Windows Phone 7.1, a.k.a. Mango, goes official, here's what's new

24 May, 2011
Mango, a.k.a. Windows Phone 7.1, is served - along with 500 new features. Multitasking is among them, as is much deeper social networking integration, improved message handling and more...

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  • D
  • AnonD-1082
  • kJX
  • 24 May 2011

Ashura, 24 May 2011You don´t have to be a geek to know that if you have ... moreYou don't get it don't you? Even if there are 10 task killers on the market, it still doesn't amount to 100 million downloads and there are curently 100 million Android devices in the wild. The great majority of these 100 million Android devices go at it with no tweaks.

Stop assuming that the masses are informed like you. They are not or they simply don't care. Common sense isn't so common. Lag is lag and Android lags a lot. Lag means crap and Android is widely known to lag.

    • A
    • Ashura
    • MA%
    • 24 May 2011

    AnonD-1082, 24 May 2011A little info will go a long way. But these masses are not ... moreYou don´t have to be a geek to know that if you have too many wodgets running at the same time the device will slow down.And that the most famous task killer doesn´t have many downloads doesn´t matter since not everyone uses the same task killer.It´s just like using a computer wich i assume most of these people use.and even if they don´t most of it is just common sense

      • D
      • AnonD-1082
      • kJX
      • 24 May 2011

      Ashura, 24 May 2011No i don´t know how to root nor how to torrent and i ... moreA little info will go a long way. But these masses are not interested in that. Try turning off your Task Killer, put on a bunch of widgets, surf the net and don't use the Task Manager. Your device will slow down to a crawl after only a few minutes. Now pretend you don't know what to do. The experience will be crap. That's what the masses are experiencing right now with their Android devices.

      Like I said, there are 400K Android activations per day. The most famous Task Killer on the Market have less than 500K in total downloads. The majority of the Android masses don't use any tweak to optimize their device.

      This is what will make WP a success. WP is more of a touch and go platform much like iOS. WP is simple to use, fast, looks ultra modern, and kicks Android's ass. 2012 will be the turn around year and the year WP will rise to prominence.

        • P
        • Pete
        • SXr
        • 24 May 2011

        Anonymous, 24 May 2011I swear if they don't include voice guided navigation I'm t... moreIve already thrown my Omnia 7 in the trash bin and got myselfa Samsung Wave 2 instead. My Wave 2 is a fantastic phone, really recomend it.

          • A
          • Ashura
          • MA%
          • 24 May 2011

          AnonD-1082, 24 May 2011Sorry to break it up to you but it's true that the masses a... moreNo i don´t know how to root nor how to torrent and i have had nothing but great experiences with my droid and i am not the only one.You don´t need to root a droid to get a good performance out of it(at least good enough for me)
          And like i said the masses just need a little info to get a good performance out of theyr droids and that´s what makes Android so good you don´t need anything complicated to make it work fine.It´s so simple that with just a little bit of info anyone can do it

            • D
            • AnonD-1082
            • kJX
            • 24 May 2011

            Ashura, 24 May 2011First of you and i seem to have a diferent meaning of "... moreSorry to break it up to you but it's true that the masses are not so knowledgeable. They are not stupid but they simply just don't understand how these devices work. You can be smart but know nothing about rocket science but that doesn't make you stupid. The masses will simply put up with their crappy experience with Android and simply vote with their wallets the next time they upgrade their phones. You know how to root? You know how to torrent? Yes? Then you are one of the geeks. The great majority of masses still don't know how to do any of these stuff. This is why Apple sells. They get their billions catering to these masses and spoon feeds them.

              • A
              • Ashura
              • MA%
              • 24 May 2011

              AnonD-1082, 24 May 2011You are a geek no matter how you deny it. An informed perso... moreFirst of you and i seem to have a diferent meaning of "geek" since i say i am just well informed.
              Second the masses are not stupid(at least not 100% of the masses) if they see that something is wrong with theyr Android device then they either ask someone who knows or they look it up for themselvs online and that alone does not make them geeks only well infromed.You seem to think that the masses are stupid wich they are not

                • D
                • AnonD-1082
                • kJX
                • 24 May 2011

                Ashura, 24 May 2011So because i know how to protect my phone that makes me a g... moreYou are a geek no matter how you deny it. An informed person like you that hangs out in a forum like these arguing is not one of the masses. The masses don't know about these things. There are 400 thousand Android activations everyday, do you see any proportion to the amount of downloads of these tweak apps? No, it's not proportional. You are also wrong to assume that those buyers of Android phones are geeks. They are not. They are part of the masses that don't care and they see Android for what it is. It's crap in the hands of the uninformed masses. That's why these OEMs insist on skinning their Android device.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-4697
                  • Pr@
                  • 24 May 2011

                  AnonD-4734, 24 May 2011...wonder if Nokia will still provide their free navigation... moreYep

                  They will continue giving Free Lifetime Maps for GPS, in fact they will expand services, but not under Ovi name, they will be just NOKIA....

                    • D
                    • AnonD-291
                    • 2SR
                    • 24 May 2011

                    Myself, 24 May 2011I was refering te the 7.1 WP. The current batch of WP7 aint... more"ease of use"??

                    Like what ? In an android phone, I can have almost everything I need in my homescreen. It doesn't get easier than that.
                    As for crispness and fluidity, I don't find Nexus S less smoother than Omnia 7 for day to day use. (Yes, I would have admitted it if you were comparing it with galaxy S running 2.1). Even if WP7 phones are bit faster than most android phones, neither the crispness not the fluidity makes up for its dozen limitations (presumably solved in mango).

                      • D
                      • AnonD-4734
                      • PUa
                      • 24 May 2011

                      Anonymous, 24 May 2011I swear if they don't include voice guided navigation I'm t... more...wonder if Nokia will still provide their free navigation such as on the symbian to the WP?...

                        • h
                        • hellodrsoul
                        • uWA
                        • 24 May 2011

                        I am using iOS from last 3 years. I miss my days of life with Nokia phones. They did great in days when iOS or Android were not born. The center of my life is now wholly buried in iOS. I have invested so much time in understanding the very depth of iOS. Due to which i cannot leave this scene, despite my great emotional attachment with Nokia.

                          • A
                          • Ashura
                          • MA%
                          • 24 May 2011

                          AnonD-1082, 24 May 2011No you are not. The masses don't even know what an app kill... moreSo because i know how to protect my phone that makes me a geek?Trust me i am the farthest thing from a geek.i installed the app killer because i got an advice from a geek.i installed the anti malware app because i read news on this site about the malware that affects android.No im not a geek i am simply well informed there is a BIG diference.And if you look at it the peaople that get Android phones aren´t mostly part of the masses.Most of them are geeks that like a open os that they can costumize at will

                            • M
                            • Myself
                            • N7$
                            • 24 May 2011

                            Joseph C, 24 May 2011So I guess it has file management, bluetooth file transfers... morewell, Symbian had all of that(still the best File manager and most comprehension bluetooth management of ANY current mobile OS) yet it's accepted as an inferior OS te iOS(which has none of those). Read between the lines...

                              • D
                              • AnonD-1082
                              • kJX
                              • 24 May 2011

                              Ashura, 24 May 2011I am part of the masses,i don´t have a tweeked phone(... moreNo you are not. The masses don't even know what an app killer is and they don't even know that an anti-malware app exists. You are a geek and you are part of the minority. The masses just simply don't care about that stuff and when things go wrong, they blame the OS and that will be Android's downfall. It's so open that your experience will be crap if you don't have a tweak. That's also the reason why iOS sells, it just work. Now WP is more akin to iOS than to Android and it will be a hit next year and the disgruntled masses who bought an Android phone will buy an iOS or a WP device just because it offers a better experience compared to an untweaked Android device.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • n5i
                                • 24 May 2011

                                I swear if they don't include voice guided navigation I'm throwing my Omnia7 at a wall. It's ridiculous that my winmo6 phone can do something that winmo7 cant.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-4697
                                  • Pr@
                                  • 24 May 2011

                                  AnonD-4734, 24 May 2011only in terms of OS, yes symbian do have a lot of miss rath... moreYep

                                  That's why microsoft look at Nokia

                                  They need a partnership that will not betray him for Android and thats Nokia

                                  And Nokia need a partner with an innovative OS for them with support for his new shinny phones

                                  A nice relationship :D

                                    • A
                                    • Ashura
                                    • MA%
                                    • 24 May 2011

                                    AnonD-1082, 24 May 2011That's not a possible scenario, that will be the scenario. ... moreI am part of the masses,i don´t have a tweeked phone(except for a app killer and a anti malware app) and my phone NEVER lagged.And its not realy that hard to "tweek" an Android device as you think it is it´s actualy quite simple.So no the masses will not abandon Android anytime soon and that scenario you present is only hypotetical.Nothing in life is certain remember that

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-4734
                                      • PUa
                                      • 24 May 2011

                                      Ashura, 24 May 2011The best quality smartphones?That´s realy arguableonly in terms of OS, yes symbian do have a lot of miss rather than hit, but if hardware dept, all would agree that Nokia is topnotch, with Nokia introducing their 1st WP, plenty of ppl will be looking forward to how will Nokia veered away from other WP manufactures such as HTC & Samsung

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-1082
                                        • kJX
                                        • 24 May 2011

                                        Ashura, 24 May 2011That is one possible scenario yes.One other scenario is And... moreThat's not a possible scenario, that will be the scenario. People on these forums are forgetting the fact that the masses are not geeks. The masses are not like you and they don't know how to optimize an Android device. So if something goes wrong and their Android device starts FCing and lagging, they will think it's crap. Now when the masses starts thinking that Android is crap, and it really is crap, the mass abandonment will start and Android will be on the decline.