The new Nokia 3310: a tug on the heart strings that failed

02 March 2017
The 3310 is fondly remembered but this does not feel like a genuine attempt to resurrect it.

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  • S
  • Sweetwater 1968
  • HB3
  • 03 Mar 2017

Sweetwater 1968, 03 Mar 2017The idea of the new 3310 by Hmd/Nokia became an easy mark f... moreNostalgia is not a bad thing but Nokia/Hmd need firstly to innovate.
I hope that they'll get the message.
It is only their beginning and it isn't necessary to crucify them...

    • S
    • Sweetwater 1968
    • HB3
    • 03 Mar 2017

    jojo, 03 Mar 2017Assumption is not what i expected. I think we should see ho... moreThe idea of the new 3310 by Hmd/Nokia became an easy mark for everyone to criticize.

      • Q
      • Qwerty2017
      • wrd
      • 03 Mar 2017

      Nope, the AUTHOR doesn't understand the reason why people calling NEW Nokia not the former, original ones.

      First, the NEW Nokia is nothing more than a BRAND. The new Nokia didn't have any manufacturing plant, didn't have the same old executives, & many of the employees are NEW, not the old ones. In Necromancer analogy, the "Corpse" is indeed Nokia, but the "innards" & "souls" are entirely different matter.

      Second, as Nokia doesn't have manufacturing plant, they depends on 3rd party (foxconn) to build the device. THIS means, NO WAY the new Nokia will have the same build quality as the old ones, MAYBE similar or close to the old ones? yes.
      Why? Because of DIFFERENT MAKER, albeit made by in the SAME manufacturing plant that ONCE used to made Lumia phones, the "ingredients" & the "style" will be different.
      e.g. in writing a Novel, there are some authors that have & use "ghost writer". The quality of a story made by "Ghost writer" depends greatly, from worse, similar/close to, & better than the original ones. In this case, foxconn might be similar/close to the quality of the original Nokia, but will NEVER be the same as the old ones. Also, the "style" refers to the design of the phone. As we all know, the new Nokia's device is kind of mixed bag, both GOOD but smells like Chinese-branded phones RIP-OFF & WORSE, in case of the NEW 3310.

      That's why I said ANYONE who buys Nokia device JUST BECAUSE of the "legendary" NOKIA brand is DOWNRIGHT DUMB, as the NEW Nokia is just ANOTHER NEWBORN COMPANY TRYING TO GAMBLE HIS LUCK IN THE HARSH ANDROID PHONE WORLD

        • j
        • jojo
        • s85
        • 03 Mar 2017

        Assumption is not what i expected. I think we should see how good (or bad) the new 3310 would sell in the real market, as only time will tell whether this nostalgic icon fail or succeed.

          • N
          • No Name
          • CAr
          • 03 Mar 2017

          lol... HMD is milking a dying cow and trying to steal a living from it's faithful bunch of Nokia users

            • D
            • AnonD-523334
            • 7k7
            • 03 Mar 2017

            Samsung guru are much better phones and I'll bet they are tougher. Though I always hated them coz of long press lock

              • D
              • AnonD-368020
              • Kxx
              • 03 Mar 2017

              I think Nokia 3310 got the award for Ugliest phone of WMC 2017.

                • D
                • AnonD-523334
                • 7k7
                • 03 Mar 2017

                Completely agree. This phone not even deserves to be named 3310.
                But for all Nokia fans, I have one thing to say. We should understand, that this firm, HMD, don't have big dreams. Say, to bring back Nokia to its glory. They have nothing to do with Nokia brand at all. It is just another company who wants to make profit in highly competitive and not so profitable phone market by using Nokia name. they don't mind if Nokia brand reputation get hurt by their strategy. and that's sad.

                  • m
                  • mir
                  • t7X
                  • 03 Mar 2017

                  Looks like someones a bit salty.

                    • O
                    • Oldnokiafan
                    • 05m
                    • 03 Mar 2017

                    I was very young back then when i saw the nokia branded phones emerged and it was the 3310 that was very famous. The coolest of all phones that time. But now they changed it to a cheap looking childrens toy and it doesnt bring back the memories at all.

                      • e
                      • eleven11
                      • MKL
                      • 03 Mar 2017

                      Nokia's flagship! ROFL

                        • E
                        • Eressea
                        • MAV
                        • 03 Mar 2017

                        I was so sure to buy the red version of the "new" Nokia 3310 until I saw it... What a disappointment! And totally NOT a "blast to the past" ... It looks cheap and is totally not what it used to be... #boo@Nokia!

                          • D
                          • AnonD-612729
                          • gGr
                          • 03 Mar 2017

                          Anonymous, 03 Mar 2017stupid management...nothing else....i agree totally. lol.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-441601
                            • 3E@
                            • 03 Mar 2017

                            To be honest for a 49 eur this phone will go like nice smelly hot french baguettes with ease.
                            People will buy memories are memories.
                            At present had many customers who asked me when this phone will release.
                            Wonder why so many bad comments its not even out and so many harsh, rude words.
                            I think remake should be good idea, as long until the phone came out and we all will see if it was good idea or not.
                            From what a read at the moment i am satisfied.
                            Even i am too young for this old phone. As i am going with the age and this age says touch phones not button. But for other people looking for simplicity this phone will be like dream come true.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-649632
                              • Y}}
                              • 03 Mar 2017

                              Only thing they needed to change was display

                                Oh please author, that is so premature, bias and over the top dramatic. Its a great retake on the old. Who wouldn't want a bigger screen. Looks fun and colourful and good resolution. Those headlines are so attention seeking for no good reason.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-4837
                                  • t7L
                                  • 03 Mar 2017

                                  I agree with the author. The new 3310 gets me excited, but when they finally released it and show it off, I think my ECG reading goes way uglier than a V-Tach. I feel empty, the excitement is all gone and replaced with disappointment.
                                  I wish they designed it identical to the 3310 in every way plus with a bigger screen (just like this new fella). I wouldn't mind having the old set-up of D-keys (which is only Up and Down), but the 4-way D-pad is badly needed for the features that this reincarnated father have. The shape of the Function keys both on the Left and Right is just so wrong too.

                                  The choice of colors are quite okay, but the glossy finish is a big NO.! A matte Red or Yellow will win my heart by a mile.
                                  Another thing to point out is the Rounded/Elongated/Curvy frame which is really THE MAJOR #flaw of the phone. It looks like it's trying to beat the sharp corners of the display and proclaim itself that curvy is sexy but the display disagrees. It's so UGLY.! 💔

                                  I'm hoping for a successor of this just like the 3315 does for the 3310. And I hope they will make it right when that time comes and hit it with a right bang that will echo for real.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • HXa
                                    • 03 Mar 2017

                                    Allaz, 03 Mar 2017The whole hype and cult status of the original 3310 has bee... more"The whole hype and cult status of the original 3310 has been way overblown. It was never made as a rugged phone. Its no more or less tough than any other Nokia from that period. People just chose to make it the mascot for how phones used o be made because its the most familiar handsome face. Nobody remembers the purpose built tough phones"...

                                    Good point. 6250 anyone?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Lec
                                      • 03 Mar 2017

                                      Allaz, 03 Mar 2017The whole hype and cult status of the original 3310 has bee... moreX

                                      3310 has become legendary through memes. Yes, it was ok phone - although it was not as advanced as some other manufacturers models. Yes, it could take a beating - but pretty much every other phone back then could. People forget phones back then had unusable plastic 1-2" screens and thick bodies...

                                        • y
                                        • ys
                                        • f}n
                                        • 03 Mar 2017

                                        Nokia 3310 reprised version ... So what.. It is still history...we want latest innovative nokia phones...Kick out the foul button mobiles...