Weekly poll: The S Pen - do you actually need it

31 July, 2016
Galaxy Note's defining feature is the S Pen. Or is it just the upgraded hardware over the Galaxy S?

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  • D
  • AnonD-126854
  • m}e
  • 31 Jul 2016

Many ppl, like me, use S-pen often.
Many use it seldom, but it's there when they need it. (just like the airbags in the cars).
Many don't need it, as they say.
I don't understand this poll. What you wanna prove with that? That the World doesn't need Note???:):) Note is category of its own. It's GREAT and many ppl will never use other smartphone, at least until other OEM makes something like that.
Come on! We know that most of NO voters are iboys. They will be YES voters at the moment Apple copy it. (unfortunately Apple can't copy because Samsung holds the patent of non-battery Wacom pen that can be embedded)

Why don't you make poll, if the World needs iPhone??? And let's see the result!!:)

    • D
    • AnonD-541274
    • th1
    • 31 Jul 2016

    Those who voted no whether they bought any Note series or not can be categorized under certain deducted reasons:

    1. They are attracted more to the Note than the S series (excluding the S Pen) in general. It's actually more of a personal taste over rational sense. It's a mix anyway.

    2. They just want a bigger screen Samsung flagship if given the options to buy/choose.

    3. They needed an upgrade of their old Samsung phone that happened upon the launch of a new Note series. Better buy the more recent phone, they thought.

    4. Specs junkies.

    Those who wants or needs (or both) the S Pen feature will find the pen as essential as the phone's existence.

      • C
      • Command
      • NwI
      • 31 Jul 2016

      Mihaz, 31 Jul 2016I use the S-Pen on a daily basis. That's the main reason I ... moreYou Sir read my mind!

        • M
        • Mihaz
        • QTb
        • 31 Jul 2016

        I use the S-Pen on a daily basis. That's the main reason I got the Note3 in the first place. I never found any reason to upgrade since then. I was waiting for the Note7, but it seems disappointing so far.

        As for curious people, I use it to sign contracts on the go. I used to get the contract by email, print it, sign it, scan it and remail it back. Took many steps and lots of equipment. Now that I can sign stuff directly on the phone, save the copy and mail it back within a few seconds, it completely changed the way I do business. It's also great when I need to make corrections in a document as it's more accurate than my finger to place the cursor somewhere on the screen.

          • D
          • AnonD-531155
          • Xw$
          • 31 Jul 2016

          This is for Note series right, without S Pen it would just be another S7 edge+ or whatever the suffix they would like to use. Note without the S-Pen would be pointless to buy or make in my opinion.

            • D
            • AnonD-378986
            • v0q
            • 31 Jul 2016

            Alien , 31 Jul 2016Everybody I know owning a note never use the pen. They were... moreAs an building admin officer, the S-pen is essential for me. I can easily jot down notes, quickly write and organize documents that i need, without bringing any notebook/laptop/paper with me. here's the bottomline: Some people "want" it. Some people "need" it. But I prefer to choose both :)

              • D
              • AnonD-397942
              • tuf
              • 31 Jul 2016

              Who are architect is needed this s pen because it's help a lot to draw and improved your creativity by using s pen to spend time to make anything great drawing.
              That's my opinion
              If me i think i need it because i like to drawing especially when using technology

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • sG%
                • 31 Jul 2016

                Alien , 31 Jul 2016Everybody I know owning a note never use the pen. They were... moreSo your telling us just because you and your friend doesnt use it, makes it useless? Have you ever thought that maybe just maybe theres someone out there who likes to draw? or use the pen for accurate reading when using editing apps? or even for some games? The S-Pen is what makes the Note series unique, you may not find it usefull atleast you still have the option to use it which you cant do with most phones.

                  • c
                  • chaosnightmare
                  • 8W{
                  • 31 Jul 2016

                  I don't writte on my note since I have a surface pro for that purpose, however I use a lot the S-pen since it works fine as a precision and mouse replacement with the hover feature, specially while browsing

                    • D
                    • AnonD-367917
                    • vuv
                    • 31 Jul 2016

                    AnonD-367917, 31 Jul 2016Skewed results guaranteed... People without the s-pen,... moreLove being wrong! (I am a huge cynic)

                    Results speak for themselves..

                    (I don't vote)

                      • m
                      • mir
                      • t7X
                      • 31 Jul 2016

                      Most of the people voting on this might not own a note anyway.

                        I could be without S Pen on my phone, but when it comes to tablets, I think it's necessary. I hope that samsung releases new high end galaxy note pro tablet.

                          note user only because of s-pen and display.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-371827
                            • tDT
                            • 31 Jul 2016

                            I pick Note just because Spen, not for any reason that's it

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • mA8
                              • 31 Jul 2016

                              As a Note 2 user I use the S Pen regularly. It's a nice feature to have for copying text, scroll, play certain games and more. But I am afraid that the Note series will be converted to the S series by Samsung.

                                Alien , 31 Jul 2016Everybody I know owning a note never use the pen. They were... moreI guess you can call me a pro, and I just love being able to carry something small daily to think about ideas visually.

                                You don't see the S Pen useful? There's the S lineup...

                                  I use it sometimes not always, is a nice feature to have. I usually buy note series for large screen use like playing games watching movies

                                    Well, I don't actually need it, as a must. But I agree with, it's better to have it than not. And it's a collective part of the technological evolution/ improvement! So better with!

                                      Wow. Suggesting that the S Pen isn't needed on the Galaxy Note is the silliest thing. It's a Wacom technology that that's from the artist grade drawing tablets. It detects pressure sensitivity, meaning you can input thin to thick lines on the fly.

                                      This is the reason why I've gotten 4 different Galaxy Note models I've actually used for illustration on the go. I've signed digital documents, written notes, demonstrated my points by drawing, generated ideas, used it to teach drawing while being mirrored to a projector/TV.

                                      Samsung messed up with the Note.5 with the storage silo design flaw, took out removable battery, and took out memory expansion - that I didn't get at all.

                                      Yes, I enjoy using it to draw/paint I fancy while out. This is the future medium that any visual artist should explore. If not for digital art, for your art studies for actual painting ideas.Even Apple finally got it with their "pencil" for their Pro lineup.

                                        • T
                                        • T-Ill
                                        • IVD
                                        • 31 Jul 2016

                                        It is truly useful for tablets, with screen sizes 8inch and above, just not for phones... I use it all the time on my note 10.1 2014 edition, its such a productivity tool, my creativie ideas comes to life quickly, even with my messy drawing capabilities, I love the s-note application so much, samsung really changed the game with this app.