Apple answers location recording fears, promises a software fix

27 April, 2011
In the last few days Apple took lots of negative feedback concerning the location tracking affair. Today Apple released a Q&A statement, which admits to the tracking and calls it a 'bug'. An update to fix it...

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  • D
  • DH
  • kPX
  • 28 Apr 2011

what a total load of BS

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • pqy
    • 28 Apr 2011

    i wanna everybody read this: iphone 4 is an little extension of ipod touch 4 wich is 2.5x-3x cheaper and thinner (touch 4 is 250 euro). with the rest of the money you can buy a REAL mobile,ANYTHING BUT NOT IPHONECRAP. i made the mistake to spent 400 euros on this junk i can't do anything with it. i buyed it from vodafone romania with 2 years contract and 20 euros per month abonament. a big big mistake. all is blocked,the menu is very very bad,contacts are a nightmare. don't buy iphone4,buy ipod touch4 for music and internet browser and another symbian or android mobile for communication. beleieve me

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • vwe
      • 28 Apr 2011


        • b
        • biki
        • 9I6
        • 28 Apr 2011

        MdN, 27 Apr 2011I'm not an Apple fan (cool phone, though, too bad about the... morethat is ryt.but is it so easy to get that info as it is now on mean i can see you even wen m in africa and you in some bar in california at this present moment.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • wce
          • 28 Apr 2011

          as long as u connected to internet, nomore privacy

          a speak is not promises

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 0Us
            • 28 Apr 2011

            This is my first and last iphone ever! I dont care what functions new iphones will have, it could even coock me food. No more iphones for me!

            I cant believe how gulible are some of you! Its not a bug its a well intended fact wnd apple wont fix it. It will still spy on us but will be better hidden. What fan I say? Big brother is watching you.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Lxd
              • 28 Apr 2011

              say everything about apple, but when iphone 5 comes to light you know that will be a bestseller again, and dont care if android is better or worst... apple will give the competition a class again about marketing.

                • m
                • marwan1989
                • mI6
                • 28 Apr 2011

                they probably already got the information they needed so they are removing it
                or they will change the file location and name and make it harder to find

                  • s
                  • sm.gurdeep
                  • utn
                  • 28 Apr 2011

                  You are making fool of people and calling this a bug ??? I really hate apple !!!

                    • a
                    • anonymouse
                    • t}B
                    • 28 Apr 2011

                    this is the very reason iOS and Android sucks!!! they commit mistake and then give reasons

                      • m
                      • mellovicious
                      • sF$
                      • 28 Apr 2011

                      "bug"? LMAO!!!!!!!

                      do they really think we're that stupid to believe its a bug?

                      typical apple

                        • B
                        • Black&white
                        • ka8
                        • 28 Apr 2011

                        Anonymous, 27 Apr 2011Either you've never worked for a mobile carrier & you'r... moreaawwwww,the carrier not the OEM.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 4QS
                          • 28 Apr 2011

                          Anonymous, 28 Apr 2011That's right cause Apple iPhone since came out and kills al... moreYes. It kills out all other NAMES! Exactly. Thank you for that point. lol. That is it though. Just the names. Apple has the money and name. As far as actual devices go though... they loose.

                            • k
                            • kebbot
                            • 0F%
                            • 28 Apr 2011

                            huh? a BUG? hellowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                              • A
                              • Alex
                              • fuN
                              • 28 Apr 2011

                              Anonymous, 28 Apr 2011That's right cause Apple iPhone since came out and kills al... moreAm disappointed wth ur biased assertions!

                                • c
                                • cinos22
                                • v0X
                                • 28 Apr 2011

                                a bug?.,oh well.,with all these excuses from Apple.,better stop lying.,XD

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-5791
                                  • tV4
                                  • 28 Apr 2011

                                  Anonymous, 28 Apr 2011Although you are given the option in Android...well..Indeed the phone i'm using now is Android (HTC Desire Z) but I own Ipod touch too eventhough I don't feel to waste any penny on Iphone4 since it just without voice calling..So is tat proof that I'm android fanboy? nah..I'm just typical Android user who prefer QWERTY keyboard..BTW, I doesn't hate Apple, but I do hate Steve Jobs cause of his arrogant,And since the Tracking issues appear, Google respond and defend immediately,but apple said it just a "bug" ? :/

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • pV%
                                    • 28 Apr 2011

                                    apple is yawn.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 0c$
                                      • 28 Apr 2011

                                      Anonymous, 27 Apr 2011Either you've never worked for a mobile carrier & you'r... moreYou are comparing a phone provider to Apple, who only provides the phone. It's the phone provider's job to know where YOUR phone is at any moment in time, how else are you supposed to make calls and go on the internet? Why would a cell phone company need these types of logs?

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-7191
                                        • u{E
                                        • 28 Apr 2011

                                        That Is a practice of the so call apple. do thing silently, steal also silently. If anything happen then call To cover loudly or bark loudly to others.