Motorola to follow Siemens and Philips?

01 Feb, 2008
You got it right. The used-to-be number 1 cell phone manufacturer Motorola is considering selling its mobile phone division. It is not sure yet if a deal will go...

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  • d
  • ddd
  • vx3
  • 02 Feb 2008

its a sad story though if it really happens..
but i think people should not say harsh words to motorola that way..
i think they made the most iconic phones ever, if not feature-packed! honestly, i own a nokia n77 and i think the razr v3 probably looks awesome than my phone..

my point is, we should not rejoice over someone's downfall. instead we should still be respectful to them and hope that they'll overcome this trial..

FYI: without moto, no cellphones would ever be invented..MOTOROLA were the first to invent cellpones! lolz..nothing beats the original as they say..i know moto will be back!

    • S
    • Si N S iN
    • jbZ
    • 02 Feb 2008

    really bad news....the big company like MOTOROLA &......

      • J
      • Jon2
      • vx6
      • 02 Feb 2008

      I agree with ppMx,

      The best way for Motorola to 'restructure' their mobile division is to sell off all their shares to Nokia.
      A V3-inspired N95 8GB + more cool features = WORLD DOMINATION!!

        • M
        • Moto
        • 0yw
        • 02 Feb 2008

        Shame on these headquarters! what are they doing out there?! there are many people that await to see new cellphones from moto, and now they wanna sell their cellphone subdivision company!!! it realy makes me angry!!!!!! noch noch noch noch......

          • S
          • SAGEM Rocks!
          • M@T
          • 02 Feb 2008

          Hopefully SAGEM will make use of this opportunity,& beat all these crap companies at their own games!Hahaha

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • M3s
            • 02 Feb 2008

            Hopefully this means that Moto will become a force to be reckoned with again in a few years........I hope so.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • ppM
              • 02 Feb 2008

              i hope that Nokia buy the Moto so that there will be a phone as slim as V3 and as feature pack as N95! =)

                • M
                • MM
                • nUk
                • 02 Feb 2008

                Motorola makes good looking and well equipped phones, but the SW is too complicated and that is the main reason why I didnt buy any of their RAZR models. The same goes to Samsung (nice looking, but technologically downgraded & overpriced phones)

                  • n
                  • nicksti
                  • 4mD
                  • 02 Feb 2008

                  I am not surprised to see some of the rediculous comments that are appearing in this thread.

                  First - Stylish and Nokia should NEVER be used in the same sentence. Ever. The stylish Nokias divided by the ugly brick ones would probably give you something less than a percentage point. Nokia cranks out a massive number of handsets which have nice features and appeal to a large segment. Props to Nokia for making the intelligent, flat-chested girl popular. Nokia does need to improve on certain areas like Touchscreen phones and they are making headway on music phones.

                  Second - Motorola's failings have not been in their offering per se, it is more so their lack of offering. No business offering (only the Q, Ming/E6 are not true smartphones), no feature-rich phones (wifi, nice camera), confusing names that are hard to sequence, and a misunderstood product. To the people that say Motorola's UI is terrible state which Moto phone you have used. I have seen my share of LGs/Samsungs/Nokias/Motorolas/SE and they all have some shortcomings.

                  Third - Sony Ericsson should never be mentioned as a phone for Moto to look at. Last I checked their market share was laughable. I like SE phones for their balance in music and camera, but the DCU-60 and MS crap needs to stop. You can't put a 3.5mm jack in a music phone?

                  Fourth - Samsung is a nice phone company. Samsung on a whole is a nice company and they probably have tons of money to pour into their cellphone segment. They make too many slider phones and remind me of Motorola in repetition of design, but they will benefit alot by Moto's restructuring.

                  All in all it is always sad to see a competitor struggle. If every phone was a Nokia phone the world would be full of flat-chested, intelligent women.

                    • M
                    • Muhummad-Oli
                    • TSB
                    • 02 Feb 2008

                    Wow some of these readers are so childish...
                    Someone said: "Motorola deserves to die." - What for? What did they do? They made some nice looking phones and for many years made a lot of money! They were one of the manufacturers who helped to develop mobile phones (probably the main manufacturer to do so) and they were apparently the first to make a mobile phone call over a cell network. They were somewhat pioneers.
                    In recent years they did slip behind in the development of their phones, relying on their current technology rather than pushing on further like other manufacturers and this is in my opinion what led to their downfall.
                    You know, as humans we are taught to respect our elders because they are what have made the world suitable for us to live in. They have worked their butts off their whole lives to be able to provide for us. Motorola is an elder of the mobile business and without them perhaps mobile phones wouldn't exist as they do today, so please, have a little thought and respect go into what you say! Just because you don't like their Razr or like another brand better is no reason to hate. That is shallow and immature.
                    I am not talking to the majority of you who left mature comments, but I am talking to the few who don't seem to have grown up yet.



                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • vxi
                      • 02 Feb 2008

                      A sad story. This wouldn't be a surprise really. A company that merely recycles technology with minimal improvements in the same model range indicates a company which lacks innovation. A tech company should consider investing heavily on its R & D. I would guess that Motorola never hired new blood after its startac series. The interface is the same across all levels and you won't even feel a significant level of ease in the new RAZRs which are supposed to carry a linux OS. Sure, they produce SOME good design and should at least be consistent with it.
                      Never been a MOTO fan.
                      BYE MOTO!!!

                        • M
                        • MOTOCREW
                        • ibb
                        • 02 Feb 2008

                        Others brand are featuring 5mpixel, Xenon Flash, GPS, Wifi, 8GB,UI sensor....etc
                        But Moto still playing about design which is too bored when ppl keep changing phone now days.
                        Dunno may someday we will heard about iphoneMoto or Nokiarola

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Mx@
                          • 02 Feb 2008

                          Bye Bye Moto

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • TjQ
                            • 02 Feb 2008

                            It seems GSMArena editors and newsmakers can not read press-releases properly! :D
                            Learn english and not confuse readers.
                            that is the official press-release. Read and realize that the phone division is being restructurized:
                            “We are exploring ways in which our Mobile Devices Business can accelerate its recovery and retain and attract talent while enabling our shareholders to realize the value of this great franchise.”
                            So GSMArena is just SPAMMING, that's it. Anв stupid SE fanboys started claiming that SE will buy Motorola. So childish, as all the comments here are. Is the audithory of this site less than 14 years old?

                              • s
                              • stori 13
                              • MZu
                              • 02 Feb 2008

                              Motorola remakes the same phones every year.
                              What happened to them?No imagination at all????
                              Thats the reason they ll close.
                              Sony Ericsson is the BEST!

                                • A
                                • Ahmad
                                • iFq
                                • 02 Feb 2008

                                Possibly would be bought by SonyEricsson
                                The new SonyEricsson CEO fomerly was managing Motorola
                                beside Motorola just bought 50% of the UIQ department along with SonyEricsson from Symbian firm
                                Naturally , SonyEricsson is nominated

                                  • M
                                  • Meghindo
                                  • nDS
                                  • 02 Feb 2008

                                  Motorola had it's StarTac,it's own V70,it's own V80,it's own V3 & it's own ROKR...
                                  I one has that besides Motorola ...
                                  This is just like hearing that Britney Spears is dead ...
                                  It's tragical indeed ...

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • pqy
                                    • 02 Feb 2008

                                    me and my friends,around 40 people in total,never have in last 10 years any motorola. i saw very few people with motorola in the last years,so it's normal that this business in dying

                                      • a
                                      • all
                                      • myM
                                      • 02 Feb 2008

                                      well thats what lg does 2 u. But im sorry that their in a mess cause they had some good ideas, like the razr and stuff but they should have continue to improve, theY didnt so... thats d result. So ill continue 2 view d next technology heheheh( lg viewty logo).

                                      P.S: We are going 2 nokia next, so prepare!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        • M
                                        • Maxaslr
                                        • i4d
                                        • 02 Feb 2008

                                        I think that it's a new beginning 4 Moto.
                                        They will rise up again like a SUN