Trump: Huawei is “very dangerous” but also “would be included in some kind of trade deal”

24 May 2019
Trump’s explanation for banning Huawei sounds like it’s using Huawei to leverage a deal.

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I still have zero interests in Huawei or any cheap Chinese copycat knockoff whether Trump believes they're dangerous or not. Anybody seen that episode of Silicon Valley? They even covered the cheap knockoff country of China. All they do is steal patents.

As an American, I wouldn't want China above the US in the economy if all they do is rip off our ideas and sell them for less. Everything is made in China but every new idea is coming from an American company. All the top operating systems are Americans.

    • n
    • needanewphone
    • pV%
    • 24 May 2019

    So... is buying a Huawei still a gamble?

      • A
      • ANM
      • nDW
      • 24 May 2019

      When two are fighting, the third wins: Xiaomi

        • D
        • AnonD-797904
        • vxs
        • 24 May 2019

        McDonald Trump finds Huawei hard to beat that's why he has decided to ban them.
        Obviously, he's afraid to be overtaken by the Chinese tech giant.
        Why not just compete in a healthy manner???

          Shanti Dope, 24 May 2019Okay, they may have been caught collecting data from their ... moreIt feels like they're checking Huaweis power. I would've been fine with it if only they had proof and de monopolized our own companies, like Google and Qualcomm

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • PA8
            • 24 May 2019

            The only thing dangerous is the US instead, effing bullies!

              • D
              • AnonD-731363
              • SH3
              • 24 May 2019

              Anonymous, 24 May 2019Seriously, is this how a President acts? Destroying a compa... moreThis and he of course.

                • D
                • AnonD-731363
                • SH3
                • 24 May 2019

                AleonN, 24 May 2019So does anyone actually think Huawei is a security threat ?... moreFeel the same bro.

                  Okay, they may have been caught collecting data from their users on their smartphones, but that alone shouldn't be enough to completely dismantle Huawei away from Google, especially since they can't manipulate the Android OS, and there's absolutely no possible way that Huawei could install spywares inside the heart of the Android OS.
                  Banning Huawei products in the US should already be more than enough, and preventing them to do what they're doing is just outrageous. It only proves to people how desperate they are to take down a standalone company.

                    AnonD-454049, 24 May 2019lmao, you think he was elected just to be a spokesperson?Basically, yeah. US president has much less power than people actually believe. People voted for Trump based on the promises he made during elections, but truth is that most of those he had actually zero chance of fulfilling on himself. He made a few miserable attempts to build that wall and that's about it. US president is not a dictator, luckily.

                    The whole US presidency is just a glorified theatre for Americans.

                      Nsa is more dangerous. And they are listening to every phone, no matter brand.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • XFG
                        • 24 May 2019

                        AnonD-454049, 24 May 2019lmao, you think he was elected just to be a spokesperson?Imao, you believe that us is democratic?

                          • S
                          • Shui8
                          • KZ8
                          • 24 May 2019

                          This is just showing how bland Trump is. The statement is too obvious.

                          Huawei will obviously revive after some deals done. But the damage has been done. Its either people loving Huawei more after that or dont want to touch it at all as being risky.

                            AnonD-454049, 24 May 2019lol what drugs are you on? If apple spies on its users, why... moreSo my friend are naive its pure politics, everyone knows Google, Apple, Microsoft, FB, Huawei etc all have data of their users and its in millions of copies and Apple refusing to give that data to FBI is political too
                            1) there is no evidence that apple did not give data to FBI
                            2)if FBI claimed they got the data not only would it hurt apple's reputation but also US as the whole as citizens would know they have no privacy and their data is easily accesible to government and would possibly move away from US products
                            3) FBI got the data from Apple and claimed Apple refused to give it to them made Apple a kind of hero who stood up for its customers privacy and this followed by Huawei ban for being security threat will revoke this matter in many innocent minds who would think that Apple actually does honor its cutomers privacy that they even refused to help FBI would boost Apples sales and revenue boosting US economy and Huawei a Chinese giant will suffer which will negatively affect Chinese economy forcing them to negotiate with US which will charge huge fines so its kind of a win situation for US

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • dWD
                              • 24 May 2019

                              AnonD-454049, 24 May 2019lol what drugs are you on? If apple spies on its users, why... morePure theatre... Just for the people to belive they are correct. And this a goos point that you have raised. Do you think Trump can ban China and he cannot ban Apple if he wants? By banning China a lot of americans will suffer. And Trump is not giving a shit.. Hiw much people will suffer if Trump bans Apple? A lot less... Conclusion is that if Trump has the power to start a war with China it will be a lot easier to shut down Apple. He is not doing that because Apple is a government company. Trump said Huawei is a gouvernment company.. Same gouvernments same companies... Just China is saying the truth.. While America is pretending to be democratic... Where is the free market? Where is democracy? What are the proves and the evidences?

                                Like many have said thiss issue is political and national security is just an excuse to ban and make a deal with China to get huge fines if the threat was real there would be some evidence

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • fCI
                                  • 24 May 2019

                                  So.. Huawei is "very dangerous" but suddenly becomes safe if a trade deal is made.. Shows the lies Trump administration is spreading.. If you are going to lie and misuse your power then atleast don't make it obvious by such stupid comments.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • uCG
                                    • 24 May 2019

                                    AnonD-800802, 24 May 2019LMFAO..Absolute delusion. Apple with BILLIONS to spend can ... moreHaha..Just kidding. use apple????

                                      Apple is something that’s very dangerous. You look at what they’ve done from a security standpoint, from a military standpoint, it’s very dangerous. So it’s possible that Apple even would be included in some kind of trade deal. If we made a deal, I could imagine Apple
                                      being possibly included in some form, some part of a trade deal.
