here kay, so dun go ranting...

                    The thing with OnePlus is that it provides great hardware and all, certainly with great software... BUT, that's what they show to the general consumer. I'm not saying that it is a bad phone, but take for instance the ram thing. It supports dual channel 6gb ram which is supposedly better than other OEMs, but thing is I don't think android supports dual channel rams natively (correct me if I'm wrong though). They are simply throwing at u specs.

                    Now for the software, they make Oxygen OS with very good multitasking capabilities, such as the use of capacitive buttons for switching into predesignated apps or functions. Pretty cool, just that it doesn't work all the time. They have supposedly 'great' software too, but it is not optimised. When OP1 first came out it was super buggy, which is defo not befitting of a flagship killer. I think OnePlus is making a lot of bold statements and 'breakthroughs' but then they do not put them together nicely as one single, fluid package.

                      AnonD-527635, 17 Jun 2016Great test but who here opens that many apps or 10+ games a... moreAll Android users do...
                      It's a common knowledge that the stock Android OS does NOT "kill" or automatically close apps if users open another app (Tap "Home" when an app is open then open another app). In addition, Auto-syncs run apps and background tasks.
                      It's up to OEM's UI and task management firmware on how they deal with this.
                      Sadly, as per current optimization trends, most of them don't do that much.

                        Christian, 16 Jun 2016I will stray away a bit from the subject,and no... dont wan... moreWell said and all covered....

                          Anonymous, 16 Jun 2016I just heard, that some config in OP 3 limit RAM usage to 2... moreDon't worry... There will be a lot of bugs as always.....

                            AnonD-527635, 17 Jun 2016Great test but who here opens that many apps or 10+ games a... moreSay alhumdulillah for that decision... Great hardware don't make a good phone.. Need better software but this Chinese phones never has a better software. I was using redmi note 3 mtk before. Software s##KS big time... Overheating most of the time.. 4100 mah battery will finish in 6 hours. Software problem causing all that... So.... A better software is important....

                              • S
                              • Sachi
                              • U@W
                              • 17 Jun 2016

                              It's simple...

                              A logic based on number of apps is doomed to fail.

                              Logic must be based on amount of Ram available.

                              If this is not done right during developement phase, we users can't trust the multitasking ability of OP3 no matter what update they will provide.

                              Also what's up with UFS 2 faster, so I don't give you MicroSdcard logic !!! In PC world people always use ssd to hold installed os and programs and TBs of regular HDDs to store other multimedia data..
                              Disable app to sd feature and you won't let a scenario where performance fluctuates...
                              Do you need a scientist to tell this to your dev team ?

                              Also people with 5.5 inch thin ness are giving micro sd, so no bullshitting on "I want thin so no micro sd slot"

                              Anyways OP3 I almost thought of buying the phone based on 6GB ram... I dreamed of how many apps it can hold... But you couldn't get it right.. even a toddler programmer can get it right...


                                • D
                                • AnonD-119024
                                • 3xK
                                • 17 Jun 2016

                                1+ is about tinkering with our phone. Its all about community development. Custom roms. Custom kernels. This is y many of us like me love 1+ phones. My 1+2 was never perfect with oxygen os. Most of we 1+2 users used hydrogen os. Then we've got aosp roms which made fingerprint fast like every other flagships. Then we've waited for marshmallow. Finally 1+ reased marshamallow and kernel source code. And then we got precious and awesome cyanogenmod official and oh my god u guys should believe me. The performance the fingerprint the battery life. Ram management everything is perfect. We dont even need official updates. Hopefully same will happen for 1+3 also. Since source code is released and already got custom recover and custom rom, 1+3 also will be like 1+2. This phone is for flashaholics like me. We like to experiment. We take risk. And after all its fun :) and we have xda. :)

                                  • D
                                  • Dasman
                                  • Yc3
                                  • 17 Jun 2016

                                  I'm still waiting for a phonebuff speed test. C4E had a test where it got 1:16, and this one finishes 20 seconds later. Not really reliable, I guess software isn't optimized

                                    the tech nerd, 16 Jun 2016Well its a gud site but you cant disagree with the favourin... moreThey dont favour Samsung. It's just the way things work, more of users like Samsung and apple so they try attract them. This all doesn't mean they don't care about other devices or are biased towards them.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-527635
                                      • q{4
                                      • 17 Jun 2016

                                      Great test but who here opens that many apps or 10+ games at the same time? I actually was going to buy the OP3 but I ended up with S7 for camera reasons.

                                        Well, I always said what matters most is how a phone delivers, not how high-specced is. Someone said, power without control, means nothing.