We need your help: how to fix our voting system
- D
- AnonD-51249
- K6m
- 20 Apr 2012
As said by annonymous you can limit minimum rating for each phone, if anyone wants to give lesser number than minimum rating that simply means he/she hates that phone.
or, otherwise,
number 2 seems to be the best option.
- L
- Lip
- tPG
- 20 Apr 2012
Option 1 coupled with the possible options:
- use captcha
- show voting versus time graph and allow users to select time period of votes collected
- insert a flag button to request reset/restore, much like wikipedia
Main reason is too much effort for too little resistance to the hackers is not worth it.
- o
- oakpacific
- wm{
- 20 Apr 2012
Cancel the negative voting first, you don't need to start from zero, keep the current rank, yet reset the vote number each phone gets to make sure the differences between their vote numbers are minimalized.
- D
- AnonD-128
- x%u
- 20 Apr 2012
Mix option 2 and 3. I personally don't see option 1 with that much hope.
Make sure that ONLY logged in users can vote using the 1-10 scale. And their account profile shows which votes this user has given. And make sure that there is ONLY 1 vote per IP address. Not 1 vote every couple of hours per IP address. Instead of people with Facebook being able to log in, add Twitter and Google Plus to the mix too. You can also add emails to the mix (Make sure that those email account get verified). And people who do not wish to create an account with GSMArena can ONLY like a phone. And again, ONLY 1 like per IP address. I think that if GSMArena makes the voting strict then they will have a lot more accurate results :)
- E
- Eason
- wY8
- 20 Apr 2012
Option 3 for me, BUT just implement it on the new phones :)
So you can keep record of the old ones :)
- D
- AnonD-45244
- H4t
- 20 Apr 2012
Only people who are logged in with Facebook should be allowed to vote so that every person can vote only once and captcha codes should also be used of necessary
- m
- mindo
- q2j
- 20 Apr 2012
option 3 you can vote like or not,or dont do no more voting do ratings based on reviews you cant stop dealers, fanatics and kids from abusing sistem
- m
- mailtomahal
- bCe
- 20 Apr 2012
i think better option is to provide acceess to gsmarena to every user through userid and pwd that should be linked to facebook at one ip & access screen should splash just at the opening of home page , so it will reduce fake voting , evry time if some body try to vote fake , it needs to make another fake user id on facebook and then login on gsmarena through facebook. so over all it can reduce fake voting .
- c
- cleo
- sED
- 20 Apr 2012
To be honest, I never bother to take vote or looking at vote when reading gsmarena.
When examining a product, I only read :
1. Official review, specs, and pictures.
2. User comments and opinions.
That's it. So basically I don't really care if you change your voting system whatsoever.
However if I had to advise, I'll take no 3, I think it's the best for now. If you have to take route no 2, I advise that you also allow for non-facebook login too.
- D
- AnonD-51248
- wYI
- 20 Apr 2012
Sorry to say, but even though I realize that the third option is the most difficult to implement, it's probably the most effective means to counter the influx of people manipulating the current one.
Nice to know that the guys over at GSMArena care.
Wish governments could do the same thing :P
- V
- Vin
- 2mC
- 20 Apr 2012
In my opinion, we need a qualify phone user to vote. If you are not using the phone right now, you are not entitled to any vote. To Control this, we need the user to log in and register their phone with the IMEI# (In case some user manipulate it). Once you have done your registeration, you are only allow to vote. We can add some limitation to prevent user misuse this method. For example, we can limit the user register up to 2 or 3 phone per person, secondly upon registered, user is not allow to change their phone within 3 months. It should be work to get the correct voting for the particular phone.
- l
- lalalala
- t7x
- 20 Apr 2012
how about a short captcha? :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 20 Apr 2012
Option 3. People owning multiple phones to vote are rare these days.
- c
- cplover
- v0q
- 20 Apr 2012
One should be loged in to vote and i think it'll be good to separate high end voting to low end votiñg, some prefer lower mid range phones so you should consider doing a separate voting system for them not to dominate the higher units.
Better off make a category for voting may it be high end or mig-low end.imo
- D
- AnonD-5938
- 2mC
- 20 Apr 2012
Option number 3 :D
- T
- Tharrinne
- ThE
- 20 Apr 2012
I vote for option 2
- D
- AnonD-51247
- LK3
- 20 Apr 2012
I suggest you do option 2. Allow only logged in members vote. I love GSMArena and I follow its news daily. I'm sure there are many people that feel the same and we won't mind at all if we have to log in to vote if that's what it takes to get an accurate idea of how well a phone really is.
- D
- AnonD-3683
- 20 Apr 2012
Please don't show Mercy on the fanboys.... Go for Option2, just like you have done for comments....
- D
- AnonD-51245
- uvH
- 20 Apr 2012
You Guys are making it a very serious problem. You can control voters through their IP adress. Just set that for each Ip adress there will be a Single vote for each post. Through this unwanted votes can be neglected and you will got a true result instead of fake voters. I think it would help.
- R
- Redtriniman
- LK3
- 20 Apr 2012
I suggest you do Option 2. Let only logged in members vote. I love this website and I follow it daily. I wouldn't mind having to log in to vote.