We need your help: how to fix our voting system
- ?
- Anonymous
- JB7
- 19 Apr 2012
the third one definitely!!!!
- A
- Andy
- fvC
- 19 Apr 2012
i like method number 2 ..But does it have to be a facebook login? can't you just use email login?
- D
- AnonD-16272
- fuN
- 19 Apr 2012
1. Clear/reset the current voting results.
2. Make membership/being logged-in compulsory criteria for voting phones.
3. Ensure that real mobile phone numbers are required for the sign up process.
4. Allow a one-time vote only for any phone by each registered mobile number.
Why this should work ? :
I don't see how anybody, sane or otherwise would purchase multiple sim cards just so he/she can increase the ratings of a phone online.
Hope this helps.
I tweet as @mddara.
- D
- AnonD-8754
- tt8
- 19 Apr 2012
I think option two is better option. It will make things more clear.
- s
- sad
- 2F2
- 19 Apr 2012
option 3 all the way....
- D
- Daily Reader
- dMA
- 19 Apr 2012
Thank you for the effort GSMArena team. I bote for the 3rd solution
- C
- Crazy Psycho
- rJG
- 19 Apr 2012
use a captcha
- D
- AnonD-242
- q{X
- 19 Apr 2012
I would say either option 2 or 3.
Option 2 will help from filtering the spam votes by people. But those dedicated people could easily create duplicate accounts.
Option 3 has the most potential. But what would stop people from using multiple IPs and proxies to vote up their favorite phones. Or you could force people to create an account before they vote up their favorite phone. And it is much more useful having a system not based on number ratings because it is practically useless information. "8.7 Design" means nothing to no one. That is why youtube got rid of their 5 star ratings and changed it to a thumbs up or thumbs down.
- D
- AnonD-41872
- SiT
- 19 Apr 2012
- A
- Anon
- 0V@
- 19 Apr 2012
What about something where you have to earn the right to have powerful votes, so you have complete new and anonymous people with a very low/neglectable impact. And then as you are more active on the site with constructive comments, etc, you get more powerfull votes. This means that to have any impact on the results, voters would first have to be active in other ways, which may be more tangible for spam detection (you can see that a comment is just spam more easily)
On a sidenote: It should be possible to register without a facebook, not everybody likes facebook...
- D
- AnonD-51162
- s3J
- 19 Apr 2012
How many of visitors do you have per day, and how many of them are actually registered ?
I think the best choise is Number 2 except that vote is posible to all visitors, not just registered one.
And yeah please don't add like/dislike buttons cuz are annoying...this button's are for kids, they allways dislikes everything.
- D
- AnonD-48345
- 4mX
- 19 Apr 2012
I hate the ORIGINAL Captcha, you should use a system like that but not the original one's.
- D
- Dot
- LKn
- 19 Apr 2012
Must you use a Facebook account? Why not simply register to gsmarena?
- A
- Arthur
- t}c
- 19 Apr 2012
2 is the best option bcoz u can track users .. if athing u can ban them also.. users will be tired to make multiple acts..
- D
- AnonD-51166
- vI7
- 19 Apr 2012
Identifying unique users with facebook is a good way. There are very few users who don't have a facebook who come to gsmarena. And if someone is serious about voting for their favorite phone, there is no reason why they don't want to login.
- ?
- Anonymous
- U3x
- 19 Apr 2012
add a like And a new disslike button. |°|®©
- D
- AnonD-79
- utq
- 19 Apr 2012
3. BTW how will it work? one may need a dedicated app for that.
- s
- sanket
- Hku
- 19 Apr 2012
negative voting should be started,,,and only one vote per phone both negative and positive, regarding a mobile phone or smartphone,,,it means 1 vote/phone/mobile phone
- D
- AnonD-16439
- sSK
- 19 Apr 2012
finally to address the problem in voting...
what happens is once I vote on some phone all i need to do is disconnect net for 5 sec and again reload the page... i can vote again.... i saw this issue when my internet was sufferinf frequent disconnections
I will say 2 but need to improve on that too...
- I
- Inks
- P%j
- 19 Apr 2012
Heres an option
1. 50% weight-age should be of GSM Arena's review of a particular phone on all criteria combined
2. 50% of users with considering option 2 given above to have more authentic rating and prevent fraudulent users to manipulate
Hope it helps