Apple issues statement regarding iPhone batteries and performance
- ?
- Anonymous
- 043
- 29 Dec 2017
AnonD-664474, 29 Dec 2017My sister bought an iPhone 7 Plus after her LG G4 went into... morenah, she doesn't need to know. Before she notices, it will already be fixed.
- D
- AnonD-727134
- ptS
- 29 Dec 2017
My SE is 6 months old and has 6% battery wear. The frequencies are terrible. It mostly works at 911MHz with some blips to 1200MHz, 1512MHz and twice in the last 2 weeks to full 1.85GHz. The difference in performance is night and day when it goest to 1.85GHz. Apple should provide a toggle for those of us not worried about shutdowns and want the full power. We should have the choice. A new phone throttling to half the frequency. It is planned obsolescence for sure.
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- Anonymous
- IW@
- 29 Dec 2017
I don't believe Apple's press release.
Why not just let it be and have old iphones with bad batteries shut down frequently and spontaneously?
Here is I think THE REAL reason:
1. If an iPhone frequently shuts down under peak load but had no signs of slow down prior to the incidents, iphone users will immediately go Apple to have their units repaired rather than buy a new one. They would complain heavily and think badly about the quality and reliability of their iphones. They may consider shifting to Android because of their bad experience. Now that is bad publicity for Apple.
2. If an iPhone slows down however, that is, if Apple eliminates/hides the shutting down problem by significantly slowing down the iphone, iphone users will believe that their iphones are really still OK, that iphone quality really is still good despite years of use and that the slowdown they are experiencing is not related to any quality issue whatsoever, but rather, that it's just that their iphone is old and cannot cope up with new, more powerful software, and hence, needs to be upgraded. Now this is way much better for Apple than the first scenario. The reason is because it will give iphone customers a good impression of the iphone's longevity and staying power. Iphone owners with slowed down iphones will therefore buy instead new iphones rather than have their iphones repaired because, there is no shut down problem.
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- Anonymous
- nyq
- 29 Dec 2017
It's actually funny that Apple users see their slow iPhone that is just a year or two old. See, that their phone is garbage and still buys new iPhone without expecting it to become slower in a year. This is a sign of religion. As much as I don't like Apple, I really have to give that to them. Brainwash users' brains so much is... Spectacular.
- C
- Cheap Xiaomi casual
- s{K
- 29 Dec 2017
FrankDrebin, 29 Dec 2017I agree that when there's a monopoly a Company could start ... moreIn other words, Apple is what all other manufacturers aspire to be.
- F
- FrankDrebin
- KrW
- 29 Dec 2017
I agree that when there's a monopoly a Company could start making their phones obsolete on purpose, but if you look at it, apple has a monopoly with their customers, try to get an iphone user to switch to an android phone (whatever brand is best at any given moment), THEY JUST CANT, either by ecosystem, or something else, THEY JUST CANT, and Apple knows this, thats why they dare to do this.
With Android on the other hand, I have used like 5 different brands in the past 5 years, because at the time I was going to buy my phone, a different brand had the best phone (not the best in a single category, but the best overall phone for me) at that given moment.
From Sony, to Honor, to Motorola, Back to Sony, to LG rith now.
But apple users cant do that, they either get the next iphone, an older one, or keep their current iphone, sounds like a monopoly to me.
- C
- Cheap Xiaomi casual
- s{K
- 29 Dec 2017
Dante Evans, 29 Dec 2017So first of, i now know the one ho wrote this owns or had o... moreThird point: "Let's leave the stereotypes at home"
Yeah, your second point is a classic stereotype.
- m
- mojojojo
- y{k
- 29 Dec 2017
this got me thinking if apple using less quality of battery compared to their competitors. and they could get away with it because the slows the device after a year to prolong the daily batterylife.
- D
- AnonD-441601
- SH3
- 29 Dec 2017
Apple do everything to sell fakes as a new ones typical.
Apple never made a good phone only good copy :-)
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- Anonymous
- 3@K
- 29 Dec 2017
"Planned obsolescence might work in segments where there isn't a lot of competition and your customers have have no choice but to buy from you". Well, this is exactly the case with those locked in the iOS ecosystem which has one and only MOE.
- D
- AnonD-664474
- Kg{
- 29 Dec 2017
My sister bought an iPhone 7 Plus after her LG G4 went into bootloop earlier this month. It was around October when she got it. Should I tell her about this?
- D
- AnonD-664474
- Kg{
- 29 Dec 2017
Anonymous, 29 Dec 2017I don't mind a little bit of lag and a few seconds more of ... moreNumber one alone already disqualifies Apple.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Xf
- 29 Dec 2017
anonymous, 29 Dec 2017All brands have fan boys, I work with mobile all day long a... moreI don't mind a little bit of lag and a few seconds more of loading time as long as the phone is
1. fairly priced
2. has good battery life
3. runs the apps that I normally use
4. has a decent camera
5. durable yet easily repairable
- D
- AnonD-664474
- Kg{
- 29 Dec 2017
anonymous, 29 Dec 2017All brands have fan boys, I work with mobile all day long a... more"I almost guarantee that an S8 is faster than a Sony XZ premium in all tests"
Hahahaha that's a good New Year Joke, ain't it, eh?
Here you go:
- z
- zodiacfml
- J7R
- 29 Dec 2017
First and foremost, have never and would never - Those words usually comes from a mouth of a liar.
The issue, even if its true and prevalent, can be left as it is to provide more battery replacement jobs for Apple unless there is a lawsuit. A phone that keeps restarting or shutting down easily goes to the service center.
A slower phone due to the update is a truly sneaky. Most iPhone users wouldn't know about this and will be frustrated with the slowness and eventually upgrade.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3@K
- 29 Dec 2017
AnonD-190634, 29 Dec 2017the fact that they can just cut down the price from 80 to 2... moreIt's a double admission of guilt and overpricing.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 29 Dec 2017
Anonymous, 29 Dec 2017Forget about battery. Your Samsung is laggy crap compared b... moreHaving owned 2 Sony Zs, 2 Samsung Ss, 1 Oneplus and 2 Apple phones, Sony is nothing special. I would say get off your high-horse
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Xf
- 29 Dec 2017
Anonymous, 29 Dec 2017Forget about battery. Your Samsung is laggy crap compared b... moreNo it does not lag under normal usage. I was talking about durability and then you brought up that assumption that all Samsung phones lag which has nothing to do of what I just said. Forget about the battery? Are you serious? Battery life is one of the most important aspects on a phone and being replaceable is big bonus. Sony makes good phones but almost all of them have sealed battery. No hate on Sony.
- a
- anonymous
- gLN
- 29 Dec 2017
Anonymous, 29 Dec 2017Forget about battery. Your Samsung is laggy crap compared b... moreAll brands have fan boys, I work with mobile all day long and I can state that almost ALL phones have laggy bloatware and Sony is no different.
Lets be honest unless you buy a base android device I.E nexus then you will have to deal with some lag.
I almost guarantee that an S8 is faster than a Sony XZ premium in all tests
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3@K
- 29 Dec 2017
A statement of deceit with no shame from a shameless company.