Samsung Galaxy Note7 loses to year old iPhone 6s in speed test

23 August, 2016
Despite being a year old, the iPhone 6s is known to hold its own against more modern devices in speed tests. This is in no small parts due to Apple's software optimization, the performance of the A9 chip, and incredibly quick NVMe storage. But how does it fare against the brand new Galaxy Note7?

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  • h
  • hard to belive
  • 0dA
  • 23 Aug 2016

looks like the apps on iphone were already open, it can't compete the note on any aspect

    Colin Christian, 23 Aug 2016Samsung Better than !!!!!!!! Sony Xperia Z5 Premium VS ... moreSony xperia is best phones Samsung is use sony sensor for camera...hahaha

      Samsung Better than !!!!!!!!

      Sony Xperia Z5 Premium VS IPhone 6S Plus - Speed & Camera Test!

        • D
        • AnonD-551566
        • PH0
        • 23 Aug 2016

        Savor, 23 Aug 2016Even if Apple decided to license iOS to other manufacturers... morefirst of all just remember that wether samsung has other division, we must focus on the mobile division if anyone wants to compare to another one... i also love samsung just playing fair here and as u said, they don't need to succed at it but keep in mind that every large company has a simple focus "be on the top and excel at anything u do" so even if they don't NEED it, they must focus on being cutting edge and be in everyone's mind :)
        oh and now u got me interested on the youtube video i'll check it later, thx for that ^_^

          • D
          • AnonD-1825
          • p77
          • 23 Aug 2016

          Linas, 23 Aug 2016Against average smartphone that might be the case, but Sams... moreResolution has nothing to do with this, it mostly comes from those A9 superior single cores. You can see from every bencmark app how much bigger iPhone single core speed is against those android companies. And that is where the difference comes. Those extra cores for speed in android devices are mostly useless.

            • S
            • Savor
            • v0q
            • 23 Aug 2016

            Rumors are already swirling for iPhone 8 in 2017..

            - AMOLED display
            - Near edge to edge screen
            - All glass design

            Don't these phones already exist ? So basically the S7 edge and Note7 is a 2016 preview of what the Samsung Galaxy iPhone S8 is going to look like!

            Apple waits for new technology to mature before refining it. The problem with procrastination is eventually they need to play catch up. By the time Apple comes out with VR, Samsung already refined it for several years. None of you can't get too excited with the Note7 or iPhone 7 because we know in 2017, foldable displays and Project Ara are coming out.

            By the time Apple releases their Samsung iPhone 8, a foldable display which will change the tablet/phablet industry will be announced by MWC. Nokia is also planning to return with a proper Android flagship. Google might also make their own phone and making another OS dubbed "Fuschia." Technology moves so fast. You can never settle into complacency.

            Apple is becoming niche again like the 1990's. By the time they release iPhone 8, Samsung revolutionizes the industry again with Project Valley. They have been working on foldable displays for SEVEN years. I saw foldable screens since CES 2011. YOUM was announced in CES 2013. YOUM is basically a bendable display that we now see with the dual edge phones.

            IT'S OVER, Apple. You're a fraud. You are basically a marketing and design company that comes up with a recipe but can't build their own phones. They need Foxconn to help them. LG is more innovative than Apple. The South Koreans are ahead of the game. Samsung and LG are true builders. True chefs in their own kitchen. Real artists while Apple is a hack and tracer.

            Samsung can hog all the best components to themselves because they actually make them. While Apple will now be left with the table scraps. Apple will release an iPad Pro in 2017 while a foldable display can lower the footprint of a tablet at half the size. Apple is like the Britney Spears of the tech industry. Can't really sing and write their own music. That's an artist? Yeah, con artist. Oops, you did it again!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • nEc
              • 23 Aug 2016

              Savor, 23 Aug 2016Even if Apple decided to license iOS to other manufacturers... moreLota good stuff in there, and take into account that rigged tests like this were only given air time to make apple seem relevant. The test here is like a Ferrari and a tractor being raced in a river neither belong in the situation, neither will be used in the situation, but the tractor happens to have bigger wheels, and you suspect, a tractor manufacturer has set up the test for a public relations exercise.
              Have you noticed because apple are so out gunned, they are testing two other Samsung phones against the note, hoping it will stop people buying and stick with what they've got, the slope is getting very slippery indeed for one big Anerican company. I wonder where the media will go to, to get there quidco from when apple falls, what an irony if its the firm they perpetually colluded to rubbish... Sam.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • t}E
                • 23 Aug 2016

                Savor, 23 Aug 2016Even if Apple decided to license iOS to other manufacturers... morenice try bruh, but note 7 is still very slow compared to iPhone 6s.

                  • N
                  • Nuwann
                  • teX
                  • 23 Aug 2016

                  Waiting for Note 7 with Exynos 8890 speed test

                    • D
                    • AnonD-574849
                    • 7XH
                    • 23 Aug 2016

                    Mr. Excitement, 23 Aug 2016Android is way better than Apple's IOS,but for my opinion W... moreYeah that's true Windows Phone are much little faster, cause even you have 1GB mem still can play compare to other.

                      • S
                      • Savor
                      • v0q
                      • 23 Aug 2016

                      Even if Apple decided to license iOS to other manufacturers like Microsoft did to Windows to help with volume sales and prevent cheapening their brand image, I would never go back using iOS as my daily driver. The flagship market is dying and smartphone market in general is saturated enough as is.

                      Apple won't stay on top of profits forever since people will simply stop buying products similar to what happened to physical media and their players. I hope Apple continues to sink. They can have half the U.S market. Asia holds like 60% of the world population. Apple already lost in China and India.

                      Apple haven't innovated the industry since 2008 when the App Store opened. Before that was the first iPhone. Everything since 2007-2008 have been refinements. Evolution. Not revolution. Steve Jobs once said iPhone was five years ahead of everyone. Well that five years was up in 2012. Been playing catchup to Android ever since.

                      People here need to go watch a video on YouTube called "How Big Is Samsung?" You will be shocked how big they truly are. Samsung has its own military division and city. They built the tallest skyscraper in the world. They have a K9 Thunder tank. Almost anything we touch probably has Samsung fingerprints all over it. Will realize Samsung is a true OEM unlike Apple.

                      Samsung doesn't need to succeed in the mobile industry. It is in several other industries it can fall back on. Been #1 of the TV industry since 2006. Been #1 in mobile sales since 2012. While Apple only caters to more limited industries. Don't look at them with myopic vision. Samsung makes more money combined than Apple every year. Samsung are innovators and BUILDERS. While Apple is only great at software from their NeXT days.

                      All smoke and mirrors and those mirrors are now broken and Apple got smoked by Samsung and Google Android.

                        Comparing Note7 with very high screen resolution to a tiny screen resolution iPhone? wtf! No wonder why iPad pro has 4GB RAM?

                          • L
                          • Linas
                          • QPU
                          • 23 Aug 2016

                          AnonD-322352, 23 Aug 2016Nah. The A9 is only on par with other 2016 flagship SoCs. T... moreAgainst average smartphone that might be the case, but Samsung uses UFS which should not be a bottleneck for chipset. I still believe that 3,7 times bigger screen resolution + not as good optimised apps are the case.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-546033
                            • GPd
                            • 23 Aug 2016

                            Colin Christian, 23 Aug 2016Hahaha samsung is mad company😣Happy now?

                              • D
                              • AnonD-205659
                              • LKp
                              • 23 Aug 2016

                              AnonD-322352, 23 Aug 2016Nah. The A9 is only on par with other 2016 flagship SoCs. T... moreI think this is the reason, too. On any computer device, the storage will dictate how fast operations can start, run and conclude.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-1825
                                • p77
                                • 23 Aug 2016

                                viveksubhash, 23 Aug 2016actually its the other way around... try running iphone at ... more"check out fps in games for example...see the difference in hd, full hd Qhd and 4k..."

                                Thats a different thing, we are now talking about loading times not fps. Of course resolution makes difference in fps. But thats then more like GPU thing not related to this test.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-205659
                                  • LKp
                                  • 23 Aug 2016

                                  sr777, 23 Aug 2016Will it make much difference in real life? I'm guessing that's why the test was done using real use instead of benchmarking....This is real...

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-546033
                                    • GPd
                                    • 23 Aug 2016

                                    Only place, where ios better than android

                                      • S
                                      • Synergy
                                      • vIg
                                      • 23 Aug 2016

                                      Nexus FTW!!! ;)

                                        • s
                                        • sr777
                                        • X}t
                                        • 23 Aug 2016

                                        Will it make much difference in real life?