Sunday debate: Is removing the headphone jack the way forward?
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- s4f786
- B{t
- 21 Jan 2018
AnonD-731363, 21 Jan 2018To be honest and i am always honest it is. Yillions of pe... morePeople have eyes lol, when you cross a road you look left and right,earphones don't impair your sight, you put out some funny comments lol.
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- Anonymous
- F9r
- 21 Jan 2018
It's a false economy, plain and simple. I don't want to sit there and daisy chain dongles off my phone! It's meant to be a MORE convenient device, not less. Bluetooth is a power hog as well, and I am NOT running the risk of having my phone run out of juice when 1. I rely on it as an alarm 2. I use it during the day and need to have a full charge in the morning. Blocking off the charger with an adapter is a huge mistake, it's an absolute joke. Apple seems to be a fan of removing ports in favor of all this daisy chaining, and it looks ugly and is cumbersome. Just leave the jack!!
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- Anonymous
- npJ
- 21 Jan 2018
Damn you Apple.
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- Anonymous
- 0BG
- 21 Jan 2018
Anonymous, 21 Jan 2018Some are scared of change.. I remember a lot of resictance ... moreLOL more of these types of ridiculous examples. Removing the keyboard really did give us something in return, didn't it?
But removing the 3.5mm jack is a compromise in the name of...well, compromise itself. It gives you nothing. It's like the removal of dedicated sim slots by most manufacturers. Mate 10 pro doesn't even have a hybrid slot. Mi 6 doesn't even have water-proofing.
They/you can give tons of stupid excuses, but in the end it's being done doe to evil and insanity. No good, valid reasons.
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- Anonymous
- 04e
- 21 Jan 2018
AnonD-428442, 21 Jan 2018Meh. In the next few years, people will move on when almos... moreSome are scared of change.. I remember a lot of resictance towards the removal of physical keys..
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- Anonymous
- 0BG
- 21 Jan 2018
AnonD-704307, 21 Jan 2018I still don't get why there is even a discussion, its liter... moreThere's also too many shills (tech reviewers, sites and posters) pushing this madness and trying to brainwash us into thinking it's "progress". It's mostly them who make this discussion necessary.
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- AnonD-704307
- TrV
- 21 Jan 2018
I still don't get why there is even a discussion, its literally less options, if you want to continue using your normal headphones you need a dongle, yey one more thing to buy for your phone that can get lost and etc, and if you are using bluetooth yey one more thing to charge and take care of. There's too many people that either dont care or are ready so swallow anything the company (they follow like zombies) tells them.
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- Anonymous
- 0BG
- 21 Jan 2018
Anonymous, 21 Jan 2018Yes. Its the way forward without a doubt. Just like the COR... moreExcept it's not really cordless, because you still need to charge it and it's much more inconvenient and impractical that way. Like many of us said, technology is far from advanced enough for the removal of 3.5mm jack. It's like going off the grid and using solar panels. it may be the future, but we are living in the present.
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- AnonD-558092
- r7b
- 21 Jan 2018
Fact is that the jack removal is to push you towards wireless headphones that too have a sealed battery thus limited lifespan. Because when you buy good wired headphones, you can keep them long. Very long.
Thin devices can have the jack just fine. And big batteries too. And Bluetooth at the same occasion. While still having a USB-C port. Without removing any component.
My headphones are hybrid, in that I can choose wired or wireless mode. Wired is my predilection choice, while wireless is only used when wired is not appropriate. And I think it should be like that for everyone.
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- Anonymous
- 04e
- 21 Jan 2018
Anonymous, 21 Jan 2018If you listen music with beats headphones and Bluetooth is ... moreYeah brah! Like if you care about the people you are talking to, you must use a landline!
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- Anonymous
- 04e
- 21 Jan 2018
Yes. Its the way forward without a doubt. Just like the CORDLESS PHONE was the way forward, getting rid of the minijack is just another stupid cord to be done away with. The cords are like the dinosaurs was, all set for extinction.
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- Anonymous
- LU9
- 21 Jan 2018
If you listen music with beats headphones and Bluetooth is because you don't know nothing of music.
- A
- Alien
- 3RM
- 21 Jan 2018
Anonym, 21 Jan 2018One word: bezels.
They can do everything in one package... moreEven though i have stereo speakers on my XZP, I never listen to music without headphones. Why? Common sense. Nobody wants to hear other's people music.
If I were to choose between stereo speakers and the 3.5mm jack, I'd ditch the speakers in a heartbeat.
Also, many, MANY times I'm changing my phone WHILE watching movies or simply using it.
So, just like the polls results confirm, removing it is CLEARLY A DOWNGRADE.
Give me a battery that lasts for a week and I'll say 3.5mm what? Till then, NO WAY!
- D
- AnonD-731363
- SH3
- 21 Jan 2018
Rayne, 21 Jan 2018Bad decision!! Period. Headphone jack is essential to smart... moreNo is not its a life killing feature.
Imagine how many people died on streets, roads and tracks hearing music so loud they couldnt listen anything else like train, car horse etc.
I will be more than glad to remove it.
Also it would be better if they did not implemented this feature in past.
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- AnonD-428442
- sR1
- 21 Jan 2018
AnonD-542833, 21 Jan 2018I agree that the proper headphones should be there, because... moreHaha what a loss.
Samsung is pure overpriced crap. Within next year, the J7 will stop being updated while the Mi A1 will continue getting updates like the pixel. Feel so sorry for those paying for overpriced Samsung.
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- AnonD-428442
- sR1
- 21 Jan 2018
In the next few years, people will move on when almost all companies ditch the jack. Motorola did it first, then Xiaomi, HTC, Apple, and even Google. And it’s not even a big deal. People made it sound like they cannot use their regular headphones at all, while in reality they still can with a minimalistic dongle.
Remember when 3.5mm jack was not that common, when everybody must use an adapter for their headphones with 6.35mm jack? Yeah, people just forgot about that. People will whine and moan, but they will adapt themselves later.
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- Anonymous
- 0BG
- 21 Jan 2018
Anonym, 21 Jan 2018One word: bezels.
They can do everything in one package... moreWell the iPhone,s speakers are no different. Actually they are awesome (As much as i hate anything about Apple/iPhones, i gotta admit: the speakers are brilliant, so that type of implementation is more than good enough).
As for bezels? Well, the Mate 10 has 81.6% screen-to-body ratio, big battery, 3.5mm jack and even a fingerprint reader. That's how it's done. So how can anyone think the 3.5mm is a disadvantage when you have everything without unreasonable compromises? Obviously it can be done. So i won't excuse any company who tells me it can't. It doesn't want to, or maybe it can't, doesn't matter -the point is they are not good enough for whatever reason, period.
Same with Huawei, actually. They removed the jack in the "pro" version, and? The battery is not bigger, the size is not smaller and it doesn't even have a fingerprint sensor below the screen.
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- AnonD-542833
- gM}
- 21 Jan 2018
I agree that the proper headphones should be there, because it gives choice to user to use his or her own headphone. I prefer Samsung because first there is the headphone jack and second 3 proper slots.
Yesterday I visited a mall to buys some grocery and in the electronic section I saw 2 guys were interested in buying a new smartphone. They selected MiA1 and J7 Prime (Which I use). I told them about my experience with the J7 Prime and adviced to go for it. But he almost bought the MiA1 and the salesman brought a sealed pack. Than suddenly he was taking the demo of MiA1 and noticed that it is type C not a mini USB which is every where. Than he decided to cancel MiA1 and go for J7 Prime. His friend made objection but the guy finally bought it. So a unique charger cost the deal for the MiA1.
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- AnonD-731363
- SH3
- 21 Jan 2018
Anonymous, 21 Jan 2018Its stupid. Only removed for financial reasons. It makes si... moreMan thats not true.
Truth is that less fatal accidents will hapens on tracks and roads because people who dont listen music super loud will hear incoming train or car.
- A
- Anonym
- Lc2
- 21 Jan 2018
AnonD-732303, 21 Jan 2018>making it easier for [the manufacturers] to make [..] m... moreOne word: bezels.
They can do everything in one package, but then you get the bezel galore (which sales say it's not good for market). More successful market approaches, such as those from Samsung, have to sacrifice bottom stereo speakers to still be able to include the 3.5mm jack. There are sacrifices being made to keep that jack there, have no illusions otherwise.