We need your help: how to fix our voting system
- l
- lubyq
- LAj
- 20 Apr 2012
do something similar to cnet.
- M
- MrFF
- 20 Apr 2012
I Forgot !!! add an every 2 months account check by clicking an email link. ( if not checked in 72 hours, the account will be blocked , and to be able to unlock the account, the user will have to do the email link check )
- ?
- Anonymous
- 8ya
- 20 Apr 2012
- D
- AnonD-165
- 6j5
- 20 Apr 2012
I think option 2 is more resonable but i looked to the guy who suggest u limit the rating according to your review and i agree to that,,,,so may be galaxy S2 could be give the range of 6-9 and nokia X1-00 give the range if 3-5,,,,so this limitation with the logged in user will be fantastic
- ?
- Anonymous
- 20 Apr 2012
number 3!!
- D
- AnonD-51228
- 4Z$
- 20 Apr 2012
I have a different idea.
If someone wants to vote for a phone, require their phone number. So step 1: if a user wants to vote, require their cell number. 2. Send a text message to the phone with a randomly generated code. 3. Require the input of the code on the voting web page. 4. Only allow one vote per phone number every 3-12 months. Until then, disable voting for the user.
Integrating this with Facebook could also cut down on spam votes. Hope my idea helps, GSMArena! You guys rock! (but not the fanboys...)
So basically, send a code to the voter's phone, and they enter that on the webpage to be allowed to vote.
EDIT: Looks like mixa posted a similar idea just before I submitted mine... didn't copy it intentionally.
- N
- Nuff nuff
- AIe
- 20 Apr 2012
Number 3
- M
- MrFF
- 20 Apr 2012
Just Registered ( chapta, email link check, forced comments, etc, etc) and Logged in Users can be able to vote.
- m
- mixa
- 3VQ
- 20 Apr 2012
From personal expirience:
Implement your own login system first.
Activation of account requires your mobile phone number to be provided and an SMS is sent with a verification code to the given mobile number (bulk SMS services from ceritain service proviers are uber cheap, so its not costly either).
Now this renders the idiots out to just tops 5-10-15 accounts tops (15 unique mobile phone numbers) per idiot (read fanboy).
Make the system positive only - the given user can only vote positively for given phone or not to vote at all.
Implement a non-disclosed set of rules, eg. if some mobile is recieving suspiciously large number of votes for a given period of time. - if that happens, each recieved 2 votes count for 1.
Such unpredictable and unknown set of rules will beat the sh1t out of most fanboys.
Make it so, that newly RELEASED phones to recieve handycap for voting on random basis via a script that puts the voting for a given phone up after x+n days after its release.
- G
- Geezay
- fuT
- 20 Apr 2012
Option 3 PLUS a vote validation system such as using a phone number you send text to for validation by user. A lot harder for fanboys to come up with that many different numbers to make a difference.
- t
- techknows
- t}g
- 20 Apr 2012
Why not have two rating systems in place
1. Gsmarena team reviewers and techsavy users visiting gsmarena from their phones with Real IMEI / logged in loyal users get to vote and put as (Tech rating or something) > will be benefitial to novice users
and the second voting is users ratings as it is now and which could be gradually phased out as more mobile users and tracking methods improve
- D
- AnonD-519
- n2f
- 20 Apr 2012
n° 3
login with more than one option:
- local login (gsmarena pseudo)
- facebook
- google+
- ?
- Anonymous
- 8f{
- 20 Apr 2012
- D
- AnonD-4420
- fvU
- 20 Apr 2012
gsmarena team should make votes / top devices without voting ,,,, gsmarena should vote for top devices only
- D
- Daz
- 2G2
- 20 Apr 2012
I believe a combination of 1 and 2 is the best option.
- R
- RocknTroll
- nC1
- 20 Apr 2012
In my opinion, it'd be ideal if you could introduce a voting system whereby only owners of any given device may vote for it - and only once - be it negatively or positively. How this would be implemented is beyond me though.
- D
- AnonD-49894
- 20 Apr 2012
can you make mixture of option 2 and 3
- ?
- Anonymous
- NhU
- 20 Apr 2012
Actually, I prefer that only you should rate the phones, and you may also add some trusted insiders to add more value.
But leaving it open for everyone (with very high probability of screwing the results) won't really help that much.
The accuracy and legitimacy of the results are by far more important than just the sheer number.
- w
- ww
- pRd
- 20 Apr 2012
Allow votes only for phones voters prove to own by requesting and verifying the IMEI.
- K
- Kamil
- pmB
- 20 Apr 2012
What about ranking "By daily interest"? It's also manipulated. N9 for last 2 weeks was on first place, getting there and suddenly dropping out of top 5 entirely. Around a week ago it dropped from 1st place (out of top 5) and appeared on 1st place few hours after. As ranking is based on one week data, it means N9 got around 200k hits in just few hours. It should be pretty easy to filter those kind of activity.