We need your help: how to fix our voting system
- D
- AnonD-36396
- uvr
- 19 Apr 2012
Editors rating should carry 50% weightage and to this add the rating given by members. Option 2 makes more sense IMO.....
- D
- AnonD-51186
- 8FD
- 19 Apr 2012
Option 2
- g
- goozoo
- 0yw
- 19 Apr 2012
3rd option.
- P
- Pasha
- pT7
- 19 Apr 2012
Design a simple voting system which let you vote as fast as you can. This one take about 10 sec or more to select 3 number from 0 to 10 and then click vote and again wait for loading new page. Faster voting means more real people voting.
- D
- AnonD-49304
- 19 Apr 2012
I think tha admin should vote/rate a phone him self...
Other then that option: 3
- S
- Shiv (Mauritius)
- NvY
- 19 Apr 2012
It’s indeed a complicated situation GSMArena. Solutions do exist though.
The ones you have proposed are good. I am favouring option 2 i.e. log in with FB account. Even if I don’t have a FB account, I will create one if you ultimately go for option 2. I am not a great fan of SNS, I prefer personal contact. But to fight this, definitely go for FB log in.
This site offers help to a lot of people out there looking for their dream mobile/s. I personally think it’s unfair to genuine concerned buyers/users when fanboys to mark their loved phones with their P, constantly, daily.
Give a real, fair chance to other people guys. It’s not worth it. Phones come and go. Dream prototypes ultimately ends somewhere in our closet, completely forgotten. The present matters. Make it count. Let us help users out there make an informed purchase. A phone they will love, until the next one.
- D
- AnonD-45625
- 0xQ
- 19 Apr 2012
Option 2 or 3(basically 0.5points for both of those options)
- J
- Jernej
- 3EN
- 19 Apr 2012
I agree with some users. There should be editors and user ratings. And there should also be more categories. Let's say, build quality, screen, battery, userexperience, gaming, music, browsing, .. And yea, reset all the values :) Who really cares about nokia N80's scoring nowdays :)
Maybe weighted votes is not such bad idea, for registered and non registered users. Non registered users should be able to vote. I mean, I dont want to login to every site, and I don't want to login to every site with my FB account - don't want to do that at all.
- A
- Awesome Dude
- 6j5
- 19 Apr 2012
I guess that option No.2 would be great
- D
- AnonD-1082
- kJq
- 19 Apr 2012
I vote for option 2. The rabid Android fanboys have been manipulating the results far too long and they are down-voting Nokia smartphones. They manipulate results and put their favorite Android toy undeservingly in the top ten. Look at GSMArena's screenshot, it's full of Android toys with fake ratings.
- D
- AnonD-14889
- utP
- 19 Apr 2012
I support for votes with identiity.
Gsma, you should allow only those who are logged in, and yes it should have more options besides facebook.
if one doesn't want to log in then at the time of voting he has to enter his mobile no. and one sms should get fired from Gsmarena with a four/five digits key, after entering that key at the site, votes should get registered.
- g
- gsmarena old fan
- HBx
- 19 Apr 2012
I chose option 3, as i don't use face book anymore.
I visit gsmarena almost once a day since the past 7 or 8 years and never thought to be a member, i don't like this kind of restriction.
crazy fans can become members too, and still they can manipulate results.
Based on this i chose no. 3, as it is the least error option.
- T
- TT
- q}c
- 19 Apr 2012
Option 3 is the best imo.
- A
- Asim
- ut2
- 19 Apr 2012
Option 2...
- s
- sket
- 05Z
- 19 Apr 2012
I look at votes only for a split of second just to tell me at a glance what i'm dealing with. The second thing i look at is Pros and Cons in the review. And third, if i don't have enough time to read through the entire review, i just skip to the Final words/Conclusion.
So you see, the voting system doesn't mean that much (to me). I think that the staff of GSMArena is fully capable of giving the right score for each phone, and the right solution could be a ScoreCard given by the staff for each reviewed device.
If that isn't sufficient enough, i would then vote for option Number 2!
Maybe the combo of the two would be best - StaffVote and PeopleVote.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Qy{
- 19 Apr 2012
I don't agree with the option of Facebook login only to begin with. Reason? I don't use FB. Why? Don't like it.
GSMArena mods, you are the best website when it comes to look up a phone specs. Helps some geek like myself a lot to look up something very quickly. Why do you only limit with FB login option? I think that's one of the things you should consider changing.
Now to the main topic, as I mentioned, I don't have FB, if I want to participate in any of the activities on GSMArena, I can't.
Old System is so familiar, but not so that if you guys come up with a change, we would miss it and not adapt to the new system in place. However, for someone like me, option 2 and 3 wouldn't help regardless.
My take, go with option 1
Have more options to login with and create an account with... I would go with option 3 in that case.
Start from scratch.
- ?
- Anonymous
- a1w
- 19 Apr 2012
i am not a pathetic fanboy with nothing better to do with my time than to waste it voting but i hate having to register and log in just to vote.
personally i dont even vote that much!
i think if ur going to spend so much money on a fancy cellphone than u should be smart enough to decide based on reviews here and elsewhere and not just on a vote number.
if ur that stupid to buy a phone simply because someone gave it all 10s instead of reading reviews for urself, than u deserve whatever u get.
just keep it the way it is and let the "fanboys" waste their time.
if they have nothing better to do than so be it, grow old with ur voting.
- D
- AnonD-3575
- 3LU
- 19 Apr 2012
option 2, but add a few more options to sign in, like openid, g+, twitter etc
- D
- AnonD-51183
- 19 Apr 2012
third options sounds the best to me, I really hate openid for sites but well I found the need to help you guys with this because I love this site. Im a software engineer, and I would implement a nice small human detector for a new voting system.
- D
- AnonD-36740
- Nvf
- 19 Apr 2012
Why not use CAPTCHA images to filter out bots? It is most probably bots which are generating high votes for a few phones and low for others. Plus, even if a super die-hard lunatic fanatic decides type-in the captcha code manually multiple times to increase the rating of a phone, I think he'll already be tired before he can do so even 10 times. And the votes of other users would easily be able to outweigh his repetitions.
Furthermore, you could introduce a new vote weighing system in which the votes of logged-in users would weigh much more than the vote of an anonymous user.