A sneak peak at Symbian's new homescreen

25 February, 2011
During a recent Nokia event in China a sneak look at what appears to be a revamped Symbian was leaked. It looks like a Nokia N8 with a different homescreen layout. You can see a dedicated status bar, which...

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  • D
  • AnonD-291
  • vGA
  • 26 Feb 2011

AnonD-695, 26 Feb 2011how bout you? Did you use them also? Even if you did you wo... moreYou say that all android phones having less than 1 Ghz lags and then u ask me for proof ??? What is that supposed to be....If u make a statement then u prove it not the other way around...
And about defy, i have used it....And question about lagging is a subjective question and according to me its not smooth as a nexus s or iphone but just as much as an N8....

    • R
    • Rko
    • jFF
    • 26 Feb 2011

    [deleted post]Lol!bada just made it's debut a year ago it should take some time to develop like symbian did.

      • M
      • Mr.Bigtime
      • 0GA
      • 26 Feb 2011

      Symbian is crap? what about Winodws 6.5 on HD2..i just bought one next to my phone 4 as second phone and i must say its far worst slow OS..even BADA is fast..WTF Winmo!

        • D
        • AnonD-1385
        • Q$N
        • 26 Feb 2011

        AlX, 26 Feb 2011Symbian is so stupid... I feel sorry for Nokia :/ Symbian i... moreTo AIX:

        Symbian can NOT be the worst OS. Symbian defined smartphones. The multitasking is smooth and is very reminiscent of a PC's style of multitasking. I could live with Symbian all the way. One feature I love with Symbian is being able to back up phone memory to memory card which includes contacts, messages, calendar entries, notes, settings...the whole works. You can also backup all contacts as individual VCF files on the memory card so in the event you should accidentally delete a contact, you wouldn't have to restore back the entire phone memory just to get back that one contact. All you would need to do is transfer back the contact from the individual contacts VCF files. There's also SyncML which allows you to back up contacts and more to an online server...like Nokia's own OVI. Of course VOIP takes the cake being able to make MSN calls, Yahoo calls, Skype calls and so many more internet calls. Don't forget the built in SIP as well which allows you to make VOIP calls straight from the phonebook.

        I'm an Nokia fan so I'm yet to use Android or any other type of smartphone OS. How much of the what I just said is Android able to do? I'm just asking as I'm on the ignorant side when it comes to Andriod.

          • D
          • AnonD-695
          • ib3
          • 26 Feb 2011

          Anonymous, 26 Feb 2011Obviously you don't use it either. I own both a Motorola De... moreouch, that hurts me so much....NOT!

          What i meant when i said gpu intergratation i meant intergrataion throughout the whole ui (scrolling, zooming, transitions, etc.), not in just games and apps.

          No matter what skin is used in android os, it still lags if the procesor is not up to mark (and together with the lack of gpu intregration). Take the altek leo running on android 2.1 for example, gsmarena claimed that it had suffered some lags and missing transition effects. (refer the altek leo article).

          And like i said, there is no real, solid way on how we can provide prove to support our claim that we have and had used the device(s). Is the internet man, live with it.

          Oh man, you used to be so mature when you were debating with Sails on nokia's marketing strategy a while back (even at some points i had agreed with you), you even replied to me politely about my query on meego 1.2 on the n900. But lately you had made yourself sound like a 5 year old who wouldnt accept other people's opinions other than his only.

            • t
            • the_elsh
            • ibc
            • 26 Feb 2011

            Symbian was there since a long time ago. multitasking was created on the first symbian device ( my guess is the 6600). it was not the best, but it did its job and applications were great, including games. now, without apps, people think a phone sucks. in my opinion, if you remove the apps. from the iphone 4, it's pure bullshit and nonsense. without Nokia, there would be no internal antenna for phones( nokia was the only company that dared make research on that) and now everyone takes this for granted. And don't forget something , dumbasses here!!! Nokia is still the world supplier of mobile phones(great ones). without carriers in the US, the iphone 4 is overpriced!!!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • jAG
              • 26 Feb 2011

              AnonD-695, 26 Feb 2011how bout you? Did you use them also? Even if you did you wo... moreObviously you don't use it either. I own both a Motorola Defy, G2, and an HD2 running nandroid. The Motorola Defy runs on android 2.1 and has motorola blur hence the reason why it feels less responsive. However the nokia noob probably only thinks of "swiping screen" as an indicator of lag, as the device itself uses a PowerVR SGX530 GPU. GPU integration? You mean hardware acceleration? You do know that that is totally up to developers right? I find it funny how whenever a nokia fanboy discredits something on android or iOS they do so without any "fact" such as an android device lags, yet when someone refutes their claim they reply with an idiotic statement along the lines of "did you have any experience with these phones? Even if you did you don't have any proof". Yes, Adkane, this idiot i'm referencing is you. Its okay though, the rest of the world don't gives a crap about Nokia.

              RBS analyst predicts Nokia's Smartphone market share will shrink to 6.4% in 2013 as a worst case scenario and only 15% market share in best case scenario. Sell your Nokia shares now or go down with the ship puahahaha.


                • n
                • nomorese
                • S3d
                • 26 Feb 2011

                AlX, 26 Feb 2011Symbian is so stupid... I feel sorry for Nokia :/ Symbian i... moreYou obviously don't know what you are talking about. The features and hardware Nokia with S^3 offers are hard to beat.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-1319
                  • wHr
                  • 26 Feb 2011

                  Aaron, 26 Feb 2011The irony here is Symbian even on its last years of its lif... moredid you try nexus one it had many updates

                    • g
                    • guest
                    • ut9
                    • 26 Feb 2011

                    nokia please stop using this crap symbian OS, it's a decade old OS join the hands with Android u have the best hardware

                      • D
                      • AnonD-2117
                      • YTL
                      • 26 Feb 2011

                      cant they make a new user interface as a update for s60v5 and v3 ..... selfish makers, just wanna increase n8 sales... :(

                        • D
                        • AnonD-2525
                        • 2GD
                        • 26 Feb 2011

                        ive always been a big fan of anything nokia always liked the os they put out never been a fan of wannabes like apples ios and android. i fine nokia os more to my liking as its easy to use gets the job done and my nokia n8 dose all that and more

                          • j
                          • joep
                          • Yek
                          • 26 Feb 2011

                          Nokia was sleeping for a couple of years. Underestimating the competition. I still believe Symbian is a very good OS, very stable. I had 2 symbian phones (5800xm and i8910) and love them very much. With SPB's shell it's as good as android. With QT Nokia could have done miracles. Now i'm afraid it's to late.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • jFF
                            • 26 Feb 2011

                            AlX, 26 Feb 2011Symbian is so stupid... I feel sorry for Nokia :/ Symbian i... morehmmmm, android is crap .... everytime problems in android phones .. now nexus s have problems after update " Nexus S users are complaining that the Android 2.3.3 upgrade turned their screen yellow" hUhuhuhuhuh andRoid = problems ... symbian is grateful os ... android os is juck . andRoid os need more ram and more powerfull proccessor ...

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 9Bm
                              • 26 Feb 2011

                              nokia still keep 5ymbian but just for low end...

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • ftV
                                • 26 Feb 2011

                                AnonD-291, 26 Feb 2011you say motorola defy and galaxy ace lags ?? just shows tha... moredude, the galaxy s with its 1ghz processor is a lagster. and that too with abdroids lame excuse for multitasking.

                                  • A
                                  • AlX
                                  • m{2
                                  • 26 Feb 2011

                                  Symbian is so stupid... I feel sorry for Nokia :/ Symbian is pure crap... It's the worst mobile OS in history... I can't find words to describe how useless and crappy it is... It's simply crap... :O

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-695
                                    • ib3
                                    • 26 Feb 2011

                                    AnonD-291, 26 Feb 2011you say motorola defy and galaxy ace lags ?? just shows tha... morehow bout you? Did you use them also? Even if you did you wouldnt even have proof.

                                    What he just said was true. Though android is smooth on in higher level cpu's, it does tend to struggle on the other side. One of the reasons is the lack of gpu intergratation with the ui (especially with android 2.1 and below), unlike what wp7, symbian^3 and iOS are doing right now.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • t7K
                                      • 26 Feb 2011

                                      So Nokia already scraped the ugly signal and battery indicator that's been there for more than a decade now. I can't believe this -_-.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 4MB
                                        • 26 Feb 2011

                                        Actually, that looks like Windows Phone 7 to me.