We need your help: how to fix our voting system
- D
- AnonD-35465
- MQg
- 19 Apr 2012
Methode nr 2 with added possibilities to use other accounts than facebook. For example google account or make a GSMarenas own account system.
Also making two seperate votes would be an idea, one public (Logged in users) and the second one filled in by the reviewer.
Good luck with fixing the problem.
- I
- Ipod2
- msR
- 19 Apr 2012
Okay one idea - voting with long hard security code and voting with only thumbs up - rank most voted Or use google location and put restriction for 24 hours for next ever rating after voting
- n
- nfsleo07
- vG1
- 19 Apr 2012
option 2 is better....but enable more accounts like gmail,live,etc..
- a
- adi
- 0U0
- 19 Apr 2012
3rd choice
- A
- Alex
- La8
- 19 Apr 2012
Third one sounds cool
- ?
- Anonymous
- nmL
- 19 Apr 2012
Don't touch anything is fine.
- t
- tan
- 2@Y
- 19 Apr 2012
2nd one
but also allow to log go with mail account gmail or yahoo
and you just require to track the ip along with a time constrain :)
pros : a user can vote only once for a phone with (and single ip address)
cons : huge database storage required
- P
- Panos
- JFe
- 19 Apr 2012
-Force all users to sign up with GsmArena and get an ID (unique email is necessary when signing up) very good.
-Allow a registered user to vote for any phone only ONES TIME for ever and as many phones he want in a day (both limit the ID and IP)
-Accept any votes but on the ranks will appear only the phones with more than 5000 or 10000 votes (now it is 1000)
- D
- AnonD-46077
- wdR
- 19 Apr 2012
It's 2. with a modification.
Maintain two sets of data : In one set only include the facebook logged in users.
In the other list include the votes by everyone - call this the 'general' category.
Set a threshold - say 20,000 votes. Till that threshold, display the phone's rating on the basis of the general category votes. When a phone's general category vote count crosses that number it means the phone is popular and significant enough to be a fan boy candidate.
One it crosses that threshold, ignore the general list and display the rating based on the Facebook logged in list
- d
- ddiesel55
- 3GZ
- 19 Apr 2012
I think all of them is good idea, but with the time there shoul be a rivising of the current ranks like after a newer modell comes out (Galaxy II and Galaxy III) Points should be taken off, because in time the phone will not be able to cope with the fresh range. The original still would be there in brakets (like motorola milestone is an almost 3 years old phone and an excellent one, but there is milestone 2,3 and 4 as well with better battery like, faster cpu, better resolution etc. This is only my opinion. So basicly the voteing would be a bit more difficult just like with cars, because the older modell are more reliable and better and thing like that. So there should be a delisted voteing, a currently avaible and a budget phone like one as well, because a Nokia 110 will never be a match for a Motorola Droid Razr Maxx, so it is better for the phones and better for the users as well.
- D
- AnonD-51196
- 4nH
- 19 Apr 2012
I understand that a new voting system is needed as most people need reviews, votes and as much data as possible to make their decisions on purchasing. I think the there needs to be a new voting system and I like the last option the best. Its not perfect but I think that the reviewer should also have about 49% of the vote. You could also think about giving facebook & google plus users priority when it comes to voting and maybe have a separate voting process for non registered users and tally. I've also always wanted to see a small summary from different reviews to get a better idea of the phone or device being reviewed. Maybe even include a note by each reviewer after spending a week or two using as many of the phone's features and services.
- q
- qaisersunny
- fBh
- 19 Apr 2012
1. Start from the beganing. Scrap the current system.
2. Force users to enter a mobile no to register and vote (by sending a msg to their mobile no csrrying a code to enter, to verify the true human). Make ur own login system. Dont rely on facebook or g mail etc.. Thst is bcoz as i am an old user of internet, about 12 years, i have multiple accounts on yahoo, gmail, fb, hotmail. (people can have more if they want) So if i wanted to, i can minipulat result by almost voiting 15 times. So the only solution is to go for a mobile no to rigister with gsm arena.
3. Enable editor choice and raiting.
4. Lastly, only allow positive voting.
- s
- scrooge
- fXu
- 19 Apr 2012
It would be great to have readers have their say along option 3, facebook style but also include editors say and be able to filter accordingly. ps. do i geat a prize?
- C
- Concerned guy
- 3iR
- 19 Apr 2012
After Review of your solutions,I think that the 1st solution is only a temporary fix and that the 3rd solution seems too extreme,and so i propose removing the entire voting system in favor of a more minimal pro's and con's based system where all features are discussed without any scoring system based on a series of form filling questions and common problems associated with that particular model(through Facebook login),which i believe could permanently solve this bias( this is what Engadget.com recently did with its review system i think it seems adequate).
- ?
- Anonymous
- JF5
- 19 Apr 2012
Option number two is the best!
- S
- Sam
- P5j
- 19 Apr 2012
Number 2, however I think the addition of being able to login in with other websites, such as google+ and linkedin would be helpful, as I for one don't have a Facebook account, but do have other accounts with other sites.
- ?
- Anonymous
- HCw
- 19 Apr 2012
option 3 its a no brainer and it could do with a face lift?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Q{N
- 19 Apr 2012
Captcha + Login would be the best.
- T
- Tushar Pal
- uuh
- 19 Apr 2012
Option number three makes the most amount of sense , for now . Couple that with a hassle free single stage login , and you're all set .
- D
- AnonD-9010
- N7A
- 19 Apr 2012
gsm arena, why should you allow people to vote for phones that has been rumoured and phones that has been announced but not available.