We need your help: how to fix our voting system

19 April, 2012
We are turning to you, our beloved readers to find a solution to this problem.

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  • M
  • Mark
  • nG7
  • 20 Apr 2012

First solution is going to leave us in the same situation.

Second solutions seems effective but still might be unfair with certain phones making the voting system loss half its point to exist at all.

Third solution seems somewhat effective but somewhat the same as the first one, even though there won't be any negative votes.. but the fanboys would still find thier way around that... For instance two simillar phones, one with 6.7 and one with 8.5 will just naturally make the first phone look crappy to anyone and people trust gsmarena too much for that to be risked.

Either the voting system could be entirely removed, or u can make another registeration system where we could register easily and fast into gsmarena and without a facebook account.

I myself am not using facebook and if we used the second system at gsmarena, it would be unfair because even if i wasn't too lazy to make a facebook account, i woupd just choose not to make one.. and because of that i wouldn't be allowed to vote on gsmarena.

But if we let people register here without a facebook account, then offcourse gsmarena is giving every one a clear and fair option to register if u want to vote..without the requirment of a facebook account.

But even though the voting system has been helpful for me...u still can consider removing it and just make an uninteractable rating system where you set the rating yourselves, would still be relaible enough.. :)
Good Luck.

    • K
    • Kunal
    • P$k
    • 20 Apr 2012

    I would like to propose a new system wherein there would be points given by each user to a phone. The pointing system would have thresholds pre decided by the editor or moderator,
    eg: For a really good phone the points that could be given would be 10, 8 or 5 whereas to a bot so good phone points that could be given would be 6, 4, or 2 etc.
    The user cannot give any other rating than the thresholds.
    This way we add up all the points and divide by number of total votes and find the rating of the phone, greater the better.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • L6Z
      • 20 Apr 2012

      The second one is the most robust one

        • M
        • MrH
        • tt8
        • 20 Apr 2012

        2nd option is best. I am a web developer, so this is from my technical point of view.

          • N
          • NK
          • utC
          • 20 Apr 2012

          my suggestion will be to allow discus to handle the log in issues. this way facebook, google, tumblr will be under one heading. users will log in with being a fan of one mobile. that vote will count one for the specific handset.
          suggestion links; check footytube.com a site for football club fans, or discus login methods in espnstar.com, huffingtonpost.com

            • D
            • AnonD-37013
            • uWx
            • 20 Apr 2012

            Option 3 is best in my opinion. You should start from zero.
            First of all clearly differentiate between high, mid and low range smart phones. You cannot compare for example htc explorer, lg optimus one with Samsung galaxy s2 and iphone 4/s. Make voting system in 3 above mentioned criteria. Every time in different reviews for example htc wildfire, reviewer always mentioned its screen resolution is poor, screen size is small etc. How a low end smart phone has high pixel density? I mean reviewer should remain within that low end scenario and don’t say for example its camera quality is low. Even in high end smart phone, they compare for example camera with digital professional cameras. Voting system of high, mid and low range smart phone should be separated.

              • c
              • cameleon
              • fqS
              • 20 Apr 2012

              second option

                • t
                • tRiv
                • vI2
                • 20 Apr 2012

                I find the voting system of IMDB.com very accurate. They've also mentioned their formula of their voting system on one of the their pages. You might want to check that out.

                Also, do we even need a voting system in the first place?

                Personally, this website's voting system has never played any role to help me decide on a new device. I refer to your reviews and few videos from YouTube.

                But, of course this is only one person's opinion.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-1334
                  • utB
                  • 20 Apr 2012


                    • D
                    • AnonD-44726
                    • TRa
                    • 20 Apr 2012

                    I think voting through Facebook account is the right option. . . .. .

                      • a
                      • adex08
                      • pv@
                      • 20 Apr 2012

                      The third option seems the best.

                        • t
                        • thelastblack
                        • TuF
                        • 20 Apr 2012

                        i think option 3 is the best...

                          • C
                          • Celina
                          • S7S
                          • 20 Apr 2012

                          3rd way For The Win :-)

                            • L
                            • Lysander
                            • mY1
                            • 20 Apr 2012

                            3rd option.

                              • S
                              • Sufyan
                              • 9Jx
                              • 20 Apr 2012

                              Go with the 2nd option. Almost all of us do have Facebook accounts.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-34124
                                • nCY
                                • 20 Apr 2012

                                AnonD-48675, 20 Apr 2012I would go for a combination of option 2 and 3. Login wi... morethis

                                  • s
                                  • sandocanu
                                  • M%j
                                  • 20 Apr 2012

                                  I think the best option is the second one. and it`s the best "fanboy" defense

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-51294
                                    • vGQ
                                    • 20 Apr 2012

                                    You should go with split system. Split the voting percentage among an expert and regular users. 60% for expert and 40% for users. This way you have 60% rating that is completely a true score based on analysis and rest 40% based on both fanboys and the users who are actually providing their true opinion on the phone.
                                    For example: (Assumption:-number of fanboys and number of true user opinion is considered to be equal)
                                    Phone A - Liked by fanboys
                                    Expert : Rates 70%. This accounts to 4.2 of total score.
                                    Fan boys : Rates 100%. This accounts to 4 of the total score.

                                    This brings total score as 8.4

                                    Now true opinion by users : Rates 60%. This accounts to 2.4. so the total score would be 4.2+((4+2.4)/2) = 4.2+3.2 = 7.4

                                    So overall score would be 7.4 and not 8.4.
                                    Phone B - Disliked by fanboys
                                    Expert : Rates 80%. This accounts to 5.6 of total score.
                                    Fan boys : Rates 0%. This accounts to 0 of the total score.

                                    This brings total score as 5.6

                                    Now true opinion by users : Rates 90%. This accounts to 3.6. so the total score would be 5.6+((0+3.6)/2) = 5.6+1.8 = 7.4

                                    So overall score would be 7.4 and not 5.6

                                      • a
                                      • abhy
                                      • PAY
                                      • 20 Apr 2012

                                      My suggestion would be:

                                      1) To scrap your old voting system

                                      2) Never have a login for voting

                                      3) Implementation Idea: Will be to normalise user vote against your votes(which you have voted first).

                                      If the user vote deviation is too high then user need to point it out the REASON which user can provide in a little text box that can popup.

                                      High Deviation will be followed by a reason for specification which is good or bad which in turn you can moderate if you like.

                                      Large number of deviated reports(user experience) will be accepted by your system and you can increase the counters by many folds as its having user experience, which in turn can open user reviews after clicking Details Tab or buttons or something like that.
                                      Also, One Ip can vote only different mobiles not same mobile twice.

                                      3) GsmArena Voting: Every mobile will be voted by GsmArena FIRST, which will be STANDARD for every mobile, which you can vote while reviewing as YOU people are the only persons who test the technical aspects.

                                      4) User Voting: Since its the user who use mobile day to day when he clicks on vote a hovering window can come on which user can vote for different specification, which in turn can be more user friendly in case of picking numbers user can drag up or down graphs or pie charts and has to do all required specs or fields as you introduce for vote.

                                      5) Benefits:
                                      - Overcome to your current slapable voting system.
                                      - Restricting fanboys by getting little harsh as you can moderate high deviated values, also, includes One Ip cannot vote 'A Mobile Twice'
                                      - Not to harsh as no login required

                                        • R
                                        • Ravish
                                        • 2SG
                                        • 20 Apr 2012

                                        With every vote, get a written feedback on why they have given such vote. We can filter duplicate results, nonsence comments too...