We need your help: how to fix our voting system
- D
- AnonD-51393
- 20 Apr 2012
At least you should show the vote profile, like rateyourmusic.com or filmaffinity.com does. It would be a box that would look like
9 :*****
8 :**********
7 :********
6 :******
5 :****
4 :****
3 :*
2 :**
1 :*****************
So people can look at different things, like forget the 10s and 1s, or see how many people has given the phone less than 5. I also think it is much more difficult to rig this system.
- c
- cyril
- vw4
- 20 Apr 2012
i prefer the facebook approach..for popular phones ..with the critics/editors rating for less popular phones..
- D
- AnonD-17156
- uvq
- 20 Apr 2012
Leave the voting system AS IT IS.Because we browse your site for your rewiews,not for voting results.No one will believe in votings,I or for that matter any user will read your REVIEWS not voting results in order to buy a phone.
If it is too problematic, remove voting system,no one will care it.Nor will effect your credibility.
- i
- izephyr
- uNV
- 20 Apr 2012
It is better if voting is only available for registered users. The high number of fake votesbdoes not give a perfect view than a low number of actual user response. Why would you allow 10000s of fake votes? to see how popular gsmarena is? gsmarena is already a well known, reputed site. Best option is to limit it. If facebook users seem insufficient, introduce google user authentication as well.
- D
- AnonD-5119
- t@J
- 20 Apr 2012
FIRST of all,YOU guys should give your own score to a Phone on the scale of 10,which includes-Hardware,screen,camera,sound etc etc. Then there should be another score chart for the phone given entirely by the users with a GSMA account or Facebook or Discuss account.Therefore there should be 2 scores for every phone,critique score and User score.
- S
- Shahood
- 20 Apr 2012
Voting should be dealt with as Polls are handled on various forums. Only logged-in users are allowed to participate and they can vote only once for every poll.
How can a voting system be successful unless there is a proper identification of voters?
Now, for getting the users registered on GsmArena, why is there this restriction to have a facebook account? U should give an 'option' to link GsmArena account to Facebook or Twitter BUT there must be a unique GsmArena account in the first place. And it would be best if GsmArena account is an email ID.
This should resolve all issues, IMO.
- D
- AnonD-51391
- 9Ge
- 20 Apr 2012
I think it best to only take logged in Votes only and limit voting to one IP address per device per day.
- t
- the_seba
- mMr
- 20 Apr 2012
OPTION 2! Only those logged in will have the privelage of voting. This is only good though if you lay off this questionable Facebook-only sign ins and let users log in the old fashonin way, with their e-mail address (you know, following the usual path of e-mail registration, confimation and so on).
I'm all for privacy on the web, therefore sharing my name with everyone, everywhere (cough* Facebook logins) is not an option really. Go back to the roots of internet sign up and all will be fine. I'll be among the first to finally register on GSMArena :)
- s
- slyk
- kJt
- 20 Apr 2012
- m
- minime
- nye
- 20 Apr 2012
I will go with option no. 3, slightly modified: maybe have a top 5 for each voter. You can also add a gsmarena ranking beside the user voting system. I think you're in the business for a while and you can rate a phone by its functionality.
- A
- 7tD
- 20 Apr 2012
you should block the voting system for guests
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGM
- 20 Apr 2012
Think about GSMArena as a whole,,you get the phone reviewed by the team which we look forward too..Then the comments start to come in from real users..After a while certain aspects of the phone crop up time and time again leading to an opinin of ,
1) Faults with the phone
2) Good parts of the phone,
Never have i looked at the votes and thought "Right thats it the phone has low rating i am not buying it".
I mean someone said earlier that apple has low votes but sells lots of phones..
I would prefer to see a list of features and GSMArena rate it from 10 for example ,,
Camera video record frame rate fluidness = 9..
Audio quality through headphones = 6
Speed of operation =6.5. And so on..
Surley with a base score and the GSMArena team constantly using the SAME testing equipment they can judge a fone like for like.
With me i look at camera mainly and battery life and audio and sunlight ledgiblity,,However someone else may be interested in video quality playback and games and battery life..
- D
- AnonD-51381
- ITx
- 20 Apr 2012
I think a mix of numbers 2 and 3 would work best if what you are aiming for is accuracy.
Only logged users could vote and only vote if they like a phone.
For me, that's the only option that would make me even look at the scores in this site.
As for the cons of these options:
I think starting from scratch is a good thing since you already admitted that the current system is flawed.
And if the less popular phones get too few votes, that just means they're THAT unpopular. But if you want more people to log in and vote, how about changing the way users log in? Maybe use an account system that doesn't rely on Facebook?
- u
- uruguayanBoy
- P9x
- 20 Apr 2012
Hi there, I am writting from Uruguay and I really use the ranking system so I am really concerned about this.
I´d like to keep GSM Arena away from FB, so a seperate account for GSM Arena would be great.
I suggest that only registered members either via FB or GSM Arena alone would be able to vote. Also limit this users, like only one vote per day per phone or something like that.
- O
- Omar Mohamed
- Nqk
- 20 Apr 2012
Anonymous, 20 Apr 2012Best:-)Yeah, Best Option.
- P
- PleatMan
- MtE
- 20 Apr 2012
I think you can eliminate the boots by enter an validation text when someone try to vote.
- A
- Ali
- syv
- 20 Apr 2012
2nd option is best... u can leave the old ratings for phones prior to 2008 or some other reference year... and start using a new system from now on, so after 10 years from now the voting system at gsm arena remains relevant.
- a
- an
- N}q
- 20 Apr 2012
I would suggest option 1 but adding the following.
The voting should be more than giving a mark and clicking. For example, to have a valid vote one should fill before a menu, which will allow the voter to explain voter's vote. This way may serve as a tool to limit abusing voters.
- H
- Herocoder
- yHx
- 20 Apr 2012
I think option 3 is the best .. but with a little tweak .. that as a user I would like to vote for a couple of more phones as well which I may or may not have .. so maybe increase the number of votes to say '5' phones? I dont need to vote for all of them but atleast 5-10 is nice to have ..
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7A
- 20 Apr 2012
I think that voting system must be just for user with account though their are still some experts who can still manipulate them (specially the hackers). So i suggest there would also be a suggested phone list ranks and rating made by GSMarena admins.. to compare the phones rating made by login users and by the ratings given by the GSMadmins.