Apple answers location recording fears, promises a software fix

27 April, 2011
In the last few days Apple took lots of negative feedback concerning the location tracking affair. Today Apple released a Q&A statement, which admits to the tracking and calls it a 'bug'. An update to fix it...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 3ZQ
  • 28 Apr 2011

AnonD-5791, 28 Apr 2011Android could say the same thing to apple too =)Although you are given the option in Android...

    • D
    • AnonD-5791
    • tV4
    • 28 Apr 2011

    Anonymous, 28 Apr 2011That's right cause Apple iPhone since came out and kills al... moreAndroid could say the same thing to apple too =)

      • x
      • x10
      • 0ad
      • 28 Apr 2011

      Anonymous, 27 Apr 2011Either you've never worked for a mobile carrier & you'r... moreyou are talking about police
      the chump steve job is something else

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • nCi
        • 28 Apr 2011

        MdN, 27 Apr 2011I'm not an Apple fan (cool phone, though, too bad about the... moreThat's right cause Apple iPhone since came out and kills all the big names in the game, that's why there's too many haters around from other competitor that doesn't want Apple to sell there iPhone like water, and already has the same issue.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • t7J
          • 28 Apr 2011


            • D
            • AnonD-6199
            • ft4
            • 28 Apr 2011

            This is the joke of the year :'D im crying of laughing
            'bug' :D will be '''fixed'''

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 4AN
              • 28 Apr 2011

              It's not a problem at all
              Apple fanboys gently give JOBS to their location information

                • D
                • Darkangels6sic6
                • 4QS
                • 27 Apr 2011

                Anonymous, 27 Apr 2011You mad women? Steve never admits, that guy would rather h... more1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 % percent agreed

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • uKf
                  • 27 Apr 2011

                  You mad women? Steve never admits, that guy would rather have one of his ba..s cut off then face that his wrong.

                  and i have a filling that this "fix" will only hide it better , not get rid of it

                    • D
                    • AnonD-7168
                    • pFk
                    • 27 Apr 2011

                    wow what a bug! why doesn't steve jobs simply accept the fact?

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • sXD
                      • 27 Apr 2011

                      Apple have merely highlighted the fact that Cell phones have started to erode our own privacy further. The terms and conditions are there for anyone to see. What's sad is that people are focusing on this, and not the fact that operators track our every location. Every time you download an app that uses GPS, you are putting yourself at risk of being tracked. Very few people actually read the terms and conditions because they are eager to get the latest software.

                        • d
                        • darkangels6sic6
                        • 4QR
                        • 27 Apr 2011

                        [deleted post]Lol! Always forget to put me user name XD
                        All disputes aside... all apple users and all other users have to agree that this is obviously a lie that this is a just now descovered bug. Please. No told u so involved or anything.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 4EK
                          • 27 Apr 2011

                          AnonD-2725, 27 Apr 2011Where you get that from? I worked for Orange in the UK and ... moreGary it's all in a need to know basis and you apparently did not need to know, sorry to break your buble you were just a minion

                            • R
                            • Righty
                            • wYI
                            • 27 Apr 2011

                            Anonymous, 27 Apr 2011Eeveryone is so scared that apple knows where they are, peo... moreIf you don't mind a company tracking your location without your consent then you probably don't mind if they make a copy of every text message you sent without you knowing about it, then you probably don't mind if they make a copy of every document you have in your computer without you knowing about it, then you probably don't mind them turning on the front camera without your consent....

                            Is this about being self-important, or is this about a company crossing the line when it comes to privacy? Geez, the phone keeps on tracking you even AFTER YOU TURN THE FEATURE OFF.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • MQK
                              • 27 Apr 2011

                              AnonD-2725, 27 Apr 2011Where you get that from? I worked for Orange in the UK and ... moreEither you've never worked for a mobile carrier & you're just making it up to look "cool" on a mobile forum. Or you were employed as a menial (maybe a cleaner) & weren't trusted to know what every department in these companies were doing.

                              There are documented cases here in the UK where police have used evidence obtained from mobile carriers to pinpoint where & when text messages were sent from a mobile in order to convict.

                              Kieran Grieve is a famous example. He killed his girlfriend & sent bogus texts from her mobile in an attempt to convince police she was still alive. They used tracking data to prove that the texts were sent from his home & not from the city centre as he was claiming. This was all several months after she died.

                              How else did they know this if the carrier wasn't tracking & storing his location data?

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • MA%
                                • 27 Apr 2011

                                AnonD-2725, 27 Apr 2011Where you get that from? I worked for Orange in the UK and ... moreWell operators tend to keep that kind of stuff secret if they realy do it they wouldn´t want every worker to know about it.Just common sense i guess.Still i could be wrong

                                  • x
                                  • x10
                                  • 0ad
                                  • 27 Apr 2011

                                  steve job is a freaking liar
                                  sick of all garbage he talks

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-2725
                                    • fw7
                                    • 27 Apr 2011

                                    MdN, 27 Apr 2011I'm not an Apple fan (cool phone, though, too bad about the... moreWhere you get that from? I worked for Orange in the UK and Vodacom in South Africa. I currently work for AT&T in the USA and you are talking poppycock!

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • sm@
                                      • 27 Apr 2011

                                      A magic fix which is gonna secretly remove all data collect before enough fanboys remove the controversial files. No doubt the software 'fix' is gonna implement further tracking algorithms. Pathetic. Poor fanboys,how many times a year are they conned in every conceivable day by their apple gods

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-171
                                        • NMv
                                        • 27 Apr 2011

                                        Anonymous, 27 Apr 2011I...doubt apple would go that far toughthey already have from years ago