Nokia files new patent infringement lawsuits against Apple in the US and Europe

21 December 2016
The infringement claims cover 32 patents and have been filed in three regional courts in Germany and one District Court in the US.

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  • M
  • Monty
  • 7XN
  • 22 Dec 2016

Dear apple fanboys If it weren't for companies like Nokia and Motorola, your iPhone would still be an iPod. You want to talk about innovation, how about coming up with the concept of a cellular phone, when nothing like it had existed before, and actually bringing it to fruition. They didn't just refined someone else's idea, they created it from scratch. That's true innovation

    Apple getting a taste of their own medicine..

      • D
      • AnonD-248589
      • Ibx
      • 22 Dec 2016

      They can't sell their phones so they resort to patent trolling.

        • D
        • AnonD-453339
        • tZ4
        • 22 Dec 2016

        We can't say Nokia is king of smartphone until we see what it will give to us . I'm sure it will take another few years to stand same level with apple . For now apple still in my heart but still wait if Nokia can replace it

          • T
          • Ted
          • LaT
          • 22 Dec 2016

          Yea God's,it's scarey the level of ignorance shown by many of the commenters on here.
          They appear to have no idea how patents are meant to work or the idea that some makers are happy to pay to licence other people's patented ideas.
          Nokia will very probably never regain the position they held in the phone market,but then they never have been at anytime,"number 1" in smartphones,they mostly made "feature" phones,then were taken over by MS,who then purposely destroyed the mobile part of Nokia,for what ever weird reason.
          Samsung,HTC,etc have paid to use Nokia's patented knowledge

            • J
            • John
            • t7X
            • 22 Dec 2016

            Lol samsung pay for the patent that they ask apple for payments for their patent and they never reach an agreement so that's why nokia suing apple.

     of thrones...i mean game of patents

                Even Nokia had patent infringement issues with Apple...
                Does that mean Apple do have something fishy?~

                  • D
                  • AnonD-538748
                  • KA9
                  • 22 Dec 2016

                  Anonymous, 22 Dec 2016If Nokia is the true king of mobile, they do not need to re... moreDude what do u mean by saying old patents..!! Nokia has the highest number of patents and it is their property so if anyone steals them then Nokia has to take action. Apple, Samsung all use Nokia's patents...

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • UD{
                    • 22 Dec 2016

                    Anonymous, 22 Dec 2016Their rights.. Yeah rights. WHY target apple ONLY? If no... morewell if you have researched enough before you go keyboard warrior, you would know that Nokia is working with Google (Android), of course they will target Apple, Apple has been their target even before Apple rose up to the top before getting knocked off by Samsung, you should know more about Nokia and Apple's beef with each other to understand why, you can't just target Samsung right away since their patents are different, they might have copied Apple but that ain't Nokia's problem, that is Apple's which they been dealing with every now and then

                      • D
                      • AnonD-536990
                      • TIE
                      • 22 Dec 2016

                      reading these news looks like Nokia and Sony are returning to take the power of Apple and Samsung, That's great, competition is always good for us because it brings new technologies and more competitive prices

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • uct
                        • 22 Dec 2016

                        YowYow, 22 Dec 2016you are seriously confused with what you are saying, who sa... moreTheir rights.. Yeah rights. WHY target apple ONLY?

                        If not for money, why apple? Why not try their luck in Korea vs Samsung? Or try China with Huawei? Even their statement already claim other then Apple, there are others "stealing" their patents. Quote "Nokia has created or contributed to many of the fundamental technologies used in today's mobile devices, including Apple products". AND OF ALL COMPANY, why they approach ONLY Apple? WHY?

                        Its obvious they go for the easiest way to money grab.

                          • Y
                          • YowYow
                          • UD{
                          • 22 Dec 2016

                          Yesterday's King, 22 Dec 2016Seriously man.. if Nokia have to resort to such measure to ... moreyou are seriously confused with what you are saying, who said anything about money? it was you? what I said was their right to their patents, not about money, HMD and FoxConn does not need Apple's money to make phones, lastly, Nokia did not waste Microsoft, Microsoft wasted and killed Nokia, Nokia had no choice to have Android then because Microsoft is in control, that is why HMD is trying their best to gather the original Nokia board, engineers and workers that Microsoft laid off or transferred to another company

                            • Y
                            • Yesterday's King
                            • uct
                            • 22 Dec 2016

                            YowYow, 22 Dec 2016defeat your foes legally? so lawsuit is not legal? reclaimi... moreSeriously man.. if Nokia have to resort to such measure to stay afloat. The money gained (even if they did win) will not matter much in the end, no dent in Apple financially, only a major dent in Nokia's name.

                            Surely you can see this is a desperate attempt to money grab. And they have not shown anything worth jack shit since the rise of android and ios. Even Microsoft is wasted on them.

                            They could have moved to android and diverse but NO.. they waited and waited.. until near death.. before giving in.

                              AnonD-153072, 22 Dec 2016Leave the game for Nokia to win which I believe... I ackno... moreTrueeeeeeeee

                                Long live the king

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-514461
                                  • gMJ
                                  • 22 Dec 2016

                                  Apple once a copycat always a copycat, previously they've lost a case against Nokia and Sony..Lol.. Typical Apple :p

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-558092
                                    • 6Ba
                                    • 22 Dec 2016

                                    Nokia files lawwsuit to finance it's device's Research and development and their advertising campaign.

                                      • J
                                      • Jarret
                                      • 25G
                                      • 22 Dec 2016

                                      Apple got your facepalm

                                        • L
                                        • Lit
                                        • myc
                                        • 22 Dec 2016

                                        Just seeing news about Nokia gets me reminiscing about the N and E series devices.. Can not wait to see what they being to the table.. And in the mean time sue who you need to sue for using what is rightfully yours..