Sony exec: next-gen Xperias to have bezel-less design

27 September 2017
This would spell the end of the OmniBalance design that is nearing its 5th year.

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Ahah. He said new, not bezeless.
I bet ya all new Sony wont look anything like the "bezeless design" competition. :-P

    • H
    • Hwelvaar
    • n72
    • 27 Sep 2017

    Why is the market going 18:9 ?
    Really, why?

    The standard was 16:9, just like TV's, and just like content (series, movies, games).
    So perfect fit on your mobile screen.

    So now wih 18:9 we'll either get black bars on the side, or cropped content.

      • A
      • Alien
      • ndn
      • 27 Sep 2017

      A Note 4 user, 27 Sep 2017The simple fact that sony does not have any decent bezelles... moreYou forget about the rest of us that actually bought the phone for it's design line.
      The design, waterproof and SD card slot were the features i bought a Sony.
      What makes me want to buy another Sony (after a few years of using one) are the software updates and optimization and damn good quality build.
      My phone is 4 years old and it's still rocking.
      Actually I'm a bit reluctant towards bezeless displays because they are not strong enough. I admit they look awesome and I'll definitely buy a bezeless Sony, but I'll be always scared it will be full of cracks like most of the S7's and S8's I've seen.
      So if you want a bezeless phone, be ready to pay 50% more for a second display or wait till Gorilla Glass 10 is on the market 😁

        • D
        • AnonD-428442
        • XP{
        • 27 Sep 2017

        I know people like bezel-less today, even if that makes using the phone a chore with unintended touches.
        I used to make fun of Sony's huge bottom bezel. However, I am realizing how it is actually user friendly as it prevents my palm to accidentally touch anything on the bottom corners. This happens a lot with other phones like Samsung.

          • A
          • Azn
          • iFd
          • 27 Sep 2017

          Hope a bezel-less phone with Arc or Xperia U and SP led design. ;)

            • D
            • Davood57
            • EKA
            • 27 Sep 2017

            Anonymous, 27 Sep 2017It's funny how Sony kept a similar design for 4+ years (I s... moreSony copies iPhone in this matter

            • 👍
            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • F3x
            • 27 Sep 2017

            It's funny how Sony kept a similar design for 4+ years (I say similar because the shape and features like camera placement, corners, speakers, etc. actually changed quite a bit if you look at their devices) and everybody was raging about how they need to change and how they don't care about their costumers' needs....and yet when Apple reveals the same design for the 4th year in a row (changing ONLY the antenna lines and then the back from metal to glass and removing the headphone jack) nobody really cares and it's still selling like hotcakes because Apple still cares about what their costumer's need....somehow(?) You can argue that it's "because the iPhone X is here" but then again this news is here that Sony is changing their design so keep quiet.

            • 👍3
            • G
            • Gem
            • XHx
            • 27 Sep 2017

            Better late than never. Either they will have to adapt and come with slim/bezel-less phones or sell their phones at mid-range prices. Because very few will pay premium for outdated design.

            • 👍3

            A Note 4 user, 27 Sep 2017The simple fact that sony does not have any decent bezelles... moreSony will come from another wall, trust me, because they have many technology!

              Undoubtedly, this would be an absolute outstanding leap for Sony. I will 100% compliment myself with Sony, if so. (100% hopefully it will be).

                • A
                • A Note 4 user
                • 0vw
                • 27 Sep 2017

                The simple fact that sony does not have any decent bezelless phones YET clearly demonstrates that they don't (didn't) understand (or care) what their customers' needs and wants are in 2017.

                I think the train has already gone, sony.

                • 👍
                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • FUg
                • 27 Sep 2017

                AnonD-244086, 27 Sep 2017who is waiting to screen to body ratio 98% or more?There wouldn't be a front camera, haven't you thought about that?

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • FUg
                  • 27 Sep 2017

                  Why Sony why??? keep the omnibalance design, just trim the bezels by 0.7cm.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-244086
                    • 0Uv
                    • 27 Sep 2017

                    who is waiting to screen to body ratio 98% or more?

                    • 👍
                    • D
                    • AnonD-697839
                    • Kg{
                    • 27 Sep 2017

                    Hopefully this is true. I've been waiting for sony to trim the top and bottom bezels of their compact. Please keep the compact's thickness and side buttons. Also add more grip to the phone maybe a rubbery coating?

                      • H
                      • Henning Lund
                      • asE
                      • 27 Sep 2017

                      UltimateZeroSeconds, 27 Sep 2017According the source, I ONLY know Sony will bring a new des... moreif Sony would sell two different designs for the same phone, would I always choose the phone with bezels.

                      • 👍2
                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • IYx
                      • 27 Sep 2017

                      If this is true, I'm done with Sony and all other brands are following bezel-less route. I know what looks beautiful and what does not, this might convince me to buy Oneplus 3T which looks perfect and bezels were made for protection. I think in few years time people will get fed up with bezel-less, and omnibalance design would return.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-697839
                        • Kg{
                        • 27 Sep 2017

                        aTrueBbLover, 27 Sep 2017Going beezleless may sacrifice their trademark stereo speak... moreCheck out the z5c's stereo speakers. Sony can keep that design. Some say it's not that loud but in my experience it's very loud.

                          • I
                          • Indian
                          • ut2
                          • 27 Sep 2017

                          Before Buy Sony Think Again.... North Korea Said "We Will Sink Japan Into The Sea".... So Beware :D LOL

                          • 👍
                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 8K6
                          • 27 Sep 2017

                          CataclysmZA, 27 Sep 2017NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. The side bezels... moreFlagships have ip68 since Z3.

                          And lowervIP since Xperia V ( 2012).

                          Z, Z Tab, Z Ultra, Z1, Z1c, Z2, Z2 Tab, Z3, Z3c, Z3 Tab C, Z4, Z4 Tab, Z5, Z5c, Z5p, X Perf, XZ, XZP, XZ1 and XZ1c are all waterproof.

                          • 👍2