Samsung rumored to be Huawei's OLED screen supplier for the P30 Pro

16 March 2019
It's also believed to be the sole supplier for the panels.

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Whackcar, 17 Mar 2019That would explain why they went from Mate 20 Pro's 1440P t... moreAnd currently Samsung only makes FHD OLED panels for other phone manufacturers. They want to keep WQHD panel for Apple and themselves.

    Note7 owner, 17 Mar 2019Why don't Huawei just steal Samsung's trade secrets and mak... moreBecause they they shouldn't as it's against the law?

      Shanti Dope, 17 Mar 2019Why don't they ask to the same supplier of OLED screen for ... moreIt is rumoured that sony outsourced their 4k oled panels from samsung. So they say. Which is actually logical 'cause samsung is the leader when it comes to oled panels

        LG Superfan, 17 Mar 2019Thank God they got rid of LGThank god you're not renaming your nickname which has LG in it

          • N
          • Nghtmare
          • pKy
          • 17 Mar 2019

          Thank god they realized LG makes shit displays. BOE cant make enough at the moment even though they make good screens. LG really messed up the Mate 20 Pro screens all over the world with the green tint issues. I have 3 different Mate 20 Pros before returned them all and bought a Note 9. Not to mention the Note 9 screen looks so much better.

            That would explain why they went from Mate 20 Pro's 1440P to P30 Pro's 1080P display. Samsung panels are the most expensive, and also one of the best in the OLED category.

              Shanti Dope, 17 Mar 2019Why don't they ask to the same supplier of OLED screen for ... moreI think its from Sharp or someother japanese firm

                Thank God they got rid of LG

                  Why don't Huawei just steal Samsung's trade secrets and make their own panels.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • mYh
                    • 17 Mar 2019

                    And the Gorilla Glass? Will it be now?

                      Why don't they ask to the same supplier of OLED screen for the Xperia XZ3, which, according to many average consumers, is currently the "best screen on a smartphone today?"
                      Also, if not exactly in 21:9, they could've given Samsung a more massive competition by offering their P30 Pro with a 4K HDR OLED screen like the Xperia 1. That, or keep it reserved for the Mate 30 Pro, or even better to offer both P30 Pro and Mate 30 Pro with 4K HDR OLED screens.
                      That would just end Samsung's display legacy in smartphones, assuming that Huawei manages to get their screen calibrations right.
                      Funny enough for me to say that I prefer the Mate 20 Pro's OLED screen better than the new Galaxy S10+'s, and I really wish I was just joking when saying this. I sadly don't, and this is the truth, regardless of whatever that DisplayMate says....

                        AnonD-794992, 17 Mar 2019im qurious if someone knows: who was the lcd supplyer for t... moreI have read articles saying display of Huawei P9 are from Samsung, Samsung hasn't fulfilled contract with Huawei for buying display several times (from as old as P1, I have forgot what it looks like). IMO, it would be a foolish move for Huawei going back to Samsung for display. As Samsung and Huawei are competitors in smartphones, who know when Huawei will be betrayed again? Even Apple is shifting away from relying solely on Samsung.

                          Now US will ban Samsung for doing business with Huawei

                            Anonymous, 17 Mar 2019All huawei fans-samsung haters did shut up,lol.They hate sa... moreYour comment kind of reminds me of Sony fans' typical "People hate Sony phones but they supply camera modules for other companies so they should thank Sony" argument. Why would I need to thank suppliers of cellphone components when phone manufacturers are the ones who are actually choosing those parts and creating their own unique products?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 4f$
                              • 17 Mar 2019

                              As mentioned on other websites, some of the reasons for this decision was due to:

                              - BOE didn't have the sufficient capacity to fulfill Huawei's P30 Pro orders. BOE is currently building more AMOLED production facilities but it won't be ready until late 2019 or early 2020. Huawei needed the displays now so they went with Samsung who can make enough screens ahead of the phone release date.
                              -Samsung offered their displays for a cheap price so Huawei took up the offer.

                              These are just rumors, so take with a grain of salt.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 4f$
                                • 17 Mar 2019

                                Anonymous, 17 Mar 2019All huawei fans-samsung haters did shut up,lol.They hate sa... more"rumored" it's still too early. Wait till the official release and check whether it's really using Samsung screen or BOE's.

                                  sadh, 17 Mar 2019Poor LGI'm not even going to feel sad for them. They did this to themselves

                                    • a
                                    • anonymous
                                    • 4S2
                                    • 17 Mar 2019

                                    Shui8, 17 Mar 2019Either JDI or Sharp. Definitely not LG.It was JDI. They were using Full Active lcd from JDI.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 8pc
                                      • 17 Mar 2019

                                      All huawei fans-samsung haters did shut up,lol.They hate samsung that wil give them high quality sAMOLED.
                                      So when you buy p30 and look at his awesome screen,thank samsung.

                                        • S
                                        • Shui8
                                        • KZ8
                                        • 17 Mar 2019

                                        AnonD-794992, 17 Mar 2019im qurious if someone knows: who was the lcd supplyer for t... moreEither JDI or Sharp. Definitely not LG.