How do you use your phone? We are determined to find out

31 March, 2011
A large part of our job as phone reviewers involves judging of whether a particular compromise made by the designers is beneficial to the handset's target audience or not. To do this properly we rely...

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  • T
  • The King
  • bJ6
  • 01 Apr 2011

I only surf the net for long hrs, Thanks GSMarena for these wonderfull work:-D

    • h
    • haxxy
    • M%j
    • 01 Apr 2011

    I use my phone for remote desktop, as ftp and smb client for copying files to and from my computer and as a media player remote control.

    I don't see this options in the list

      • s
      • siri
      • u{6
      • 01 Apr 2011

      thanx for gsm arena...
      to bring this idea.....
      i use mobile
      to send sms
      to listen music
      calender.... alaramclock....
      mobile is every thing with me...

        • E
        • Elder
        • N7$
        • 01 Apr 2011

        Under "Call and Text Messages", you left out "Make Voice Calls"!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • mc%
          • 01 Apr 2011


          first of all - thank you for excellent information from the mobile phone industry.

          I have only one minor note to poll - please add Make non-video calls to existing Call and text message category.

          Milan C.

            • m
            • man
            • ibX
            • 01 Apr 2011

            i rely on my phone on a lot of thing..
            the most important thing for me is battery life, which kind of lousy on many todays phone.
            i hope phone maker and reviewer can make this aspect as a higher priority.

              • G
              • Gurvesh
              • 7tx
              • 01 Apr 2011

              I bought a Nokia E71 the day it launched in India. Its been 2:5 years I have not bought a new phone becos of only one reason .. Only one thing that no manufacturer provides and is the most essential in todays mobile device. ** Advanced SMS ** facility ... I have 3 aps in my phone witch do the following
              *Save messages of a specified contact to its own folder rather than inbox
              *Schedule SMS
              *Block SMS .. Very important becos of unwanted adveriement
              *Export SMS in .csv format ... However .xls is prefered .. So that I have a backup of my 43000 aprox SMS.
              *SMS threading .. For conversations

              What I can't understand is why can't a phone have all these features in built ... All companies are spending soon much money on advancing videos and browsing and screen resolution .. All crap .. Y can't they take care of this basic need of the consumers ... And here I speak for those thousands of txter's who would agree with what I said ..

              I write this with great hope to GSM Arena that may be they will be able to bring upon this change .

                • A
                • Arron
                • SbD
                • 01 Apr 2011

                FM transmitter :)

                N900 woop!

                  • J
                  • Jaxx
                  • 01H
                  • 01 Apr 2011

                  Use of task specific apps

                    • F
                    • Fate
                    • PFP
                    • 01 Apr 2011

                    Forex, Stocks, Futures

                      • S
                      • Serban (Romania)
                      • pV4
                      • 01 Apr 2011

                      Call and text message:
                      Make video calls
                      Send SMS
                      Send MMS

                        • D
                        • AnonD-882
                        • 9xh
                        • 01 Apr 2011

                        Hi everyone,
                        i am using the phone mainly for internet on the move+calls ofcourse. . . Also i often make notes and store them in active notes. I use the phone extensively for keeping organising information including work related. For surfing i use operamini. . . Thanks folks

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • nmI
                          • 01 Apr 2011

                          for normally fast internet, looots of music and of course messaging and chatting(so i need a good battery life)!:) I guess that's what most people demand!:)

                            • D
                            • AnonD-5102
                            • 4H4
                            • 01 Apr 2011

                            [deleted post]No reason to get rude. I simply gave my opinion because I lived in the Middle east and am currently residing in the US. And yes in the Third World (Middle East) first thing I notice people would ask the seller in the mobile store about when buying a phone was how many mega pixels does it have? They are more interested in multimedia features then anything else because app store and high speed network capabilities aren't available yet in those regions. On the other hand here in the US the first thing you hear advertised and people raving about is 4g LTE speeds and who has the fastest network, iOS, Android, and so forth. think before you type..

                              • V
                              • Ver7o
                              • p7x
                              • 01 Apr 2011

                              My use of a cell phone consists of:
                              - Send SMS
                              - Engage in social networks
                              - Take photos
                              - Listen to music
                              Listen to internet radio
                              - Watch movies
                              Watch online videos (YouTube, etc.)
                              - FAST Web browsing
                              - Manage your time with calendars, reminders
                              Use as alarm clock
                              Use the calculator, unit converter, etc.
                              Put down notes or tasks
                              Use as a flashlight
                              View or edit office documents
                              - Use a mobile internet

                                • D
                                • AnonD-763
                                • Let
                                • 01 Apr 2011

                                This what i am doing:
                                Send SMS Send MMS
                                Send/receive email
                                Take photos
                                Watch online videos (YouTube, etc.)
                                Enjoy mobile games
                                Web browsing
                                Get info updates (news, sports, weather...)
                                Use for GPS navigation
                                Discover new places of interest: restaurants, cafes, attractions, etc.
                                Manage your time with calendars, reminders Use as alarm clock
                                Use the calculator, unit converter, etc.
                                Put down notes or tasks
                                Use as a flashlight Magazines and newspapers
                                Use a mobile internet
                                Use phone for tethering (mobile hotspot)
                                Transfer files over Bluetooth


                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • fnG
                                  • 01 Apr 2011

                                  Why cant they add dvd/rw in these tablets. And it be law that a mobile 2 come with 2 batteries

                                    • m
                                    • mklegend
                                    • pRB
                                    • 01 Apr 2011

                                    APPs, Utilities, Navigation, all to be added to your list, thanks.

                                      • D
                                      • Dante
                                      • mI6
                                      • 01 Apr 2011

                                      Why gsmarena isn't playing there april fool tricks =D

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • uWA
                                        • 01 Apr 2011

                                        SMS, social networks, taking photos and videos with special shooting modes, listening to music, mobile games, GPS navigation, flashlight, alarm clock and reminders, editing office documents and for mobile internet...basically i use my phone for almost everything so i want the most features in it...most important of which are camera and good sound quality