We need your help: how to fix our voting system

19 April, 2012
We are turning to you, our beloved readers to find a solution to this problem.

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  • D
  • AnonD-24221
  • ptD
  • 20 Apr 2012

I think that you should implement something like http://disqus.com/ for log-in so you can use your facebook google yahoo or anyother kind of account, ofc only users that have some type of acc can vote, and it counts only as one,
next on list of most popular, keep that most viewed, but you should make best rated like on IMDB Top 250, so only regular voters are counted, so that means that they have to vote like 20 phones before their vote counts, and if they have mixed ratings, not only 1 and 10 or 2 and 9, hope it helps :)

    • D
    • AnonD-51403
    • 6Q0
    • 20 Apr 2012

    1- keep all the previous records & stats which u have collected up to Dec 31, 2011

    2- From Jan 1, 2012 re-organise your voting following the procedure (in my humble opinion).

    Take only 1 vote from 1 user for 1 handset.
    Confirm that vote via SMS Code (not allowing that number to cast vote ever again).
    The user must not be allowed to re-vote for the same handset.

      • J
      • Juan Manuel
      • GW%
      • 20 Apr 2012

      Well technology (as in filtering voters) is not the only solution.

      Why don't you rather use the good old math, as in statistic analysis: there's a technique called "box plot", which eliminates the "extreme values" from the samples. This translates into people providing an exagerated good or bad rating, for whatever reason it it, won't be considered. And the best part is you won't rule them out in an arbitraty fashion: math will do it for you objectively and in a proven way.

      Why don't you give it a try in your dev environment, see how scores change by box-plotting your current votes?

        • D
        • AnonD-51404
        • gL9
        • 20 Apr 2012

        Go for solution 2. All best! Cheers!

          • Z
          • Zoraiz Khan
          • uZa
          • 20 Apr 2012

          Here is my silly advice :)

          1. What's the point in allowing people to vote for a phone that they don't use. I think people should be allowed to vote only for the phoe they are using.

          2. Voting should only be allowed through phone's web browser. You can detect the phone easily and allow the person to vote for that particular phone only.

          3. After every update, voting should be re-set and phone users should be allowed to vote again.

          4. Almost everyone using high end phone uses it for web browsing. Voting through phone's browser will not be a limitation.

          5. Users of low-end-phones won't be able to participate. But, how many people look at the rating before buying a low end phone. This rating is meant for people who want to make a conscious decision before spending a good sum of money on phone.

            • V
            • Vishal
            • nGV
            • 20 Apr 2012

            You could keep the current system, but reset all the score and set some kind of limit to the amount of votes that can be cast from one machine (maybe by capturing the MAC address of a device).

              • K
              • K.C
              • Ny4
              • 20 Apr 2012

              Something on the lines of option# 2. Voting only for registered users with GSMA(recommended) or FB, can prevent rigging. Use IMDB type of voting, it's the best. IMDB has two kind of reviews - critic (can be media or individual) & user. So this will allow an user to vote only once to a device.
              Option# 3 might not be an option because in that case you're going to scrap of all the ratings which might not be good.

              Hope best decision comes out.

                • A
                • Ak97
                • uv4
                • 20 Apr 2012

                Do a percentage thing... Like see the highest density of votes for example.. Say a phone gets 2 votes with value 3, 5 with 7 and 2 with 10. Just filter out the top. 10% scores and the bottom 10% scores only the highest density scores. In between should be counted..

                  • I
                  • Itiswell
                  • 4cF
                  • 20 Apr 2012

                  Create a voting system that only allows log in user t vote. The system should track both IP address of the voter and user name. Collect data of every users' attempt to vote another down negatively. From such data, you can identify Fan boys from honest voters. The IP address/User name combination will help to solve the problem f single user voting from different locations....

                    • n
                    • nob33
                    • nmx
                    • 20 Apr 2012

                    Number 2 is the best solution I think

                      • D
                      • AnonD-8044
                      • nGM
                      • 20 Apr 2012

                      Also phones get updates to corrct mistakes.. So an original rating by GSM will then have to be redone to give the new rating for the updated phone to BE FAIR..If an original phone had 3 issues initially and now they have been rectified a month later if GSM dont update the score its unfair on that phone.

                      Another item someone brought up was discard votes if too many come in at once..When a new phone is released everyone i suppose comes home from work to read the about new phone and may vote..So a lot of votes could come in that day of release still rendering voting no good..

                        • S
                        • Statistician
                        • vkU
                        • 20 Apr 2012

                        Simple, use the median rather than the average to calculate your scores! Then, of course, if you want there are more sophisticated statistical methods to deal with extreme values and outliers.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-44823
                          • up2
                          • 20 Apr 2012

                          Why not allow everyone to upgrade ( give 10 ) but only those with a Facebook account to degrade it.

                            • P
                            • PulsArian1331
                            • U{4
                            • 20 Apr 2012

                            I'd go with the 1st option of retaining the current voting system with some kind of "smart" filters. That would be the most feasible option.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-8044
                              • nGM
                              • 20 Apr 2012

                              Jerome, 20 Apr 2012I think instead of providing 3 generic options, you shuold ... moreYes i agree with voting for specific parts of the fone.At the moment its 3 options which is not relevant today..

                              At the top of GSMArena site are filters which have been no use since about 2006 like touchscreen,bluetooth,gps,CDMA..The main one in use today should be card slot ,camera MP,etc which are more relavant..

                              I bet people have still been voting today because i have..I get about 5 votes per day max and because i swap fone those votes differ every week..So even tho i dont bother about votes i still vote like i have been doing for years..Its a sort of support for the device..If i dont vote i feel as tho i am letting the device down,,thats more psychlogical than any use tho..

                                • G
                                • Glubit
                                • Ave
                                • 20 Apr 2012

                                Of course solution 1 is the easiest to implement but will soon be inefficient.
                                Solution 2 should be enough but it limits to both gsmarena&facebook users (& those willing to/thinking about/... login with fb account) way too limited...
                                Solution 3 as a complete rewrite, can be designed well, but implies too much loss, especially for 2nd zone phones, or old stats for used phones.

                                The better thing to do, imho, is to bind votes to an account (make it fb, openid, g+, any other...), one vote per day & per account maximum & filter multiple votes for same phone from same ip (max 5?). So it's quite near to solution 2 but with more flexibility (an openid or google account support adds more users base, and thus makes it much more effective). Voting could also imply publishing the vote on one's social network wall, so fighters could soon get there accounts closed or lose all friends tired of so much spam...

                                  • N
                                  • Nokia Engineer
                                  • JEu
                                  • 20 Apr 2012

                                  One thing can be done to ensure rating accuracy is too restrict voting to only device owners.
                                  That way only people who bought the device can vote.
                                  How? it's for you to figure out; But how about pushing people to browse the website from their device, run a voting script and input their rates; script will have to detect the hardware/software of the handset.

                                  Other option less feasible but possible, is to request the device IMEI ( you should be armed with a IMEI database requested from mobile manufacters instead of IPs )

                                    • K
                                    • Kris
                                    • MU$
                                    • 20 Apr 2012

                                    How about just having the voting as it is and only adding same graph with phone evaluation done by GSMArena team.. every one could see where the biggest difference in notes is.

                                      • M
                                      • Moises J.
                                      • LGw
                                      • 20 Apr 2012

                                      Just like on Video Game Reviews..

                                      I think you should have maybe more Score Categories, and have one Score rated by the team @ GSMARENA separate, and another User Rating/Voting Scores.


                                        • J
                                        • Jerome
                                        • vLy
                                        • 20 Apr 2012

                                        I think instead of providing 3 generic options, you shuold have sub-options. For e.g. under Design, you could have Aesthetics, compactness, etc. The overall design score can be an average. besides these sub-options values could keep changing dynamically. Like on one day 1 could be for best and no another it could stand for the worst. This will ensure more genuineness