Sony Xperia XZ3 to feature a single 48MP camera
- ?
- Anonymous
- I8m
- 27 Jul 2018
Shanti Dope, 26 Jul 2018Oh, you mean those wobbling that occurs even in the camera ... moreIf you are going to come at me like that try to make sure what yiu said actually makes logical sense next time so you don't clearly look like a fool just trying to push their own agenda that had no clue what they are talking about
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Jul 2018
Shanti Dope, 26 Jul 2018Oh, you mean those wobbling that occurs even in the camera ... moreAll depends on how the OIS is implemented, some systems have differing ways of working, I never missed a shot with my iphone 7 or my samsung galaxy s7
Sometimes a poor shot is simply down to the user, the device can only correct for so much.
you can give a normal person a pro camera and they could still get a rubbish shot, but you can give an experienced and thoughtful person a poor device and they could still most likely get a pleasing shot.
all the bells and whistles can't polish a turd of a photo, they can only assist someone competent enough to understand the limitations of the device and the given situation
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Jul 2018
Anonymous, 26 Jul 2018As far as pure sensor size goes. But phones do have advanta... moreDSLR lenses can be fast too, like a canon 50mm prime with an f~stop of 1.2
85mm prime f~1.2
50mm prime f~1.0
so I am not sure what your point is, and if you mean focus speed as well then using a mid to pro lens coupled with even a semi modern mid to pro camera will show you AF speed, even on my old canon 40D and 1Dmk2n with my 50mm prime or my 70-200mm canon white pro lens, plus the fact of the zoom, sensor size difference will give you a much creamier depth of field, real bokeh not artificial.
my macro 1:1 gave absolutely beautiful bokeh as well as being great in low light, even on my old canon dslr, switch over to a newer body and you get dual pixel focus, video, wifi, touchscreen, plus all the stuff no one needs
- ?
- Anonymous
- Js}
- 27 Jul 2018
No DRAM inside.
This is for XA3
- S
- Shanti Dope
- Kg{
- 26 Jul 2018
Anonymous, 26 Jul 2018Fact ois would help and every sensor with ois generally get... moreOh, you mean those wobbling that occurs even in the camera viewfinder??
If OIS can make a camera to capture photos better, I wonder why iPhones still takes crappy low light images.
The Galaxy Note 4 must have a better camera than the Nokia 808 PureView since it has OIS.
- S
- Shanti Dope
- Kg{
- 26 Jul 2018
Anonymous, 26 Jul 2018Um... In the same size sensor the 808 had 41 1.4um pixels.
... moreI know it ain't amazing, but the fact is that the 808's sensor is WAYYY bigger than this one. It's almost 4 sensors of 1/2" size to match the 808's camera sensor size. For 1/2" sensor, one would really expect something smaller than 0.8um pixel size.
If this sensor is about as large as the 808's, the pixel size would be roughly the same, and maybe a bit larger on the 808 due to less resolution.
- S
- Syuser
- ajZ
- 26 Jul 2018
It's time for K.O.'s from Sony. I am so happy for a future blast! For now it's still the best and most reliable maker ever! Thank you Sony!
- ?
- Anonymous
- I8m
- 26 Jul 2018
AnonD-731363, 26 Jul 2018Well at 2025 DSLR cameras will be way ahead of DSLR today. ... moreAs far as pure sensor size goes. But phones do have advantages sometimes in things like faster lenses, portability, video, ease of use, features
- D
- AnonD-731363
- SH3
- 26 Jul 2018
Walter C. Dornez, 26 Jul 2018Even so, the day when smartphone cameras start rivaling DSL... moreWell at 2025 DSLR cameras will be way ahead of DSLR today.
No matter how much they improve phone will always be phone and real camera will be real camera.
- Walter C. Dornez
- 47n
- 26 Jul 2018
Anonymous, 25 Jul 2018Yes, their hardware was always good but their software a bi... moreAnd with the XZ2, they finally made some headway.
- Walter C. Dornez
- 47n
- 26 Jul 2018
AnonD-731363, 25 Jul 2018Well they can put even 60 but compared to proper DSL camera... moreEven so, the day when smartphone cameras start rivaling DSLR isn't so impossible now. Right now, of course not. 2025? Maybe
- ?
- Anonymous
- I8m
- 26 Jul 2018
Zenodroid, 26 Jul 2018So you are saying that if they put 100mp on the phone, and ... moreClearly not what I said at all. Learn to read.
- L
- LG Superfan
- N7f
- 26 Jul 2018
Shanti Dope, 26 Jul 201848MP and still managed to have 0.8um pixels. Others would ... morePixel size depends on sensor size if you compare two 48MP cameras one with smaller sensor and other bigger bigger one will have bigger pixels if you use the same sensor with 2MP the pixel size would be the biggest you ever see
- w
- waiting
- 2Am
- 26 Jul 2018
waiting for this to add it to my 808 and 1020 that i am still using right now
- Z
- Zenodroid
- LgH
- 26 Jul 2018
Anonymous, 26 Jul 2018Less to do or not everything is not the same as claiming it... moreSo you are saying that if they put 100mp on the phone, and doesn't care about the rest. It will be the best camera out there? Or do you agree on the actual fact that the optics and sensors are the quality and performance of the camera. Even with low mp. As long the optics and sensor is top quality, the picture will be better than on the high mp.
- ?
- Anonymous
- I8m
- 26 Jul 2018
Zenodroid, 26 Jul 2018Ask any photographer. Mp has less to say, than the optics, ... moreLess to do or not everything is not the same as claiming it's nothing. It's still an important aspect.
Just like when people try to say specs don't matter.. Only optimization matters. Yeah....optiming good specs.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 26 Jul 2018
I don't get why Sony always ups the MP count so high for such a small sensor, while others are around the 12/14 MP mark, which to me is still high for a small sensor, I mean the quality is never going to match a real full frame camera, and I don't know anyone who needs to view their mobile snapped photos at that size.
I mean yes it does allow for more cropping and adjustment/alignment of you haven't framed the photo properly, but why not just frame it correctly at the time of capture? Unless you're shooting in Raw, editing in Raw and the program you're using uses a non destructive processing system then it's pretty much pointless, I think 8 to 10 MP maximum for the mobile sensors, even the 1 inch ones would be good enough.
I know people say the best camera you have is the one you have with you, but that's ok if you don't mind bad quality sometimes, I prefer grainy over blotchy over sharpened smudge
- ?
- Anonymous
- 26 Jul 2018
Zenodroid, 26 Jul 2018Ask any photographer. Mp has less to say, than the optics, ... moreThink my last camera which I got secondhand was £2700 then £1400 for a zoom lens and approx £250-300 for a 1:1 macro , £80 for a 50mm f1.8 prime, my fave lens to be honest :-) the nifty fifty
- ?
- Anonymous
- 26 Jul 2018
Zenodroid, 26 Jul 2018Ask any photographer. Mp has less to say, than the optics, ... moreWell yes I'd rather have a good sensor size with bigger photo sites to aid in light gathering, better optics for better detail capture, better flare control, etc
Megapixel count is good but to me not so important, even on my DSLR's when I use to use them I never went over 20 megapixels not even on full frame, cropped sensors like in consumer DSLR's I used I never went over 14 megapixels, Although I did love the quality of a decent medium format :-)
- D
- AnonD-731363
- SH3
- 26 Jul 2018
imparanoic1, 26 Jul 2018same principal applies not just camera, audio as well, ever... moreYes thats correct and i agree.