We need your help: how to fix our voting system
- ?
- Anonymous
- DIx
- 20 Apr 2012
one can keep lot's of positive experience statistics.
Currently views are a very good measure of consumer interest in a product. why not keep more detailed statistics on things like photo views, review views, individual page and photo views. There are a lot more measured avialable to track people's actions.
one could combine all of these statistics into a combined rating of the products interest to users. One could adjust ones formula if widespread misuse was detected
- F
- Fluent
- fst
- 20 Apr 2012
Option 2: For a start voters must be registered users and incorporate a captcha validation as well. In the longer term add some analytics to detect extremely biased voters and disable their accounts (maybe also consider if a person is to offer an extreme low rating such as 1 - 3 they must be required to type a reason for the dismal rating to verify its genuine).
- D
- AnonD-31555
- rJ8
- 20 Apr 2012
I think 2nd option is better... Almost everyone has a fb account... Accept only one vote frm 1 account per phone...
- G
- GP
- vbP
- 20 Apr 2012
This is the most Affordable and practical approach for GSMArena (A WIN-WIN)
!! NO Registration or membership will be required !!
#] One wants to rate a phone
1) Mobile Number will be asked (Only Once)
2) Verification Code will be sent to that mobile (Only Once) (Not Each time you vote)
3) One can vote using that SAME verification code for all the Mobiles
4) GSMArena Maintains a Record of Mobile numbers and thiers Verification Codes
4) If the person repeats the vote THEN GSMArena will know and only his First (or Last or Average of) vote will be counted.
(If a person loses his verification code then he can ask GSMArena for the same code again While voting)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 20 Apr 2012
no i dont think the second and third opton is good.because the phones which became very much popular on their release like nokia n8 and 5800xm,received much votes within a year and when their successors came,their voting was stopped but even then they scored more votes or hits than any other phone.if voting status is resetted,they will loose their pride because they no more much popular now but once were very much popular and got the most hits and votes
- A
- Aaron Jesudas
- uum
- 20 Apr 2012
I mean a combination of these 2 methods will help you against automated attacks. please correct the last line of the previous comment.
- A
- Aaron Jesudas
- uum
- 20 Apr 2012
there things that can be done but only to slow the user down and not to completely eliminate the scenario. you can use a cookie to store a value (like an encrypted value for this user has already voted from this machine for this product) next time he votes you can check this value by reading the cookie again and allow only if he has not yet. another way is to use recaptcha for every vote. but as i said both these will only slow down the user, wont stop him. a combination of both these will help automated attacks.
- c
- cRuNcHiE
- xTJ
- 20 Apr 2012
I don't think you'll ever be rid of the fanboys and I don't think expending a huge amount of resources is worthwhile. My suggestions:
1. Voters must be registered users of GSMA and make sure you implement the common mechanisms to reduce/block bot registrations
2. Votes are only counted if they provide a valid response to something like CAPTCHA, some basic arithmetic, what color/shape is the object below, etc...
3. Monitor for unusual patterns/shifts. For instance, if a phone suddenly gets lots of votes in a short period of time, that's suspicious. A sudden surge in voting activity across the board is also worthy of investigation.
4. Keep a rolling window on votes. Pick some reasonable window (IMHO, anything between 12 and 24 months is ok) and only maintain data for that window. Votes older than your window gets dropped.
Good luck.
- v
- venkey1157
- uvq
- 20 Apr 2012
leave it just as it is but add one more box for IMEI number.verify it. Do not allow multiple votes for same imei for a model.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nYS
- 20 Apr 2012
Introduce some long and annoying capcha so that people will have the patience to vote once but will be too annoyed to do it all over again.
Maybe add a text box with a min of X words to be legitimate to make continuous voting even more tedious.
- A
- Ajmal Basheer
- w4d
- 20 Apr 2012
Combine option 2 and 3. Users should have to login to vote. And only like status should be considered as a vote. The phone with the most number of likes would be the best phone. One user should be able to like phone only once. I think this would be best.
- A
- Amit
- 7wB
- 20 Apr 2012
I am one of the close follower of gsm.So i think best way is to undertake this voting system by ur expert because expert choice is one of the prefred.If these rating are just rubbish as every one raise their fav mobile up then it will cheating to other follower who ask you before buying mobile.
- R
- Ryancalls
- vw4
- 20 Apr 2012
It would suggest to go with 3rd option o starting off with completely new voting system.
- D
- AnonD-51407
- IVx
- 20 Apr 2012
I propose the following;
It's a positive vote or negative vote but each voter must choose 4 phones to vote positive or negative every time he or she votes.
Therefore not just the phone of the day or the product of the season will receive the votes but also other phones in the list. To rig the votes for his / her favourite phone, he / she will have to share the voting with his / her non-favourite phones too.
If you want to prevent negative votes, we come-up with a system where the only positive votes are given but we limit that between 4 phones the votes are limited 10 points total - of course the simplest vote is 1st choice - 4 points, 2nd choice - 3 points, 3rd choice - 2 points, 4th choice - 1 point.
- G
- Gus
- LEq
- 20 Apr 2012
What about asking for an email address to vote and need to confirm vote with an email sent? I know it is not comfortable, but might work.
- D
- AnonD-51402
- 20 Apr 2012
You need to change the rating system from scratch and erase all the current data, change it for a simple 5-star rating for the three characteristics (Desing, Features and Performance).
PLEASE!!! Rate the phones in your reviews, so the people can compare your rating with the popular voting system, this will be an indicator of fraudulent fan-votes and an accurate guide for buyers.
Allow only logged users to vote and stop the voting system for phones older than 2 years.
- D
- AnonD-24790
- pqx
- 20 Apr 2012
i have an idea...
leave the ratings as they are, but add a new one, the user feedback one, for which people have to enter their imei in order to vote, that meaning that only users with hands on experience can vote.
- B
- Bogdansha
- b$2
- 20 Apr 2012
Only logged users allowed to vote.
- D
- AnonD-49964
- nE1
- 20 Apr 2012
I think only registered/facebook logged in users should be able to vote. i think a lot of the biases are from guest visitors, and even if not, it would still make it easier to see who's phone bashing. Same should be said for commenting. I think GSM Arena should also do something with the phone bashing on the commenting system from fanboys and haters. the iphone for instance is not the best phone on the planet and likewise for all other brands. There is too much brand bashing going on. Comments should be kept personal to that particular handset, i.e. users short reviews which is handy, questions about the spec, availability and known pricing in our countries, instead of examples like "poor nokia", "all htc ohones have poor battery", "iphone is the best" etc,
Reset all vote counts to zero because the Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc and LG Optimum One P500 should not be in the top 5 above iPhone 4S, HTC ONE X/S, Samsung Galaxy S2 for example!
What does everyone think?
- R
- RajivK
- NJ8
- 20 Apr 2012
The Ratings can be IP Binded so that only one vote can be posted from a machine which would help us.