Apple answers location recording fears, promises a software fix

27 April, 2011
In the last few days Apple took lots of negative feedback concerning the location tracking affair. Today Apple released a Q&A statement, which admits to the tracking and calls it a 'bug'. An update to fix it...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • MA%
  • 27 Apr 2011

AnonD-6663, 27 Apr 2011What are you talking about? I know it's not about me or you... moreI...doubt apple would go that far tough

    • D
    • AnonD-6663
    • fqe
    • 27 Apr 2011

    Anonymous, 27 Apr 2011Eeveryone is so scared that apple knows where they are, peo... moreWhat are you talking about? I know it's not about me or you but there are important people and some evil agencies want to know about thier locations and thier movevments and apple can make fortunes if they sell that kind of informations
    This is what it's about and what next? Front camera bug records without your permission?

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • MA%
      • 27 Apr 2011

      Anonymous, 27 Apr 2011Eeveryone is so scared that apple knows where they are, peo... moreIt´s not about´s about Apple storing information about you without your consent with,the last time i cheaked, was illegal

        • b
        • baklaja
        • 05Z
        • 27 Apr 2011

        nokia rules !

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • QGM
          • 27 Apr 2011

          Eeveryone is so scared that apple knows where they are, people, no one cares where you are, stop thinking your so important!

            • M
            • MdN
            • Mtr
            • 27 Apr 2011

            I'm not an Apple fan (cool phone, though, too bad about the signal and some specs) but look at it like this: cell phone operators are required by law to keep your text messages and call logs for at least 6 months. And your location (or: what base stations you were using, not GPS-accurate but still it's a location) for five years.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • IWd
              • 27 Apr 2011

              oh? so this is the so called BUG?
              this is intended and NOT  BUG !! how could apple admit its purpose and later say it was a BUG !! A big Big LIAR

                • G
                • Gilly
                • ixu
                • 27 Apr 2011

                "Magical"? Did Apple really say that? Jeez.

                  • f
                  • feifei
                  • ibp
                  • 27 Apr 2011

                  a purposely functining bug
                  way an excuse...

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 3Iw
                    • 27 Apr 2011

                    apple ceo=worst lier of all times

                      • D
                      • AnonD-171
                      • NMv
                      • 27 Apr 2011

                      now that's a lie

                        • j
                        • jobbylad
                        • 0F0
                        • 27 Apr 2011

                        Yeah yeah if you believe that than they must think were dafter then we look.Ill stick to android thanks at least i have a choice.

                          • z
                          • z
                          • YbM
                          • 27 Apr 2011

                          like hell they will. i bet they push an "image" to your phone and said it fixed, but reality they try to hide it better.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-2815
                            • upc
                            • 27 Apr 2011

                            first, I heard that steve jobs tellin, all the allegations about location tracking file is false. Now they admitting it as true and trying fix it.. Steve job is ilier...

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 00Y
                              • 27 Apr 2011

                              Saint apple