The Apple AppStore now has over 300,000 apps

17 October, 2010
The Apple App Store is still undeniably the leader in application stores. Without much fanfare, sometime yesterday evening it passed the 300,000 apps mark- less than two months after is passed the count of...

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  • d
  • deep space bar
  • NMv
  • 18 Oct 2010

duel, 18 Oct 2010if you meant WP7, it's looking like future phone OS, all th... morei'm actually surprised that microsoft listened to their customers cause i had a zune a few years back and the interface made the iphone and ipod look like crap and even the HD looked amazing and people kept requesting that they make a phone using the zune HD interface and they did cause 6.1 - 6.5 was just fail lol but in due time symbian will look "alot" better as people demand useless eye candy in OSs instead of functionality as long as it works i'm happy and if your not a symbian user you wouldn't understand why nokia does what they do

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • YYm
    • 18 Oct 2010

    [deleted post]Yeah, but the Android version is supported by

      • d
      • duel
      • niD
      • 18 Oct 2010

      Andrew, 18 Oct 2010You shoud read my post carefully. 24 millions of Symbian ph... moreSadly that didn't help my last nokia phone work any better or smoother :( Even if it's leader on phone market my phone was super slow and laggy compared to my new phone which i have now.

      So i don't care if its leader, it doesnt chance my life anyway :)

        • d
        • duel
        • niD
        • 18 Oct 2010

        deep space bar, 18 Oct 2010symbian boring what about pages and pages of stupid tiles ... moreif you meant WP7, it's looking like future phone OS, all the other OS starting to look kind a same.

        Symbian looks like OS from at least three years ago. And yes i think most of us say wp7 looks better than symbian 3, if just compared how it looks. Wp7 fast and fluids transitions brings wp7 to life.

          • A
          • Andrew
          • 0Bj
          • 18 Oct 2010

          Anonymous, 18 Oct 2010"By information from iSuppli, in second quarter, apple... moreYou shoud read my post carefully. 24 millions of Symbian phones. Low cost Nokias don't have Symbian on board. They have Java based firmware named S40. Face the fact - Nokia is leader and always will be :)

            • R
            • Rip
            • G2G
            • 18 Oct 2010

            [deleted post]Lol, man, you sure made me laugh!!! Where on earth did you come up with your list? Man, you are funny!!!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • pqB
              • 18 Oct 2010

              Anonymous, 18 Oct 2010I like the way Angry Birds on the iPhone has no ads. I c... moreThanks to AdFree, android apps have no adds system-wide. I don't think angry birds has ads anyway...

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • mEk
                • 18 Oct 2010

                deep space bar, 18 Oct 2010symbian boring what about pages and pages of stupid tiles ... moreLive tiles?
                Lol, half of nokia users delete the tiles on day one because they are useless. Android got it right with widgets, they are readable and nice to look at.
                Nokia has allready lost the smartphone race in terms of mindshare. When people think of a smartphone they think iPhone, android or even blackberry, they don't think nokia.

                  • d
                  • deep space bar
                  • NMv
                  • 18 Oct 2010

                  [deleted post]symbian boring what about pages and pages of stupid tiles now that's boring on live widgets no nothing you must be blind

                    • C
                    • Claudia (Android use
                    • i5B
                    • 18 Oct 2010

                    Love or hate Apple they have done something right yes i know that that Android is chopping at it heals and in America it seems to have over taken it.

                    But i have to take my hat off to them it has one phone that since creation has done the same thing with little tweeks. where Android seems to puting out phone every day. They are the only phone maker i know that has people quening up around the block to buy it.

                    300,000 apps is alot part of me does want to know how good they really are but some of the games that i have seen are very very good.

                    Android needs to wake up in the games department because that is where Apple is winning also they need to change there market place in short it looks crap and is filled with crap and no games come on android we need quality, even the must commented on WP7 has some cool games.

                    Apple have realised something that if you create an eco system then people wont leave if you become a one stop shop then people wont go anywhere. My personally problem with Apple is not the fact that you cant go anywhere else to geting anything thing is that the phone is just an gloryfied app manchine that makes calls you can have rows and rows of the stuff but is very hard to combine it, its very much open one thing close the other even with its multitasking. I know its a odd thing to say but to me the iphone seems a little souless.

                    Personally i await to see what Android will bring in its updates, as i feel and i will say this is my personally comment that it looks very under polished. we are in the modern age now and the bugs that you get from loading applications is just bad and there are so many bugs in Android that is makes it a pain to use i see the words "Force Closer" at least 3 times a day that is far to many. and if the software from the apps are not buggy then the crap that the phone makers put on top of Android is buggy 2.1 on my Htc Desire was hell on earth i had to reset the phone 2 times a day.

                    Yes you can throw darts at me now when i say i cant wait to ditch Android i dont know if i will be running to Apple but i cant wait to ditch the bugs and the constant updates.

                      • .
                      • .
                      • 3Xy
                      • 18 Oct 2010

                      App Store and iPhone are the best !

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • niD
                        • 18 Oct 2010

                        Anonymous, 18 Oct 2010300,000 apps...great,unfortuanetly that means a chronic amo... moreThats why there's diffent categories and top list for different categories, it's the place where you usually find those good apps what average users thinks it's worth to use, ratings are good to check too! And then there's a SEARCH function too, which i use a lot and it works. Only thing what i missed from appstore is own place for lite version apps/games, if i remember correctly some countries have it?

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • mTW
                          • 18 Oct 2010

                          ReVan, 18 Oct 2010We need to first short list the shitty apps like Fart, Beer... moreWhy bother shortlisting crap apps when you can just concentrate on the good ones. There are various ways to do this. The good ones will naturally rise to the top. The App Store itself has a rating system, and there are Top 25 lists within the App Store for various categories.

                          On top of that, there are plenty of websites which give thorough reviews of Apps.

                            • R
                            • ReVan
                            • 2@t
                            • 18 Oct 2010

                            We need to first short list the shitty apps like Fart, Beer - Hott Wallpapers etc freebies which are filled with Ads all over.

                            Second, we need to short list duplicate apps i.e. an app doing the same functions but made by different developers - including games which have the same gameplay but different characters.

                            Only then we can truly call the AppStore filled with worthwhile 300k+ apps and games.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • sm@
                              • 18 Oct 2010

                              300,000 apps...great,unfortuanetly that means a chronic amount of time gonna be spent looking for origional apps among the piles of clones and garbage. Even more annoying this that most of theses replica clone apps are actually clones of garbage apps. All the same this kinda statistic announcement of 300,000 app quantity is the material which keeps idrones happy and blissfully under steve Jobs control.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • mTW
                                • 18 Oct 2010

                                [deleted post]Agree with this. iOS on top, but with WP7 taking market share from Android and iOS (assuming Microsoft market it well).

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • P%n
                                  • 18 Oct 2010

                                  I like the way Angry Birds on the iPhone has no ads.

                                  I couldn't stand an ad riddled version like the Android "free" one.

                                  It's well worth a dollar or two to not have to put up with advertising in Apps.

                                  That's also why I block Flash.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • x%f
                                    • 18 Oct 2010

                                    [deleted post]Ovi may overtake Appstore soon...they are serious

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • m27
                                      • 18 Oct 2010

                                      "The Apple App Store is still undeniably the leader in application stores."

                                      GSMArena, 17th October 2010

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • mTW
                                        • 18 Oct 2010

                                        Anonymous, 18 Oct 2010It's nothing that bad really, it's just that apple tries to... moreThe prettyfying thing, actually comes from close attention to detail, and a constant striving for improvement.

                                        Apple is not perfect, but you can see a lot of attention to detail in their products. Is it necessary? Maybe not, but this is what makes people love Apple products, knowing that loving attention has been placed on the smallest details.