Sony Xperia designers talk about camera, screen and thinner bezels

12 June 2018
They seek to find a balance - to deliver thinner bezels, without compromising ergonomics or the phone's other features.

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d.aimo.n, 13 Jun 2018there are many ugly china phones with thick curved back. ma... moreAgain, tell me at least three phones with similar design.

Sony pays attention to the little details with this phone by using a new vibration motor that actually feels really good and premium. Vibration motor is essential for smartphone experiences, so it is important for me. I'm talking about the vibration feel, not using the vibration to run together with every music I'm playing or every video I'm watching.

Of course I'll pick thick phones with bigger battery, but I don't want to complain too much about that, since my XZ2's battery life is spectacular, despite its capacity,

Again, try the phone for yourselves before judging.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 2FY
    • 13 Jun 2018

    FromChinaWithLove, 12 Jun 2018Sony! Why are you still doing this crap! Seriously! As a... moreThey keep on failing you and you keep on buying? Well, keep keeping.

      • d
      • d.aimo.n
      • BtF
      • 13 Jun 2018

      alvinzm, 13 Jun 2018Remind me of what chinese phone that looks like this? Let m... morethere are many ugly china phones with thick curved back. man.. they look ugly. i dont know why sony decided to use this kind of design without bigger battery. they even put stup!d useless gimmicky big vibrator instead of bigger battery.

      let me ask u question:
      which one u choose, thick phone with bigger battery? or thick phone with bigger vibrator?

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 2FY
        • 13 Jun 2018

        FromChinaWithLove, 12 Jun 2018Their so-called superior auto does not work as good as Sony... moreI thought you live in China. By the way, you should learn the uses of shutter button. Touch focus doesn’t always work the way you want but shutter key does.

          • d
          • d.aimo.n
          • BtF
          • 13 Jun 2018

          Anonymous, 13 Jun 2018Stop lying he said the truth.
          sony is the slowest in everything. well.. after so many years.. they have finally improved the camera of xz2, but sadly still worse than the competitor

            so.broke.ny, 13 Jun 2018well.. the latest design is really ugly. it looks like regu... moreRemind me of what chinese phone that looks like this? Let me tell you that the phone looks like Xperia neo from 2011, whether you like it or not.

            I respect your opinion about the phone's ugliness, although I disagreed with you because this phone looks great in person, like really great.

              • s
              • so.broke.ny
              • BtF
              • 13 Jun 2018

              alvinzm, 13 Jun 2018Hey ignorant smartasses, I'm sorry to call you by that name... morewell.. the latest design is really ugly. it looks like regular china brand

                • s
                • so.fat.ny
                • BtF
                • 13 Jun 2018

                12mm thick, overpriced, still lcd. sony.. you better focus on your ps and camera busines.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • JpI
                  • 13 Jun 2018

                  vrvly, 13 Jun 2018What about giving fun and quality option for camera process... moreStop lying

                    Hey ignorant smartasses, I'm sorry to call you by that name, but this is getting way too much. You people surely haven't hold or feel the XZ2 series in person. It is the most comfortable phone I've ever held. I don't like the XZ2P's design as it is way too bulky for my liking, but XZ2 is beautiful and you should see it for yourselves. Discover the phone yourselves before saying nonsense that could make all of you look like an ignorant, rude fanboy even though you're not.

                    About the camera, XZ2 is also great, it can compete easily with everything out there. Again you should see and experience it for yourselves. You don't know what the phone can do until you tried it, and compare it with other flagships. The details and colours are spectacular in this phone. Imagine what XZ2P can capture, with XZ2 being this good. If you can't get your hands on the XZ2 in stores, then go to your nearest phone counter or see some of those unbiased reviewers on YouTube.

                    You people always have something to say, whatever Sony is doing. Last year you're complaining about thick bezels and monotonous design, right? You already have trimmed bezels and different design now, SO FREAKIN DEAL WITH IT.

                      What about giving fun and quality option for camera processing? Shots are too noisy compared to the others, be it full res or 12mp one. Though colors and amount of detail is great, noise kills experience when zooming in. Hopefully new dual camera will change that. Kind of shame also that they got no longer the biggest sensor out of new flagships.
                      Hopefully animoji and tele lens will come. Miss also similar selfies as xa line.
                      Would they add game design, it would be perfect. They could also bring sort of play anywhere - to xperia, shame it failed, or did sony?
                      They say 16:9 is great for media, but I would use that 4K and 16:9 on tablet, they cancelled. Phones are not used same way as tablets, 18:9 or even 21:9 is acceptable because its used to mostly chat using not just text but ani/e-mojis and pictures that eat quite a piece of screen. You can always use extra screen, with same maximum width.
                      Too slow to follow trend, wonder why...?

                        • D
                        • AnonD-748999
                        • nbr
                        • 12 Jun 2018

                        Bla Bla Bla, Sony delivers nothing interesting in last couple of years. As for the camera, a lot of other phones use Sony sensors producing better results, how is that possible?! Sorry Sony I had two great Xperias in the past, but that time is over...

                          Anonymous, 12 Jun 2018Very different experience. XZ1 compact in here. Goog pictur... moreTheir so-called superior auto does not work as good as Sony said it is.

                          The focusing are pretty bad when you compare it to other side by side, while shooting photo in daylight is fine ( I can't even say it is super great, it is just fine).

                          For 1, the RAM can dramatically effect the whole performance of the phone as well as the camera app itself. And if you are like me living in a place where sunny weather is almost all year long ( South California )! Using a xperia phone to take pictures are almost always a challenge cause the phone heats up pretty quickly whenever you try to shoot any photo under sunlight!

                          Taking pictures at night isn't easy (or results in good photo too), as you need to be pretty steady with your hand, and it also need a lot of time to focus before you can actually take a good photo without any blurry or a lot of noise.

                          The biggest joke of Sony's camera is that it cannot do any close up focus and it is always out of focus ( when I said close-up, I mean like "Micro" that show in the camera app, just put a small object in front of the camera and test out it yourself. It lose almost to every other flagship out there). The focus always shift away and then out of focus!

                            • N
                            • Nzi97
                            • tug
                            • 12 Jun 2018

                            Well, no doubt the ambient flow has it fair share of flaw, but it a little bit given since they still need to retain the front stereo speaker, just look at pixel and also, i guess they might just pull some punch because they still need something to reserve for the next flagship, if they go all out right now, it might be the biggest mistake since they might burn the r&d budget with no guarantee the phone will sell well, marketing isn't cheap, and gaining masses attention won't happen overnight, especially when sony lack carrier deal in many country
                            Carriers deal might be small thing for some, but it can be a big deal breaker for many

                              DarK, 12 Jun 2018they should fire their current designers ... do all of them... moreXperia designers have more network I am adwars design than xamfung and copies of iPhone x will have in 1000 years

                                What's next,... blackberry explaining why the stick to the physical keyboard,.. seriously??
                                Sony phone design is still based on the walkman and these guys try to 'expalin' that??
                                If I were head of their phone division I'd have wiped both the marketing and design departments 5 years ago... that was the last time they could talk about thin bezels, not today, when everybody is making them.

                                  I absolutely love sony phones but my god this design is ugly... I loved my z2, all they had to do was get the xz premium, change the side plastic to metal with antennae lines like the xz1 and increase the screen size and reduce the bezels, the rest is the typical spec sheet upgrade, processor camera etc. They are so slow to change their designs and follow good trends like dual cameras, instead they waste their time on vibration engines etc. Sony if you're ever listening, ask the fans what they want in a device. The lack of 3.5mm is monumentally stupid, sony you make so many headphones and also the few remaining brands with the 3.5mm jack will garner more sales for not removing it, samsung, oneplus asus etc. Boggles my mind how a multi million dollar company fail to realise the obvious, also the curved back is stupid for table usage!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • iIa
                                    • 12 Jun 2018

                                    FrankDrebin, 12 Jun 2018Sony had GOOD DESIGN already, it was UNIQUE, I dont get whe... moreExactly. And those who are talking about thickness, it is more than obvious that they have never held an XZ2 in their hands..

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • pdH
                                      • 12 Jun 2018

                                      FromChinaWithLove, 12 Jun 2018Sony! Why are you still doing this crap! Seriously! As a... moreVery different experience. XZ1 compact in here. Goog pictures and best Android hardware at this size.
                                      That big iso value should help in Night pictures though. It has not been the stong point of my phone neither.

                                        Sony! Why are you still doing this crap! Seriously!

                                        As a xperia phone user, I can easily point out a few flaw from their phones and I can't believe that they're still trying to defence it.

                                        You can deny that xperia phone are somewhat feel outdated and lacking behind the other on many things!

                                        I keep on buying /using xperia because of Sony's camera, but they keep on failing me each and every time.

                                        Xperia XZ here, no good photos ever come at night. Close-up focus are always blurry and out of focus, or not able to get the right focus as well as fast focus too.

                                        Low RAM and low storage on flagship results in bad performance. Do you know that you can use their own camera app if your phone is using during a sunny day or under sunlight cause the phone heats up and the camera app crashes or forced close.

                                        While I don't might the bezel, but they are still too big comparing to other, in fact xperia phones got the biggest bezel among all other phones.

                                        And the lack of OIS on their phones even as of now are somewhat a joke. As well as all previous phones can't use the fingerprint reader in the USA!