Samsung Galaxy A8 (2018) pre-orders begin today

02 January 2018
The device will be up for pre-order in Samsung's home country of South Korea, with sales beginning January 6.

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  • D
  • AnonD-441601
  • SnY
  • 07 Jan 2018

TheLostWanderer, 05 Jan 2018So you are telling me that chinese phones are better becaus... moreMan chinese phones arent slow maybe a budget ones.
But ones with price tag of 350+ are good enough.
For that i really dont need to waste 700 more for a flagship which does the same tricks for 700 more bucks.

    AnonD-441601, 05 Jan 2018Man i was saying loading apps where Apple X can load your g... moreYour English is bad, just saying.
    I have feeling that you don't even read people's comments before posting.
    And I don't know why you just call all people liars when you run out of arguments. I try to understand but I can't.
    I get it that you are really in love with chinese phones, but this just isn't right to bash everything else. Please atleast try to be objective, people here come for real information and you advice them into buying bad phones. That's bad. I don't mean to offend you, just keep in mind that when you spam a comment section with misinformation, someone might make a mistake because of you, and I hope that this is not your goal.

      • D
      • AnonD-441601
      • SH3
      • 05 Jan 2018

      TheLostWanderer, 05 Jan 2018So you are telling me that chinese phones are better becaus... moreMan i was saying loading apps where Apple X can load your game lets say in 5 seconds and Mi6 for less than 400 eur do it in 7 seconds thats no difference to cry for.
      The ram is same in both phones so gaming is good on both.
      On Andoid or Apple store exist no game which could lagg on either of these two phones.
      So i laugh at your comments.
      I am playing clash of lords 2 at my Moto X4 which is chinese phone and the whole game is smooth as possible.
      And zes razer is a gaming phone and the games on Razer are much smoother than you apple could ever imagine.
      Apple dont have ram for that. Also battery. With their 2k something mAh they cant even be used for games because your battery get from 100% to 0 in maybe half hour.

        AnonD-441601, 05 Jan 2018Speed test and for what purpose? Mi6 for less than 400 eur... moreSo you are telling me that chinese phones are better because they perform worse and are cheaper?
        Xiaomi is better than Apple because you use small apps? If you played real games, you would notice why is Razer phone a gaming phone and how much smooother game runs on iPhone.
        I just can't help it but laugh at this. Chinese phones are better for being slower and cheaper lol xD

          • D
          • AnonD-441601
          • SH3
          • 05 Jan 2018

          TheLostWanderer, 05 Jan 2018Then buy your Chinese phones and stop making stuff up on ev... moreSpeed test and for what purpose?
          Mi6 for less than 400 eur by now can load any app within few seconds.
          Apple x does the same in maybe 1-2 seconds faster.
          For that i really dont need to spend 1000 more on that fake sticker with worm bitten apple.
          Aye apple is miles away but with reality as well.
          In present era A11 bionic have no practical use because there is no app or tech in phone which could use it.
          Like with razer 120 HZ screens where no game exist that runs 120 HZ.
          There are barely some at 60 HZ not even 120.
          Now what my friend.

            AnonD-441601, 05 Jan 2018Again Lie. Huawei is also chinese and have own research dep... moreThen buy your Chinese phones and stop making stuff up on everything about Samsung. It's your choice to buy crappy china phones, and others aren't bound follow. And about prices - if I want to overpay something, I will overpay something, even if I go out there and buy iPhone X - It's my money at the end of the day, and iPhone X will run circles around any chinese phone in speed tests.

              • D
              • AnonD-441601
              • SH3
              • 05 Jan 2018

              TheLostWanderer, 05 Jan 2018So, now you reply twice on my every comment. And call me a... moreI like your style so i can reply as many times i want my funny friend :-)

                • D
                • AnonD-441601
                • SH3
                • 05 Jan 2018

                TheLostWanderer, 05 Jan 2018So, now you reply twice on my every comment. And call me a... moreAgain Lie. Huawei is also chinese and have own research department.
                Or you think a Samsung developed Kirin 970?
                Man you walking in labyrint of own lies and you cant find exit looks like.
                So stop foorcing me to stop my hate because its objective.
                Samsung research crap. Curved screen which are resistant to screen protector? For what purpose. To make your phone much more expensive and fugly good idea.
                To research Iris scanner where everybody have a slight chance to open your phone?
                Grats. What next. A lot of tech noboddy wants.
                We all wants better batteries, we all want phone which could charge fully in 30-60 seconds..
                That charger has been developed like 4-5 years ago and yet still its not implemented in any phone. We all want lot more but Samsung research only what he wants to not what people wants. Apple do same.
                By the way my chinese phones outselling Samsung and Apple.
                Reason is very simple. Samsung and Apple never sell cheap.
                And if we speak about copying apple took amoled from Samsung 4k from Sony, Wireless charging from Samsung, IP68 tech as well also Iris technology. So stop defending your copycat garbage and be objective please. Thank you.

                  AnonD-441601, 04 Jan 2018LIE LIE again a big LIE. The moment you sign up for terms... moreSo, now you reply twice on my every comment.
                  And call me a liar, yet I'm here trying to be objective, and you cover half of the comment section simply hating everything Samsung does, and throw hate on Apple too.
                  Part of the reason why chinese phones are so cheap is because they don't have research and development departments like Apple and Samsung do. Chinese manufacturers simply copy what others develop, which is cheaper. But if it was not for Samsung and Apple, your chinese phones would suck even more, and would be a lot more expensive too, since they would have less competition.
                  So, stop hating and be grateful that Samsung and Apple exist.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-441601
                    • SH3
                    • 05 Jan 2018

                    TheLostWanderer, 04 Jan 2018But Apple isn't stealing your data, unlike budget chinese p... moreMan the first time you sign for terms of service agreement with anything in your phone OS or app you gave them power to take your data and you have no idea what they taking from you.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-441601
                      • SH3
                      • 04 Jan 2018

                      TheLostWanderer, 04 Jan 2018But Apple isn't stealing your data, unlike budget chinese p... moreLIE LIE again a big LIE.
                      The moment you sign up for terms of use on anything your data are stole or at least you think that app OS or anything alse takes only what you think they would need to.
                      Truth is the moment you sign up for terms of use agreement service etc the got into your device and you have not even a slightest idea what they gathering from you.
                      For what kind of reason do you think an US President Obama had the most secured cellphone on the planet?

                        • D
                        • AnonD-441601
                        • SH3
                        • 04 Jan 2018

                        TheLostWanderer, 04 Jan 2018But Apple isn't stealing your data, unlike budget chinese p... moreMan thats a lie.
                        Apple gives you a lot more unwanted software than even chinese,
                        Every new update a couple of new apps will bother you but they become a part of IOS.
                        So no matter if you want them or not you are forced to accept.
                        And gathering intel is speciality of anyone present days.
                        IOS, Android etc you always have to agree with terms of use and when you do they got you so is the same.
                        And i am not loving any of chinese companies but i like them more than your apple who rather dont tell you the truth until its well known to everybody and then they looks like an innocent virgin. I know you will protect your apple no matter what but company without mistakes doesnt exist.

                          AnonD-441601, 04 Jan 2018man everything is made in china even apple. But Apple isn't stealing your data, unlike budget chinese phones, Apple doesn't come with pre installed software either... phones made by chinese companies do.
                          That's the difference.

                            AnonD-441601, 04 Jan 2018Man everything is made in china. Apple on its back panels... moreBut you don't see iPhones stealing your data sending it to servers in China!
                            That's what I'm talking about. It's Chinese company phones like Xiaomi who were involved into security breaches, and you are ignoring it again, even when replying to the comment.
                            It's not about Apple, it's about what YOUR beloved Chinese manufacturers do!

                              • D
                              • AnonD-441601
                              • SH3
                              • 04 Jan 2018

                              TheLostWanderer, 04 Jan 2018Yet you never replied on any of issues on that same China p... moreman everything is made in china even apple.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-441601
                                • SH3
                                • 04 Jan 2018

                                TheLostWanderer, 04 Jan 2018Yet you never replied on any of issues on that same China p... moreMan everything is made in china.
                                Apple on its back panels have a sticked made in china and thats apple.
                                Try to gues how much could cost apple X assembled in USA by USA workers where hourly salary is like 10-12 USD?
                                I tell you maybe a 15 000 eur.
                                And now try to gues how many people will buy a phone for 15 000 eur?
                                Now tell me why the phone is made in china and yet cost 1500?
                                I tell you apple CEO is greedy.
                                Try to think why they live so luxurious life full of riches and newer known what means to be homeless beggar starving on streets etc.
                                And try to think how much salary get apple workers in china?
                                If you never were in any of their warehouses i tell you. Its national minimum hourly pay.
                                They working 18 hours a day 7 days a week with only a 10 minutes break time. Well its a slavery and its real. How i know? In past times where Jobs were alive a real made video came to the world on youtube. Truth has been unveiled but apple paid to some companies and everything has been erased forewer.
                                There is lot of truth you people never know.
                                But i am not an ordinary human. Collecting intel its one of my specialities.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-441601
                                  • SH3
                                  • 04 Jan 2018

                                  TheLostWanderer, 04 Jan 2018We get it, you only like cheap Chinese phones. Stop trying... moreBut this has to do with article.
                                  Anyway China products sells as much as apple or samsung.
                                  Because of much lover price and for much lower price you get much better device than Samsung Sony or Apple can event sell.
                                  In present era everything is ruled by the money.
                                  But why to pay more for receiving less?
                                  Mi6 cost 400 eur and have same specs as Samsung S8 which cost 800 when released as a brand new.
                                  Yes i understand Superamoled curved screen quickcharge IP67 etc better camera etc.
                                  Well if Mi6 had any of theses it will cost maybe 500 or 550 not more.
                                  And the quality will be same.
                                  But people never understand all they pay is a sticker of samsung on their phone.
                                  The rest is as good as xiaomi MEIZU LENOVO ETC CAN DO.
                                  So sorry to bother you with truth.
                                  But keep paying more for less.
                                  Who i am I to judge you what to buy.
                                  Forest and animals dying but there is no cure for human stupidity.
                                  And the companies will brainwash people even more.

                                    AnonD-441601, 04 Jan 2018Ye i know thats why i like chinese phones more than Samsung... moreYet you never replied on any of issues on that same China phones you love so much!
                                    What about pre installed spyware? Security breaches and sending your personal information to servers in China? Toxic built materials? People producing these phones barley getting paid?
                                    Those phones are cheap for a reason!

                                      AnonD-441601, 04 Jan 2018Man i will be objective. You want the truth i will tell you... moreWe get it, you only like cheap Chinese phones.
                                      Stop trying convince yourself and others that Chinese phones are as good as other, better quality phones.
                                      Or go to comment section of these Chinese phones and write them poems and essays about how good they are.
                                      None of the people here came to comment section wanting to read biased opinion of one individual, which has nothing to do about this article...

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-441601
                                        • SH3
                                        • 04 Jan 2018

                                        TheLostWanderer, 03 Jan 2018Dude, you covered half of the comment feed with your commen... moreMan i will be objective. You want the truth i will tell you. I copy you for this letters: You hate Samsung only based on your personal opinion. You aren't even trying to be objective!
                                        To be honest. Companies as big as Samsung or Apple, Sony which are in every corner of this god forgotten planet do everything for sales.
                                        For example past few hours there were post a Samsung S8 note series suffer battery problems. To be honest Samsugn knew this long time ago but they keept it in secret until its becomes global. Like note 7. Well try to guess how many people would like to buy a phone with battery problem before it has been even released. I tell you noone.
                                        Apple and its IOS update bugs is the same.
                                        They know its long time ago but every fix cost a lot of money. People needs to be paid to works harded and the solution to be found. But apple will never tell unless its become global to do not loss a customers.
                                        And when its becomes a global they looks like an innocent virgin who dont know whats going on.
                                        Only plus for Sony they dont have anyof above problems and they sell a quality products.
                                        But i dislike them anyway. Having a Sony sticker on anything means +30 to 60% price of the same quality same device made by china !!!ANY!!! company.