Nokia N9 not coming to the US and the UK

11 August, 2011
Although pleased with the response to the N9, Nokia will not be launching the phone in the US and the UK.

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  • D
  • AnonD-13986
  • IVI
  • 11 Aug 2011

AnonD-17431, 11 Aug 2011Will it cone to indonesia?Yes, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philipines are the countries it's coming for SEA region.

    • D
    • AnonD-16342
    • mQR
    • 11 Aug 2011

    AnonD-252, 11 Aug 2011"stability of an Symbian"? Symbian have no stabil... moreSymbian is the "most resource effective OS" in the mobile world........
    I am owning an N8 for around 8 months crashes, or freezes etc....
    Nokia has its share of problems, I do admit it....but do you say that others dont....???? Apple, Andriod ...all have problems in one way or the other..
    Nobody has the perfect software.....nobody is perfect.
    I think Nokia is doing the right thing out here.....

    As for Microsoft, it is the biggest software company on Earth by a million miles. The problem was Microsoft did not had any real Tie-Up with any firm. This time they do, and I am looking forward to it.....

      • D
      • AnonD-252
      • 397
      • 11 Aug 2011

      Santanu Dey, 11 Aug 2011Sorry , I dont want to be rude.. but I think you guys are n... more"stability of an Symbian"? Symbian have no stability at all, my recently updated N97 mini is constantly freezing and crashing..., and many N8 users have the same problem with Symbian 3 and Anna! You Nokia-fans are a big reason for Nokias problem because you never admit any problems with your beloved Symbian made by your "God" Nokia, and when Nokia never hear, or even bother to listen to, any criticism they do not know what they need to improve!

      WP7 is not a completely new OS, it is not WP1 and we all remember Windows Mobile 6.5, so it is really bad that Micrisift still have not been able to develop real multitasking or been able to make it efficient enough to handle Adobe Flash 10..., Microsoft is after all not new when it comes to making operatingsystems...!

        • s
        • specter
        • qRj
        • 11 Aug 2011

        It is very sad to hear that. The most original thing they came up with in years and i cant be able to get my hands on it, that is Disappointing.

          • D
          • Desire
          • uE5
          • 11 Aug 2011

          Good move...
          Better be focused on other countries esp. in Asia and other regions that Nokia have traditional market. Forget a while US an UK, then slowly but sure hitting them with a powerful Meego in time to come.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Pr@
            • 11 Aug 2011

            Sun Down, 11 Aug 2011It's going to be supported.the device yes the os not

              • S
              • Sun Down
              • PF5
              • 11 Aug 2011

              Cod3rror, 11 Aug 2011Nokia are done, simple as that. They were afraid that t... moreYou probably forgot that their currently in a transition from Symbian to WP7. So this is probably their most fragile state yet, and the media and fanboys aren't really helping.

                • S
                • Sun Down
                • PF5
                • 11 Aug 2011

                Anonymous, 11 Aug 2011This was annoucend too much time ago. US and UK will no... moreIt's going to be supported.

                  • S
                  • Sun Down
                  • PF5
                  • 11 Aug 2011

                  I'm definitely not one of those whiners here, since the N9 is marked as coming soon on our Nokia retailer.

                    • a
                    • akki
                    • vIg
                    • 11 Aug 2011

                    Santanu Dey, 11 Aug 2011Sorry , I dont want to be rude.. but I think you guys are n... moreur logic seems to be correct...i hope and wish that Nokia rebound

                      • M
                      • Meego Best OS
                      • qBM
                      • 11 Aug 2011

                      Santanu Dey, 11 Aug 2011Sorry , I dont want to be rude.. but I think you guys are n... moreyou do realize that Meego on the N9 is not full Meego right? Its a customized UI called Harmattan. Full Meego IS 100% Linux, not downgraded.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Pr@
                        • 11 Aug 2011

                        This was annoucend too much time ago.

                        US and UK will not sale long as many other countries...

                        But If yu want one you can go eBay...not bigdeal...

                        However who will want an NO SUPPORTED DEVICE???

                        Me NOT..

                          • S
                          • Santanu Dey
                          • M{J
                          • 11 Aug 2011

                          Anonymous, 11 Aug 2011Nokia are done, simple as that. ---(with flop as ceo, y... moreSorry , I dont want to be rude.. but I think you guys are not giving full beans to what nokia is after...

                          I am living half time nearly in EU and Half a year in India..
                          In India, Nokia has a 54% market share currently of all the mobile device sales...... that is hugee... samsung is only 9% for your reference...
                          In SE Asia, Nokia is a market leader also....
                          I think Nokia is trying the first step to what they should have done years ago... making phones specifically tailored to a region....
                          People of different countries, have different choices of mobile devices. While US and UK are more into Apple and BB, Asia is not that much.... here Android is getting more and more popular, and Meego is (I think will do better than Andriod, because it is actually a downgraded version of the Linux for mobile phones, as I like to think ) another great way to start.
                          Surely, it does not have the stability of an Symbian, or apps and style of Andriod, but take a look 2 years before when Andriod was a baby....did it had 3 million apps from the first day???? I dont think so......

                          For US and UK markets, they should go for WP7 devices, because, WP7 is actually an American product and Microsoft might have a better exposure to the market needs than nokia..

                          Nokia is not the end.... it still rocks and it will continue to rock....

                            • C
                            • Cell Phone User
                            • Sgv
                            • 11 Aug 2011

                            Anonymous, 11 Aug 2011Nokia continues to get EVERYTHING WRONG. Good luck for the... moreYou my friend have got it right. I have N900 and wanted a N9 slider. Nokia have had the last pound they are going to get from me. Looks like I'll have to wait for the galaxy 2 slider.

                            As you said Nokia are going to need all the luck they can get. Elop's done a great just at recking the share price. But who would want to buy them now with so much legacy product. I would not for sure.

                              • U
                              • Upset
                              • x$N
                              • 11 Aug 2011

                              I'm furious. I'm an American, and I NEVER buy carrier handsets. I went from SE to the N900, and was looking forward to the N9. Nokia was the last manufacturer making nice unlocked phones that were technologically competitive. Now I have to get a droid or iPhone. This is ridiculous. I'm not happy at all. Hopefully the imports will operate on US frequencies, because this is total and complete BS.

                                • B
                                • Bailey
                                • i5B
                                • 11 Aug 2011

                                quiver, 11 Aug 2011sorry man, guess you haven't heard the word that n9 can run... moreYes sorry man i have but the guy who did the programming so this could happen has not completly finshed it yet, so what do customers do in the mean time? As only geeks and people that are seriously into tech visit tech blogs and can not seem to think from a general customer persons view may i point out that most customers wont care about that and wont even understand it they just want to load apps. Second of all if you were to talk the general public about Meego most people wouldnt even have heard of it because it dosent have mind share.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • YiX
                                  • 11 Aug 2011

                                  Cod3rror, 11 Aug 2011Nokia are done, simple as that. They were afraid that t... moreNokia are done, simple as that.

                                  ---(with flop as ceo, yes they're done)---

                                  They were afraid that the N9 would outsell WP7, and it would.

                                  ---(Not they, only flop, yes he's afraid the interesting N9 takeover his boring ugly wp and get his ass fired, this is the reason why he's in nokia, it all about m$ wp deal)---

                                  Think about this, this is a company that makes products and does not sell them to consumers who demand it, instead they try to sell you something else.

                                  ---(the meego N9/N950 is a big enemies of flop's wp, he hopes meego phone dies so he would do many way to prevent meego's sale, FORCE stupid costomers to buy wp is now his priority)---

                                  Such a company is finished. They clearly don't understand the market and their consumers.

                                  ---(flop understand completely that he has to protect his ass to make sure the market/consumers buying the wp--- dont worry, he will die with wp so ugly no matter how nice the nokia hardware design cover on the wp os/ui are just not on par in the market)---

                                    • M
                                    • MEEGO BEST OS
                                    • qBM
                                    • 11 Aug 2011

                                    Duh, old news. US wasnt on the list from the beginning. Will be importing it. Told you they're afraid that Meego will outsell WP7 and it would so they keep it from coming out.

                                      • g
                                      • guest NL
                                      • mGF
                                      • 11 Aug 2011

                                      it sadly wont come to the netherlands either

                                        • R
                                        • Rafael.avg
                                        • J0Z
                                        • 11 Aug 2011

                                        When will be released here in Brazil? I'm anxious! =D