Samsung to close smartphone factory in China
- Denis Thomas
- 0Vi
- 14 Aug 2018
iComment, 14 Aug 2018have you even seen Samsung phone sales numbers? Or you are ... moreDid you read the story? Or you are just a sammy fanboy?
This is the beginning of the end I'm afraid..
- L
- Luxor
- wc6
- 14 Aug 2018
Johan, 14 Aug 2018So, they are closing down one factory and ramping up anothe... moreSorry, I didnt think the ignorant here didnt know how to use link provided by gsmarena themselves. From the Noida factory article, "Before the launch of the Noida plant Samsung was manufacturing 67 million phones in India". I dont know where you pull off 115 million. That means 67 to 120 million is an additional 53 million. That is more than the 36 million units the chinese factory made.
- A
- Alien
- 3RM
- 14 Aug 2018
Funny, I just bought a S9+ last Sunday and I have to say this is by far the best smartphone available for purchase these days.
Maybe only the Note 9 is somewhat better, but not by much.
China replicas don't have so many things, like REAL IP68 or MIL waterproofing, basic necessity like SD CARD slot, I'm not even touching the software issues.
Need I say that the chinese government is spying the hell out of you?
I'd rather have Google spying on me, than a communist gvt.
- ?
- Anonymous
- XNk
- 14 Aug 2018
Johan, 14 Aug 2018So, they are closing down one factory and ramping up anothe... moreLol where did you get the number 115 million from? Thin air?
- J
- Johan
- m{D
- 14 Aug 2018
Luxor, 14 Aug 2018So, everyone here busy providing evidence why Samsung not d... moreSo, they are closing down one factory and ramping up another.
Let's see.
115 to 120 million devices = +5 million
Closing down one factory that produces 36 million = -36 million
5-36 = -31 million. Oh, right.
- The Scientist Pigeon
- rhV
- 14 Aug 2018
Quib, 14 Aug 2018Oh really boy! I saw a lot of people like you whose only dr... moreYou definitely are unaware about markets, specifically china.
Those brand you mentioned are makers of both Chinese specific & Global ROMs.
Which means they sell most of their handsets in mainland due to Chinese ROM without google play services.
You call me Android fanboy. I think you yourself are suffer from fanboyism.
Samsung is losing ground to competitors.
Can Samsung make Chinese ROM for that market?
Can Samsung forget the huge china potential of customers?
Can Samsung do any magic to catch those who left him?
The answer to above 3 is Absolute No, unless:
to discover why they left Samsung.
1- Price
2- Update time
3- Unparalleled Mid-Rangers by the brand.
How Samsung can make advantage of these 3, instead of losing money?
For Price, Make phones cheaper; What Category? Mid-Range
To be on track for competition, Make specific to china models with proper features for them.
Update time: there are 2 ways:
1- Start a professional team to optimize OS as they arrive and launch the optimized version the day that OS is officially launched.
2- Follow Android One band wagon in order to be focused by the market. Which is more logical than the 1st way.
We are talking about a huge country with unified strategy to create and overwhelm the world by its brands and sub brands.
You also mentioned that Android is not Google's and is open to all.
Why Samsung which is a world leader in technology do not want to create android of its own from AOSP.
I am the owner of Samsung Smartphones due to my job along other brands since S8500 Wave to Note8.
S8500 was BADA which was the most trust worthy and fastest to respond OS on its time. What fade BADA away? Apps? Sponsors? or losing money!
In business money is Gear of progress. You must sacrifice many thing to control available resources in order to go further and be always on track.
Nokia without Plan B for failure killed both its reputation and 2 Major OSs. Symbian and Windows Phone.
Motorola because of financial problem is now a 2nd grade Chinese brand instead of competitive American brand.
LG, Sony, BlackBerry, HTC, etc. are victims of the way you think.
When send your Mid-Range division to stock and always update ready devices without Galaxy specific features, not only you won't lose money or reputation, but also you show the true potential of your flagships by offering those features.
And if you still insist on your imagination, wait for more failure as you might be anti Samsung boy In cover of fanboy.
Remember, Empires did not demolished over the night.
First global failure means fall of a huge column out of 4. If it happens to one other Column, the remaining 2 won't tolerate the spare weight and the structure will collapse.
- S
- Sushant Sic
- HsG
- 14 Aug 2018
They need to work on Midranged category the most where they are failing miserably...
The only key selling point would be... Better Hardware in Cheaper Price...
People are becoming smarter these days, they buy the Phones by checking the specs not by the Brand anymore...
- W
- Well
- SHp
- 14 Aug 2018
Maybe a change in strategy is what's called for. Sure cut losses if you have to, but that's not a solution to the problem. You need to compete and that means adapt. If they go cheap en mass devices with descent specs maybe make your own cheap descent speced devices. If you don't want to harm your "flagship quality" brand name create a sub-brand like Honor. But I guess they'll keep pushing expensive shit until they HTC themselves. The future is now old man. Adapt or die and be forgotten.
- P
- Prometheous
- yZt
- 14 Aug 2018
Mailman , 14 Aug 2018Chinese companies can push out from China any international... moreTables are turning at least in my country. We are having lot of locally manufactured goods on the shelves which were flooded with chinese goods.
- I
- Imperator Neubaticus
- sxr
- 14 Aug 2018
It doesn't matter where they place their factories. What matters is supply and demand.
- ?
- Anonymous
- XNk
- 14 Aug 2018
Anonymous, 13 Aug 2018Samsung is copying Huawei now lol, the tables have turned. ... moreComments like this just make me sigh. This place has become so toxic with so many brand bashers.
- b
- bellringring
- uCn
- 14 Aug 2018
huawei is still not at the level of quality with samsung sadly, that i will shun from huawei / vivo / oppo.
- D
- DurtyBoi
- K25
- 14 Aug 2018
are they affected by the tariff USA is imposing on China?
- z
- zhiyongwoo
- HjD
- 14 Aug 2018
Back in 2010, Samsung first came out Samsung Galaxy phone with very low price (but plenty more feature than iPhone - included WIFI Tethering on Android 2.7). That was it's turning point (Cheap + Many WANTED features).
Since then, the price of Samsung flagship phone from RM1.2K to now RM3K/5K. It managed to grab most consumer market share. Unfortunately, after few years the $/useful feature are slowly out of ratio. To me, any phones (no matter Android/iOS Platform) higher than RM3.5K is consider is not worthy.
In the consumer market, cost is everything. But if you want your brand to be outstanding, you can have 1 (sub) model of each Flagship phone sell with a premium price. I must give credit to Huawei, they managed to balance this very well. It serves the premium market but also keep most consumer happy.
Every product/technology will reach a peak. You will find all product are sharing the same functionality/technology and please don't use "copycat". Don't forget we are human, we are sharing the same DNA, therefore, the innovation will cross at a certain point. Most importantly the end user of a product are human too. So how innovative you are, at the end your innovation must meet the consumer market requirement.
Frankly speaking, even the mid-range phone from Huawei/Xiaomi/etc (but not Samsung) they are very good in term of $/useful feature ratio. Why I opt out Samsung? All these while Samsung mid-range still expensive if you use the $/useful feature ratio to view it compare to Huawei/Xiaomi.
Recently I bought Xiaomi, I must admit Android has finally reached to very stable & matured OS and with Xiaomi's cheap but high spec hardware. It performs just like flagship ( I am not referring to the benchmark score instead I am referring to a human usage). Some claim it only works for a year or two but who care. If it cost you less than RM1K for 2 years is equivalent to you buy RM2K phone for 4 years. But honestly, how many of you will use a phone more than 2 years?
So, the mobile phone nowadays has reach to a certain point where we can get a flagship like performance but still within RM2K. If Samsung managed to achieve that then yes, it could be another turning point but I believe mobile phone should evolved by then like Automotive friendly/connectivity.
- L
- Luxor
- wc6
- 14 Aug 2018
So, everyone here busy providing evidence why Samsung not doing well but failed to see what Samsung really doing here. They closed Tianjin factory that produced only 36 million units per year but expanded their factory in Noida, Uttar Pradesh last month that will manufacture 120 million units per year. That already offset the closing of their China factory.
- i
- iComment
- Ixv
- 14 Aug 2018
Denis Thomas, 14 Aug 2018rip samsung have you even seen Samsung phone sales numbers? Or you are here just to leave another comment? :)
- T
- 0p}
- 14 Aug 2018
It is not wonder China is facing a trade war with the US. Many foreign companies have had to withdraw from China. Given the just about everything is made in China, and they export so much to the rest of the world, it seems very greedy not to allow competition in their own market places. China is involved in protectionist policies.
Chinese businessmen who do business in other countries don't seem to be aware of international standards and they cut corners..... I don't like their business practices. Not particularly great people to do business with.
- Q
- Quib
- 8uB
- 14 Aug 2018
The Scientist Pigeon, 13 Aug 2018Short term remedy is offering giveaways.
Long term remed... moreOh really boy! I saw a lot of people like you whose only dream is "ANDROIDONE MADE BY SAMSUNG ". Why samsung will do that??Samsung phones should represent samsung, not guugol. And By the way,you are actually a guugol phanboy and want guugol to replace samsung.
And before you say, Android is made by guugl and bla bla bla.....Remember, as soon as it's free no one cares who made it.
There is a lot of stock android phones in the market.How much people buy those?? Because 90% people don't like or care about your beloved "STOCK android".So that 10% people (including you) start crying here and there for this oem to make stock that oem to make stock and bla bla bla.....
By the way, samsung lost ground to huawei and xiaoMi, none of them produce stock guuuugol android.So read before commenting.