LG and Samsung also confirm not slowing down old phones
- S
- Simon
- 0xI
- 29 Dec 2017
AnonD-163230, 29 Dec 2017samsung you such a big liar and never trust in your all products No, you can check the CPU core clocks anytime. My Galaxy S6 runs as full speed and like new after almost 3 years.
- D
- AnonD-163230
- yJp
- 29 Dec 2017
samsung you such a big liar and never trust in your all products
- 👍
- ?
- Anonymous
- vjw
- 29 Dec 2017
The fact is they don't provide any updates after 2 years so there is no way they will issue such a useless "feature" to phones with weakened batteries. And I'm rather wary of updates. If it ain't broke, why fix it?
- H
- HUckie
- Ivq
- 29 Dec 2017
you are a lair, samsung !!
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- x
- uJ5
- 29 Dec 2017
Wow this is what happens after what happened to Apple, now other OEMs come to say they don't slow down their smartphones, but really I trust ANDROID OEMs much much more on what they are doing
- ?
- Anonymous
- RrB
- 29 Dec 2017
I don't know about LG but for Samsung, that is BS! From Galaxy S6 to S7 to S8, every damn phone slow down and lagging once the new Note or S* start selling!
- 👍
- Z
- ZloiYuri
- Tmf
- 29 Dec 2017
Romo98, 29 Dec 2017That´why I am using products from LG.And I will never do. Now eill explain.
My 2.5 years old G4 need to replace battery every year because I charging this power eater twice per day at least. Third original LG battery just swollen after 3 months of use. Now I have to use old battery. It can switch off phone even 30-40% full. If I shoot photos or use navigation. Especially if temperature is low.
Now I see this iPhones batteries madness and think slowing down device if battery is bad - not that bad thing. But users HAD to be warned about that effect.
- M
- MdN8
- B}Q
- 29 Dec 2017
AnonD-468012, 29 Dec 2017I think even other Android OEM do not slow down their phones. Nobody does it, or they would lose customers. If my Samsung was slowing down (or Sony or Motorola or Nokia etc) I would simply buy another Android from another brand. But if an iPhone slows down you can only replace it with another iPhone. That's why Apple tried to get away with it.
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- The Scientist Pigeon
- r@s
- 29 Dec 2017
I am going to retest a Samsung Galaxy Pop Plus (mini S5570i):
1- The device started to work in 2012-April. Since the Day 1, with Android 2.2, there is a reset interval which is 36 days. After the interval antenna is available but calling and texting is impossible. After the day 56, Wi-Fi won't be reached by phone (another one which was updated to 2.3.6 just lose antenna and after 50 day will turn off automatically.)
2- 3 Spare Batteries was bought for listening to music during long nature photography.
3- 2 Spare Batteries are used and One is vacuumed and kept in standard condition.
4- when playing tower defence to test its performance, 100% reached 10% in exact time of 05:12:35.
5- it is working until now as an active calling device. Home and Back keys(buttons) need too much pressure to work, but the Menu key is like the day 1 same as volume and Lock/Power.
6- With Original Battery, when the game starts, the handset goes off.
7- I am already testing those two used batteries to see when they reach 10%.
8- For the sake of this claims, I opened the packed battery, tested and it is healthy without charge. I am charging the battery pack. as it reaches 100%, I will test the battery and compare the draining with those used unit. If it shows better endurance, I will put the battery in the handset and play tower defense to see how true is Samsung.
despite being aged, it works flawlessly.
"10% is the safe point to test or connect it to the charger for sudden interruption prevention, as some brands and even some models of one brand set the turn off percent of battery between 3 to 10 in order to help battery last longer"
- D
- AnonD-468012
- tx4
- 29 Dec 2017
I think even other Android OEM do not slow down their phones.
- D
- AnonD-706242
- fmg
- 29 Dec 2017
My Galaxy S6 manages to keep up with the iPhone 7 in terms of performance,though the Iphone 7 lasts the whole day no matter how much I abuse it which the S6 doesn’t and it dies by noon. Psychologically assessing myself I love the iPhone 7 because it gets me through the day. That’s the same way I would feel if a galaxy s8 plus gets me through the day doing tasks at lightening speeds. The only thing Apple did wrong was not telling me it was throttling my cpu and not giving me an option to opt out. I would have chosen to be on this programme regardless. Apple next time tell us before you do it. Samsung has smartphones that outlast Apple devices, don’t give people a reason to leave. Be transparent.
- R
- Romo98
- MZx
- 29 Dec 2017
ALPHABOY17, 29 Dec 2017You know what made me sick shamesung? Your f*cking bullsh*t... moreHighly agree dude (y)
- R
- Romo98
- MZx
- 29 Dec 2017
That´why I am using products from LG.
- ?
- Anonymous
- UD{
- 29 Dec 2017
techperson211, 29 Dec 2017Because even the flagship phone of Sammy is slowing down au... moreMy note 4 still kickin a$$ of some flagship phones from other brand.
- A
- srr
- 29 Dec 2017
You know what made me sick shamesung? Your f*cking bullsh*t!!!!2013:touchwiz lag! 2014:Emmc issues, 2015:gametuner bullsh*t!, 2016:exploding phones!,2017:display cracking and burn in!!! And software updates are so slow and sluggish !
I had all those problems except for 2017 phones! (because I don't wanna try them out because I heard in my area a lot of issues)
Lg had in 2015 and 2016 bootloop problems but it seems like today lg is a king!
for all samsung lovers:STAY WITH FACTORY OS!!! YOU CAN'T DOWNGRADE!
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- C
- Cyr4x
- mce
- 29 Dec 2017
They are not slowing down, cause there are no updates anymore for this phones.
- D
- AnonD-696124
- ix9
- 29 Dec 2017
techperson211, 29 Dec 2017Because even the flagship phone of Sammy is slowing down au... moreLol, ain't you a troll. Oh well, you may be right on samsung devices due to all the bloatware. By comparison to a Nexus/pixel device or a oneplus device. Even if your device is 5 years old, it doesn't slow down, it may heat up due to it's age and the excessive usage but slowing down, not gonna happen.
That's why i went for a oneplus 5T, because i know how good these devices are...
- D
- AnonD-664474
- Kg{
- 29 Dec 2017
AnonD-664474, 29 Dec 2017Without the confirmation, I know that Sony also doesn't do ... moreDoesn't do the same, I mean they're not slowing their phones down.
- D
- AnonD-664474
- Kg{
- 29 Dec 2017
Without the confirmation, I know that Sony also doesn't do the same. With or without Qnovo's Battery Technologies, their phones are great performers and the quality of their batteries are superb (reason why Samsung bought their batteries after the Note 7 fiasco).
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