Apple's "shot on iPhone" film likely isn't

26 January 2019
You can't produce that sort of footage with an iPhone XS and off-the-shelf accessories.

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AnonD-492870, 27 Jan 2019Should I still buy one though? ; ) no ... people will hate u

    LG Superfan, 27 Jan 2019Did anyone believed it was shot on XS?nope ... it was shot by pixel 3 XL

      Luxor, 27 Jan 2019Apple is telling us that their camera are crap unless you b... moreNo... they just want to make sure hangdroid user hate more on apple ....

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • sXb
        • 27 Jan 2019

        Anonymous, 27 Jan 2019Even ugly chick can be cute with enough surgery and make-up... moreadd few millions for editing also :)

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • sXb
          • 27 Jan 2019

          .alpha, 27 Jan 2019Proud of it. It shows with an adapter kit + DSLR lens I can... morenope you cant also nothing to be proud as a someone who studied vfx 4years and now 10y of experience i can tell you if you have enough money even some cheap midranger can give you those awesome looks :)

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • SpI
            • 27 Jan 2019

            To be honest, even with the 'shot on iphone' marketing I was assuming they would doctor or improve the footage somehow afterwards anyway. I don't understand all the tech that is out there when it comes to editing video and post processing but I'm assuming that is possible even on a video to alter the colour afterwards and possibly alter more. Nothing would make me believe Apple just took a standard recording straight from the phone and gave us that unedited.

              • L
              • Luxor
              • RIE
              • 27 Jan 2019

              sr777, 27 Jan 2019It could be that the videos and the images were shot only u... moreApple is telling us that their camera are crap unless you buy all the accessories and use all the software needed. That is how I take their idea about this film shot on iphone. Thanks for the head up Apple.

                • n
                • not chinese
                • Nsy
                • 27 Jan 2019

                bkwan, 27 Jan 2019It's Funny. I have an iPhone XS max, I bought the 512 gb mo... moreI'm sure not every family can travel as easily as yours and putting eggs in a bucket of sand protects them very well. I'm also sure apple did not script or direct the movie. So you don't have to be sorry you bought the phone because of the movie its actually quite lit, be sorry because you over payed for a product from a company that played on your vanities and caught you lol

                  • n
                  • not Iphone user
                  • Nsy
                  • 27 Jan 2019

                  I think it's only logical to assume they used some extra lenses over the iphone and I don't see what the issue is with that.

                  The idea is to show the iphone camera sensor quality, any other camera would have used a number of other lenses as well. The same with post editing. And the same goes for the audio.

                  I can't be happier that iphone sales are down coz of their overpriced phones, but people are a little dim witted if they assumed to make a movie that was shot with camera X, camera X just got pulled out of a box en there you go no extra lenses needed or no software needed to make it look good.

                  Go look at some youtubers that shoot there reviews on iphones with no extra lenses it looks really nice in it self and is still the preferred phone to do that with.

                    • s
                    • sr777
                    • X}t
                    • 27 Jan 2019

                    It could be that the videos and the images were shot only using an iPhone but processed further using other software. So technically what they're saying is true. It could even involve using external phone lenses as well.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • sE5
                      • 27 Jan 2019

                      Regardless of additional lenses, it is still shot with an iPhone. How is it that it “is not”?

                      This is not like Nokia in the past which used actual DSLR to shoot their ads.

                      Worse, I mean show me any ads from all companies that are not “simulated” nor using additional hardware/software. Heck, look at ads from Samsung J series phones, which cameras obviously not that good.

                        Did anyone believed it was shot on XS?

                          • A
                          • Abhijeet
                          • fCR
                          • 27 Jan 2019

                          Well, i have only seen bokeh effect in videos on Huawei phones till now, that is too woth the help of AI & that is too not perfect. I think any person who knows & follows camera developments of smartphone would know that ‘shot on iphone’ is just fake. Gsmarena i was expecting this article at fisrt place 😅

                            • m
                            • mmguy
                            • 7wm
                            • 27 Jan 2019

                            It's more than obvious that this is just a marketing gimmick by Apple, trying to make people think that they would able to capture video of similar quality (hence the disclaimer). Rubbish.

                            But if you did this article on a Chinese phone, be prepared for a lot of backlash before there are a lot of communist fanboys around.

                              Looks like the hardware they used is more expensive than the phone itself. I prefer to get a real camera with accessories rather than getting this..

                                • D
                                • AnonD-800802
                                • vCK
                                • 27 Jan 2019

                                mehtasameer2087, 27 Jan 2019Mostly none of the company's videos are true ,they are all ... moreLMFAO did you even read the article!? Obviously not. It’s not about being caught, Apple was at least transparent in admitting they used other hardware and app. Push comes to shove, Apple can easily disclose what they used. It’s not the same as the legion of android cheats.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • thw
                                  • 27 Jan 2019

                                  I respect honesty. If you shoot videos using iphone xs, then let alone it be an iphone xs no post processing software and hardware that will cost you 10 times than the iphone xs itself. On that advertisement Apple should says "the toolkit sold separately".

                                    99 percent of the pictures posted all around Instagram and other sharing sites are edited none of them are original

                                      Mostly none of the company's videos are true ,they are all shot using accessories or some kind of thing to provide gimmicks,Huawei has been caught,now apple ,inspect closely all of them are fake

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-492870
                                        • khb
                                        • 27 Jan 2019

                                        Should I still buy one though? ; )