New video demo of Symbian^3 updated text input and browser

26 February, 2011
We found a new video showing the much awaited, yet-to-be released Symbian ^3 update that will bring split-screen text input and some major browser improvements to phones such as the Nokia N8...

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  • D
  • AnonD-1124
  • ftV
  • 27 Feb 2011

Anonymous, 27 Feb 20111. Nokia does make the majority of it's revenue(revenue is ... moreI spoke about your pals deductive skills but with you, you cleary have issues south the english language.

When I mentioned half the mobile market, I was trying to show that the image is not a representation of anything factual. The image erich shows symbian dwindling to zip in a short period also shows symbian currently owning over half the entire market. If you could read, you would have understood.

Check a dictionary for the meaning is profits. You'd see something like returns minus capital. nokia has never made a loss. Never in history.their profits may be be reducing year on year but they are still profits. And large ones at that.

Nokia said in their press briefing that wp for them won't really gain reaction until late 2012. Monika phones aren't made over night. Nokia had to change their whole system to adjust to the of change. If you think you know better than their ceo, feel free to apply for the job. Be sure to brush up on your english first though.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • t75
    • 27 Feb 2011

    Nokia should just go with Android than designing this crappy keyboard.

      • D
      • AnonD-1124
      • ftV
      • 27 Feb 2011

      Anonymous, 27 Feb 20111. Nokia does make the majority of it's revenue(revenue is ... moreI spoke about your pals deductive skills but with you, you cleary have issues south the english language.

      When I mentioned half the mobile market, I was trying to show that the image is not a representation of anything factual. The image erich shows symbian dwindling to zip in a short period also shows symbian currently owning over half the entire market. If you could read, you would have understood.

      Check a dictionary for the meaning is profits. You'd see something like returns minus capital. nokia has never made a loss. Never in history.their profits may be be reducing year on year but they are still profits. And large ones at that.

      Nokia said in their press briefing that wp for them won't really gain reaction until late 2012. Monika phones aren't made over night. Nokia had to change their whole system to adjust to the of change. If you think you know better than their ceo, feel free to apply for the job. Be sure to brush up on your english first though.

        • D
        • AnonD-1124
        • ftV
        • 27 Feb 2011

        AnonD-1319, 27 Feb 201132% is not half as far i know. 50% is halfExactly my point. The picture down symbian having over half the present mobile market.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • jAG
          • 27 Feb 2011

          Anonymous, 27 Feb 2011Why are Android fans still wishing that Nokia would use And... moreClearly another delusional one, I don't know what threads you are reading but the last 30 post isn't about wanting Nokia to go Android. In fact I would rather not see Nokia use android as since Android has no set hardware requirements, Nokia would probably push out a crappy ARM 11 680MHz CPU with 256MB of ram and you Nokia fanboys would scream with joy that it is the "best phone evarrr".

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • jAG
            • 27 Feb 2011

            AnonD-1124, 27 Feb 2011Man, you have very poor deductive skills. Nokia makes t... more1. Nokia does make the majority of it's revenue(revenue is not same as profit, Nokia has been losing profits yoy). However Nokia is facing stiff competition from chinese manufacturers as well as local indian manufacturers in it's primary markets; developing china and India.



            2. You say you don't see WP7 devices kicking off until late 2012? Please explain? Do you mean Nokia made devices or WP7 devices? You think microsoft as a company sits around and waits 1.5 years to really "kick off"? Microsoft is a large software company and knows that being late to the party certainly means death. Nokia itself has committed to trying to bring a WP7 by the end of 2011, if not Q1 2012. So unless you meant you see no traction gained by MS until end of 2012 you are delusional as WP7 is already on track to release devices onto the remaining US carriers(it launched with only T Mobile and ATT). Nokia has never said it will phase out S40 devices, as S40 devices are not considered smartphones. So you do not believe that Nokia as a company will lie about continue support for a device just to sell it? In the history of business plenty of companies have done this to sell. Why would nokia continue to focus resource on a platform that they have announced they will slowly phase out in the next year?

            You talk about "I love to Argue's" lack of deduction skills and how he isn't focused with what's fact, yet you mention Nokia still owning half of the global mobile market share?


            Last time I checked, 31% =/= half. These values are from Nokia. So who is the one that refuses to acknowledge current position of Nokia?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 9Bw
              • 27 Feb 2011

              350 000 new Android activations a day
              150 000 applications now in the app store

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • t75
                • 27 Feb 2011

                Why are Android fans still wishing that Nokia would use Android?
                There are like 20+ Droid manufacturers already, just pick your brand.

                Stop crying about this in Nokia threads FFS.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-1319
                  • wHr
                  • 27 Feb 2011

                  AnonD-1124, 27 Feb 2011You see, when you argue, see things as they are and not how... more32% is not half as far i know. 50% is half

                    • D
                    • AnonD-1124
                    • ftV
                    • 27 Feb 2011

                    AnonD-291, 27 Feb 2011That article was based on comments by GM of malaysia/singap... moreYou see, when you argue, see things as they are and not how you'd like them to be. Those sides are makes as illustrative only and not a forecast. But still, if we were to believe them, why not believe the part which indicates wp growing from 0 to 60 percent of the market? Our the part that indicates nokia still owning over half the entire mobile market?

                      • s
                      • spoky
                      • 0@7
                      • 27 Feb 2011

                      Would you kill this OS already...

                        • D
                        • AnonD-1124
                        • ftV
                        • 27 Feb 2011

                        AnonD-291, 27 Feb 2011That article was based on comments by GM of malaysia/singap... moreMan, you have very poor deductive skills.

                        Nokia makes the most of its profits from midrange devices. Devices under 200 euros. To the best of my knowledge, wp at present can't run on devices that cheap. Also, wp isn't expected to really kick off until late 2012. What then do you expect nokia to be doing within this period?. If any thing, nokia would have a hard time discontinuing symbian.i see midrange symbian devices being manufactured even until 2015. As at now, there is no replacement for symbian non touch. I doubt nokia would abandon that one. They world probably give it a new name and some ui make over. Otherwise, they would have to build a new is from scratch.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-291
                          • vGA
                          • 27 Feb 2011

                          AnonD-695, 27 Feb 2011first of all, nokia aint dropping symbian. Check out the ar... moreThat article was based on comments by GM of malaysia/singapore.

                          Whereas these two slides were presented by Nokia CEO himself...



                          See for yourself....Symbian going from huge share to complete 0...says the CEO...
                          Who is more believable ?? Nokia CEO or GM of Malaysia/ Singapore ??
                          After reading both the articles i feel Nokia is going to support Symbian for this year, sell 100M phones,provide update (till end of 2011) and then abandon it....
                          Even if more symbian phones are coming, then its going to be in 50$ non touchscreen phones ONLY (as u cant expect those to run with WP7).

                            • K
                            • Killersmith
                            • tA{
                            • 27 Feb 2011

                            A nokia news has the more number of comments every time...

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • v0X
                              • 27 Feb 2011

                              To all s60v5 users, goodbye! To symbian3 user feel this update and take it as a final gift from nokia. Lol

                                • D
                                • AnonD-291
                                • vGA
                                • 27 Feb 2011

                                AnonD-843, 26 Feb 2011sgs ii is not even released yet.. hw can u compare it. lo... moreim not the one who started the comparison.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • jAG
                                  • 27 Feb 2011

                                  [deleted post]LOL you nokia fanboys been screaming that line "wait and watch what Nokia can do" for the past 3 years now. We've been waiting, we're not impressed and is laughing hysterically at you guys. We waited for the N900 to supposedly kill the iphone after the N97's failure. N900 didn't kill iphone. We waited for N8 and Symbian3 to defeat android, that didn't happen either. We waited for meego, meego didn't even show up. Now we wait for WP7? LOL.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • JBg
                                    • 27 Feb 2011

                                    Nokia is Unique Today and Tomorrow.

                                      • m
                                      • mikkoaus
                                      • PQE
                                      • 27 Feb 2011

                                      Hi All,
                                      Why would Nokia go down the path and be the same like everyone else, why is apple better then android, because it has its own identity and style, like Nokia it has it own style and identity...there are enough bloody Android phones and tablets to last 10 years all clones of each other whether they are from Motorola, HTC LG or even Samdsung, and there is nothing that stands out all dual core, all hd video filming all 4g enabled and all blah blah...lets see what what Nokia can create with WM7 since it has the freedom the other brands don't, and if it can create something fresh with Symbian if it does decide to hold onto stop giving opinions about things no one knows and let time do its work and all will be shown in good time...

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-695
                                        • ib3
                                        • 27 Feb 2011

                                        Anonymous, 27 Feb 2011Then you my friend, Need a credit card. I suggest getting o... morethats gonna have to wait cause im still underage XD