We need your help: how to fix our voting system
- D
- AnonD-7494
- HFb
- 19 Apr 2012
Option 3 seems best of all
- D
- AnonD-51013
- P9X
- 19 Apr 2012
Reset all voting stats and only allow voting for logged-in users
- D
- AnonD-27709
- 8PI
- 19 Apr 2012
method 2. Strongest is impossible.
- P
- PG
- nqF
- 19 Apr 2012
Method 1, please.
Actually, ALL the "risks" of manipulation described above are obviously present in THIS vote...
If you think about it, nothing will change immensely amongst Internet users, so this poll is as valid as the one currently available for the "Top of the Phones".
Anyway, I don't see why "discontinued" phones are disallowed.
That means that you are (willingly, or not) encouraging consumerism and promoting novelty just for the sake of... being new, whilst publicising brands which keep releasing new models, no matter how successful.
I hope GSM ARENA woon't become an "INFOMERCIAL". That will be the end of a vital reference website that has visitors and participants from all over the world and look for and respect their unbiased reviews and comments.
There are even old phones that still appear as "available" which isn't the case in some countries (in Europe) whilst other phones are displayed as "discontinued" and are negatively segregated and automatically "out of the race".
Obviously, I am someone who's very pleased with his "discontinued" phone, which keeps doing everything I need it to do.
- D
- AnonD-24245
- e6Z
- 19 Apr 2012
Option 3 + Description as to why they voted that way. Limit one vote per member per device
- m
- mrdoubleb
- Le$
- 19 Apr 2012
AnonD-25043, 19 Apr 2012i think you shuld accept only thos votes, who came frome mo... moreAssuming they can really see the IMEI, that's a great idea! i believe it's safe to say Gsmarena readers have smartphones..
But why not take it 1 step further? Let's make an extra score/category for users of the specific model they are voting from. They are best to judge a model.
I also agree we should only be voting on available models.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lm8
- 19 Apr 2012
I vote for option 3
- D
- AnonD-51205
- 9LE
- 19 Apr 2012
2. Reset all voting stats and only allow voting for logged-in users.
- t
- tamalde
- bEL
- 19 Apr 2012
definitely option 2,maybe it will be cumbersome, but it will stop fanboys....
- ?
- Anonymous
- dQk
- 19 Apr 2012
Scrap voting altogether - is is meaningless and always will be at the mercy of zealots.
- N
- New
- 381
- 19 Apr 2012
- M
- Marc Aurel
- nx6
- 19 Apr 2012
Option 2, but with additional log-in options besides Facebook. There are others, you know... I don't use the voting feature very often, but clearly it needs an overhaul.
- D
- AnonD-50913
- NhT
- 19 Apr 2012
2nd method i think is ur best shot
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3RM
- 19 Apr 2012
I would go for option #3
- D
- AnonD-397
- srp
- 19 Apr 2012
2. Reset all voting stats and only allow voting for logged-in users.
- D
- AnonD-51201
- Sdr
- 19 Apr 2012
well, i think this will work better for everyone.
keep the current voting system.
introduce a new one for logged in users.
the current voting will be general voting
the new one, will be professional rating, or premium voting. or whatever you wanna call it.
people can see both and they would judge themselves
- S
- Samer
- 0wm
- 19 Apr 2012
Try accepting votes based in the device IMEI no one should give votes of performance and so on unless they provide a legitimate IMEI FOR THE PHONE THEY ARE VOTING FOR
- ?
- Anonymous
- YT1
- 19 Apr 2012
Leave the current system as it is and add experts or editors rating which should be extremely objective, for eg. Benchmarks, cpu speed, gpu speed, display quality(color, contrast,sunlight legibility,brightness,toughness, scratch proof,etc), image quality, video quality,value for money, battery performance and all such objective observations. If there is sharp deviation of peoples rating and experts rating, readers are smart enough to recognise the mischief.
- D
- AnonD-22811
- uWE
- 19 Apr 2012
Make it against login, and one login must be against phone number. Means one login against one phone number, though it will reduce voters but will be much effective in that case. I was wondering how SONY Xperia S and Samsung Galaxy S2 went down :)
- J
- Joe
- j%6
- 19 Apr 2012
No. 2 is my vote.