Windows Phone 7.1, a.k.a. Mango, goes official, here's what's new

24 May, 2011
Mango, a.k.a. Windows Phone 7.1, is served - along with 500 new features. Multitasking is among them, as is much deeper social networking integration, improved message handling and more...

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  • J
  • Joseph C
  • RKk
  • 24 May 2011

[deleted post]Wait, sheeps to android????
The best part of android is that it is heavily modular in structure. You can change pretty much everything in android(default apps, launcher). No other platform gives this kind of freedom.

Then there is the issue of Custom ROMS. You can install custom firmwares on all boot unlocked androids like Samsung or LG. Does iOS or WP7 give these? No. In the future would they? No again.

Plus WP7 and iOS are pretty dumbed down. Platforms like android, symbian and WM6.5 had dedicated filemanagement abilities. WP7 doesn't have these. It can only use fileformats its recognizes.

The term "sheep" is typically used with iOS or WP7 users as it is indicative of their willingness to follow such platforms. I for one would be picking one which give me max features.

Please do enlighten us what makes you think that WP7 will overpower android and that too in the coming year. Plus from what I have known the sales of WP7 have not been that great either.

    • D
    • AnonD-4697
    • Pr@
    • 24 May 2011

    AnonD-5197, 24 May 2011Actually, this got me wondering if previous WP manufacturer... moreTotally Agree

    I'm thinking microsoft will still lead their OS to HTC, Samsung, Acer a,d others, but they will be more focused on the partner Nokia.

    The want to be sure en capture all the numbers of nokia sales in something new for both (Nokia working with Microsoft and Microsoft helping in design new phones), I don't know if there will be an WP7.1 and WP7.1.1 (for Nokia) it sound creazy, but I know microsoft and they will do everything for make good profits.

    The bright side of this will be the reborn of Nokia to an new market (for them) a side with Microsoft.

    I'm very impatient about this, this news are full of prerogatives, but maybe Nokia has their chance to get again in the preferences of new buyers that look for something new in OS in ther favorite Nokia gadgtes.

      • A
      • Ashura
      • MA%
      • 24 May 2011

      Anonymous, 24 May 2011NOKIA might have a creepy OS but still they'll remain relia... moreThe best quality smartphones?That´s realy arguable

        • A
        • Ashura
        • MA%
        • 24 May 2011

        [deleted post]That is one possible scenario yes.One other scenario is Android continiues to rise and to hold alot of the marketshare and be on top alongside WP7 wich of course will also continiue to rise

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • v0q
          • 24 May 2011

          NOKIA might have a creepy OS but still they'll remain reliable and BEST quality smartphones u can have.

            • D
            • AnonD-5197
            • qbY
            • 24 May 2011

            AnonD-4697, 24 May 2011Indeed is true, however, microsoft is helping Nokia to desi... moreActually, this got me wondering if previous WP manufacturers will drop WP altogether.

            If the partnership gives Nokia that much advantage, only way other companies will survive in the market using WP would be to produce better phones with cheaper price than Nokia which should bring fairly interesting competition. But I don't think any of the competition is willing to invest in WP just yet as they didn't sell many compared to their Android projects. I haven't seen any news on other manufacturers starting WP device projects though.

            So in one scenario, competition will bring out more appealing hardware than Nokia which results in benefiting Microsoft because consumers will then pay more attention to the OS. In another, Nokia becomes sole distributor of WP OS and Microsoft loses big customers like Samsung and HTC. I'm sure it won't be as extreme as I'm imagining, but nonetheless an interesting story is about to unfold.

              • J
              • Joseph C
              • RKk
              • 24 May 2011

              Myself, 24 May 2011in just under a year of its lifespan, WP7 is already nearly... moreSo I guess it has file management, bluetooth file transfers, root operations, sideloading etc...

              Something as closed as iOS or WP7 can never come close to android. And seriously in what aspects does this beat android.

                • M
                • Myself
                • N7$
                • 24 May 2011

                AnonD-291, 24 May 2011"already nearing" !!??? Tell me which WP7 phone ... moreI was refering te the 7.1 WP. The current batch of WP7 aint close te Android 2.3 in terms of functionality(in terms of UI ease of use, fluidity and crispness though, even the current WP7 is far ahead of the vanila 2.3, take no prisoners). Try te compare the Omnia7 and the Nexus S side by side, ye'll see

                  • A
                  • A middleclass indian
                  • s8c
                  • 24 May 2011

                  AnonD-1360, 24 May 2011Super!! Wasn't expecting this update from Microsoft until 2... moreThe update is not for WM(Windows mobile).it is only for WP7(WindowsPhone7). If you are using a WM6.version you won't get this.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-4697
                    • Pr@
                    • 24 May 2011

                    [deleted post]Agree

                    I had too many phones, but non as durable as Nokia.

                    Sniff I still missing my HTC HD that was dropped from 30 cm and stop working at all...and my Nokia 5230 has been dropped, kicked and stomped and still working as day 1 :D

                      • d
                      • deojames
                      • fmD
                      • 24 May 2011

                      no file manager, no personal ringtönes, no bluetooth file transfer

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • t7J
                        • 24 May 2011

                        I'm going to pick a device on their next offering. What's pulling me away to get a Samsung is how they mess up the software even if they were great on hardware specifically their display.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-291
                          • 2SR
                          • 24 May 2011

                          Myself, 24 May 2011in just under a year of its lifespan, WP7 is already nearly... more"already nearing" !!???
                          Tell me which WP7 phone currently present in the market has functionality anywhere near Android 2.3 ?

                            • A
                            • Andrew
                            • 0Bj
                            • 24 May 2011

                            "Deep social integration" ruins the OS ....

                              • D
                              • AnonD-8088
                              • uNV
                              • 24 May 2011

                              My HTC 7 Mozart currently is the best WP7 device. & upcoming 7.1 will rock with HTC rather than creepy Nokia. HTC is the Best for Windows Phone & Android too.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 0xW
                                • 24 May 2011

                                Myself, 24 May 2011in just under a year of its lifespan, WP7 is already nearly... moreIt wasn't all features. Mango will be like Android 6.0, LOL :D

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-4697
                                  • Pr@
                                  • 24 May 2011

                                  AnonD-5197, 24 May 2011Last time I checked, Microsoft had hardware standards and a... moreIndeed is true, however, microsoft is helping Nokia to design the W series, the phone parts that Nokia is using to make the new W series are based on microsoft standard needs for a 100% compatible waranteed device.

                                  Is not like samsung, Acer, HTC or other brands. In the case of Nokia microsoft is proud of be not just a OS seller is a Business partner.

                                  That's the important part of Nokia/Microsoft relationship, Microsoft is not selling an Licence...Is a full partner on the design and build of the phone itself...but I don't know if this is good or bad :P

                                    • D
                                    • Danilo
                                    • fuM
                                    • 24 May 2011

                                    What I would like to see:
                                    - bluetooth file transfers;
                                    - a more efficient file manager.
                                    (For now... the list will get bigger with time, if they don't throw these out)

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-5197
                                      • qbY
                                      • 24 May 2011

                                      AnonD-2486, 24 May 2011Ya thats also there. We will only come to know the real pow... moreLast time I checked, Microsoft had hardware standards and all manufacturers try to max it out. "True power" of WP will not only show in Nokia phones but will be shown across the platform... Only differentiation from one WP to another WP is the brand name, design, and external features like screen, camera, flash, etc.

                                      Your fanboyism is disturbing.

                                        • s
                                        • so what
                                        • f3Y
                                        • 24 May 2011

                                        z, 24 May 2011my android can do those..... so can symbian. So what?? u want to keep laughing nokia. Here comes windows on nokia. Im lovin it already