Windows Phone 7.1, a.k.a. Mango, goes official, here's what's new

24 May, 2011
Mango, a.k.a. Windows Phone 7.1, is served - along with 500 new features. Multitasking is among them, as is much deeper social networking integration, improved message handling and more...

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  • D
  • AnonD-291
  • 2SR
  • 25 May 2011

AnonD-4697, 25 May 2011Well, open is not bad, but not good either... The finest... morelinux analogy doesn't work here. The way Linux works is completely different from how android works. Unlike linux, Android is constantly improving and evolving owing to the support from Google. Also there's no need of convincing companies to use android because android is free licenced and is the largest mobile OS available to OEMs. Thas the reason why all manufacturers (except apple and nokia) manufacture android phones.
"good apps in android market are expensive" ? infact many good apps like angry birds are actually FREE. And others are reasonably priced similar to other appstores (if not less). anyway the average prices of good apps in android market is similar to apple app store and definitely less than windows market.
And talking about support, Google along with the OEMs and carriers have promised an 18 month update support for all upcoming android devices. no other OS have promised updates right ? Also, buying a WP7 phone doesn't guarantee support for your phone. you know what happened to HD2 owners don't you ?

    • D
    • AnonD-2117
    • utx
    • 25 May 2011

    [deleted post]let us change the topic about OS's for a sec.......u let us know can any other brand make as durable and reliable phones as makes the best phones around and we are left out to to use and believe in the OS's they put, at least we get the full value out of our hard earned money......Symbian is at least not the worst os around and better than bada at least (apart from browser and text input)and maybe Win7.1 on Nokias would stand out to our expectations.

      • K
      • Kitch
      • PQb
      • 25 May 2011

      Ashura, 24 May 2011Exactely.It seems like Apple and Microsoft are telling us h... moreWell said

        • D
        • AnonD-733
        • nTp
        • 25 May 2011

        will the new update support Arabic Language?

          • D
          • Denzo
          • vCA
          • 25 May 2011

          Anonymous, 24 May 2011galaxy s2, loads of apps, widgets, go launcher with fully c... moreCompletely agree. I am so blown away by my SGS2. Its better than my iP4 and HTC Ddesire I used to have by a mile. Honestly, if Apple wants a chance, they will have to do what they have avoided for so long.

          Flash or Die.

            • D
            • AnonD-8570
            • 3LA
            • 25 May 2011

            The_one, 25 May 2011My android eats up 6-8% battery during the night (approxima... moreMy i phone used to do the same , the battery will not live for a whole day, so i put the display light to the minimum , and that saved me nearly 25-30 %.
            try it it will help untill they found u a reall solution .

              • T
              • The_one
              • Ia7
              • 25 May 2011

              CoolGuy, 25 May 2011Dude I am user of android and you know what is the biggest ... moreMy android eats up 6-8% battery during the night (approximately 8 hours). With low to medium use it stays up 3 days, with high use 2 days. SGS 2.3.

              So either there are problems in your Andriod OS or mobile set.

                • T
                • The_one
                • Ia7
                • 25 May 2011

                AnonD-8088, 25 May 2011I wish to see in near future,SmartPhone will allow us free ... moreYou are right. It’s funny how people, especially fanboys think there judgment should be universally agreed by all.

                Why don’t be happy with what you have? Why so obsessed to prove others wrong? Grow up, or go argue over your action figures – “My one is better, it has lesser. No my one is best, it has wings.”

                  • C
                  • CoolGuy
                  • b$8
                  • 25 May 2011

                  AnonD-8088, 25 May 2011I wish to see in near future,SmartPhone will allow us free ... moreDude I am user of android and you know what is the biggest problem it drinks all the juice out of my battery even when it is idle or in standby!!!!!!!!.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-8088
                    • uNV
                    • 25 May 2011

                    I wish to see in near future,SmartPhone will allow us free to chose the OS like Computer. Manufacture will only produce hardware rather than software.

                    And... Currently, Android is the best, and also Android will do better in future too. I wanna give some credits to Android coz, if there was no Android then, WP7 was not created. I whish too at least two super power OS in Smartphone market, not one OS. It would be possible when MS will do best with their WP7 which GOOGLE already does. So, no more clash no more contradiction between us (users). We want to choose a phone from different Powerfull OSs not from only one. :P And obviously we don't like monopoly market, if we're customers or users rather than manufactures.

                      • G
                      • Get real!
                      • 4nK
                      • 25 May 2011

                      AnonD-4697, 25 May 2011Agree Theres no WMP7.1 for now, is difficult argue on so... moreJust sad that "the war between OSes" is being fought among the users rather than the companies!

                      Why would I care if my neighbor uses iOS and thinks it is the best thing in the world? Let him be happy! But I also expect him to let me enjoy my operating system of choice as well!

                      It is ridiculous to see how you guys hang on each other's throat but then, it is entertaining too, so, I'll go and pop some popcorn ... :-)

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • PRW
                        • 25 May 2011

                        better make windows 7 for phone not windows phone. i want play pc games on my phone :)

                          • h
                          • haikallp
                          • 2@R
                          • 25 May 2011

                          I'm using the iPod Touch 4G (iOS 4.3) and a HTC 7 Trophy (WP 7.0) and my gf owns a Galaxy 3 (Android 2.2), which i use quite alot. I am not biased towards any OS. IMO, all 3 OS has its good and bad points. As for now, i feel that Android is the best OS. Android is very customizable, unlike WP7 and iOS. The current version of WP7 is'nt good, i gotta admit it, but the upcoming update(Mango) seems to be epic and is probably gonna attract more consumers. But u never know, maybe by October, iOS 5 is has been released..

                            • N
                            • Nikki
                            • Ui%
                            • 25 May 2011

                            Keep up the good work Microsoft. ^_^. super likey!

                              • a
                              • aldestafan
                              • PAc
                              • 25 May 2011

                              but I hope MICROSOFT create Windows7.** OS for tablets.

                                • w
                                • windows_phone _7_use
                                • Pxx
                                • 25 May 2011

                                hey guys. whats the difference between flash and html5? anyone reply soon.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-2686
                                  • jLw
                                  • 25 May 2011

                                  when mango update comes public, android addicts will change from drugs!! Oh No sorry, they can't they're to addicted on adroids benchmarking apps LoL

                                    • E
                                    • Eddy
                                    • 9xs
                                    • 25 May 2011

                                    Why cant they remove that small arrow beside the live tiles.. Its very disturbing & annoying.. If u can swipe to go to the menu, why u must press the arrow.. It take a big space which can fill with live tiles... Microsoft, please remove it in the next update & future phone.. Please..

                                      • S
                                      • Seth Harlen
                                      • CpK
                                      • 25 May 2011

                                      So excited for this next update! I love my WP7 and it flows so well. Wonder what else is coming to suprise us! =)

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • LFx
                                        • 25 May 2011

                                        Mango!!! I dont think its a cool name for a mobile device OS, so the next update might be called "Apple" lol.
                                        I can't wait to see a Nokia running WP 7.1, hope to see soon this summer