Samsung presents Orion - a dual-core ARM Cortex A9 CPU

7 September, 2010
Samsung unveiled the successor of their highly popular Hummingbird processor - Orion. The new platform is based on 1GHz dual-core ARM Cortex A9 CPU, packs a vastly better GPU and allows 1080p video...

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  • d
  • deep space bar
  • kxU
  • 08 Sep 2010

Seabass978, 08 Sep 2010I'm sorry to rain on your parade but the A4 chip is based o... moreyou mean it is

    • S
    • Seabass978
    • Rbq
    • 08 Sep 2010

    Anonymous, 07 Sep 2010iPhone 4 and iPad use Apple's A4 chip, not a Hummingbird.I'm sorry to rain on your parade but the A4 chip is based on samsung humming bird chip set.

      • c
      • chocowii
      • vj1
      • 08 Sep 2010

      What does the feature 'multiple display' mean?

        • S
        • Seabass978
        • Rbq
        • 08 Sep 2010

        I love the way technology is evolving for mobile, faster processor for better application. Sure software does help but at the end it's the hardware that pushes the complicated and bigger application. Mobile might not need bigger processor but that's the it's going.

          • 5
          • 5ushi
          • vxB
          • 08 Sep 2010

          With mobile devices, raw power isn't everything. It's the way the company implements the software to use the hardware efficiently, which is key.

          I ain't no Apple fan, but there is one thing I can give them credit for. Their OS. Its been a few years since the first gen iPhone came out, and yet its one of the better, fluid, smooth-moving OSes out there. This despite having inferior hardware than phones today which spec-wise blow it out of the water (and despite that still, OS-wise, are inferior).

          Apple made a smart choice investing decent amounts into software development (granted, they missed some key points in the early days). Which is why I think big companies should invest more time on software rather than forge ahead with 'innovated' hardware. For all I care, they'll release these on phones soon and will use the first batch of customers as test models to see how the market likes them. You DON'T need a dual core Humminbird or what have you to catch 1080p. Well, you do need some high-specced hardware but this is going too far.

          It's unfortunate that the mainstream public today thinks bigger is better. That's not true; it's what's in the side (the software...) that counts. Well, maybe that an longer life batteries as well...

            • D
            • DrSilverworm
            • 8bB
            • 07 Sep 2010

            Anonymous, 07 Sep 2010I bet the phone itself will be hugeWhy? These new CPUs power is made possible because they are thinner. This allows manufacturers to put more in the same space (like, a second core) and it also saves battery because these thinner CPUs waste less energy on heat.

              • D
              • Dual core cpus
              • 0xY
              • 07 Sep 2010

              Only fools think multicore CPUs are good. It's like trying to make an very good airplane by putting wings on the fastest train you can find. Yea, it's fast, but it uses too much energy, and it is not what technology is about. Imagine Ferrari or Mercedes trying to improve speeds of their cars by putting 2 engines in the vehicle, instead of trying to improve the one engine they have. As I said, only fools think good about dual cores.

                • c
                • clipse
                • 0n3
                • 07 Sep 2010

                And the battery will last a whooping 20 sec. :D

                  • W
                  • WAve
                  • 8yb
                  • 07 Sep 2010

                  Who dou think that builds Iphone´s processor? SAMSUNG!! Duuuh!!

                    • M
                    • Munich
                    • fvC
                    • 07 Sep 2010

                    Anonymous, 07 Sep 2010iPhone 4 and iPad use Apple's A4 chip, not a Hummingbird.they are the same chip
                    just different names

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Mb9
                      • 07 Sep 2010

                      iPhone 4 and iPad use Apple's A4 chip, not a Hummingbird.

                        • i
                        • imi
                        • 0vT
                        • 07 Sep 2010

                        i think that these phone will be laptop replace and quite low battery stamina

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • pqF
                          • 07 Sep 2010

                          I see qualcomm is going to lose a lot of profit. Samsung with their cpu's/tegra 2/intel buying infineon. competition is always good for us though..
                          I'm still waiting for a 10mp (quality is the name of the game) 1080p video capture/720p screen..till then won't be buying anything..more than anything lag is a major killer for me. if it has lag forget it..

                            • M
                            • Munich
                            • fvC
                            • 07 Sep 2010

                            TxB, 07 Sep 2010Yeah but then iphone5 might use a samsung processor again l... morethe original(hummingbird/apple A4) designed by Intrinsity (company based in texas)
                            you can't say samsung made processors for apple .
                            it's like to say that the Taiwanese foundry companies makes chips for intel,broadcom and Nvidia
                            and that's no true
                            samsung plays the manufacturing role only
                            both samsung and apple liscenced this processor architecture from intnsity
                            and apple have just accquired Intrinsity 2 monthes ago

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 3EY
                              • 07 Sep 2010

                              Anonymous, 07 Sep 2010I bet the phone itself will be hugeWhat phone? Just CPU, could be used on 10 different phones from Samsung to Apple. Should replace CPU in high end phones or tablets, so size will of course vary.

                                • T
                                • TxB
                                • 4Hn
                                • 07 Sep 2010

                                [deleted post]Yeah but then iphone5 might use a samsung processor again know they always do. Sad but true. Go Samsung!

                                  • F
                                  • Fatal1ty
                                  • MUI
                                  • 07 Sep 2010

                                  Samsung Galaxy S2 :-)

                                    • d
                                    • deep space bar
                                    • IED
                                    • 07 Sep 2010

                                    nice :D Sseries and Nseries FTW

                                      • e
                                      • e72
                                      • 3RQ
                                      • 07 Sep 2010

                                      you are wrong! it will be tinny!!!

                                        • M
                                        • Maxim
                                        • gCR
                                        • 07 Sep 2010

                                        Instead of buying SGS now, i think i'll wait some time :D