iOS 14 to hit all iPhones that are currently running iOS 13

01 June 2020
For the oldest models, this will be the last update. However, some fairly old iPhones will reportedly be supported in 2021 as well.

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[deleted post]They have not.Updates are crucial thatÂ’s why Samsung has to keep pushing out updates to keep trying to apply plasters to the abomination of a camera in the s20 ultra :Â’D

I bet Samsung cannot wait to drop the s20 ultra,it has had them working at capacity

    [deleted post]You are not happy with your abomination of a “combination” :’D that is why you are here, if you were happy with your gimmick filled android toys you would not be trolling iOS topics. :)

    Again, just get an SE and come and enjoy a properly built OS with quality hardware and top software.

    Your combination is a bunch of beta hardware that will lose support

      Anonymous, 03 Jun 2020Yes success which means meagre 13.7% marketshare in Q1 2020. With over 60% of profits and the iPhone 11 being the top selling phone along with 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max being in the Top 10 best sellers.barely any androids in the top 10,android takes market share with low end devices that barely get support

      Apple on its own is up against how many android throwaway OEMs again? Looool

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • XRg
        • 03 Jun 2020

        Dre4, 03 Jun 2020To those android manufacturers who care to know the secret ... moreYes success which means meagre 13.7% marketshare in Q1 2020.

          [deleted post]Pure mess of a device the s20 ultra,$1400 Beta product.
          Also the 16gb ram and it still reloads apps in some tests, Android in it is quite a mess

            • J
            • Julian M
            • MwP
            • 03 Jun 2020

            It's a nice surprise that my 2016 SE is supported for another year, hopefully it won't make it unusably slow.

            I don't get why Android devices are at the complete opposite side of the spectrum, phones barely get 2 years of updates, if at all - my last phone was a Moto X4, it officially got Android 9 pushed to it, but I still had to flash mine manually because OTA on European models was never widespread. And that was it, Android 9 with some outdated security patch, don't expect more.

              • B
              • Bogdan
              • p%B
              • 03 Jun 2020

              SizN80, 03 Jun 2020Lol,it is quite clear you are trying to make excuses for po... moreAnd you are trying to make up for poor hardware support.
              Both type of phones (Android and Apple) have their advantages and disadvantages. Saying that one is better than the other is just fanboys behavior.
              And fanboys are the worst type of people (no matter for which brand). They can't be objective about one product or another. Not being able to be objective, means not giving the best answers and arguments, with actual facts.

                • D
                • Dre4
                • r3H
                • 03 Jun 2020

                To those android manufacturers who care to know the secret of apple
                It's simplicity, perfection, long term support..........

                  Anonymous, 03 Jun 2020Yeah he wanted to upgrade immediately. He switched from iP... moreI use an 11 pro Max thanks :)

                  But the SE is better than anything you are using anyway so thanks for thinking I use that :’D

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • XRg
                    • 03 Jun 2020

                    [deleted post]Yeah he wanted to upgrade immediately.
                    He switched from iPhone 11 pro.

                    I wanted to wait and see what other manufacturers have to offer this year before upgrading.
                    Currently happy with my S10/ROG 2 combination.
                    I'll probably upgrade next year.

                    While you can go back to your midget screen SE.

                      Anonymous, 03 Jun 2020Why don't you keep your phones for 8-10 years by that logic... moreF you really had money you would buy quality hardware and software:’D mate please stop coming here to lie.

                      The top selling Android phones globally in the Top10 are all mid to low end Android phones that get updates for 1 to 2 years if they are lucky :’D people buy them because they are cheap as chips and throw them away because they don’t age well.

                      Apple have both the 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max in the Top 10 every single quarter that they have been out.

                      Look kid one day you will grow up and you will wake up to the endless gimmicks in the crapdroids :) and you will not need to go to topics of other phones to try convince anyone of anything because you’ll just be happy using your well supported and quality made iPhone :)

                      You can name everything your Android has but the factor of the matter is that we simply don’t care because we get quality hardware and software that WORKS is not half baked, it’s fun here :)

                        Anonymous, 03 Jun 2020 It's got nothing to do with value for money phones in And... moreLol,it is quite clear you are trying to make excuses for poor update support,nobody in the 21st century should even need to upgrade every 2 years unless they have no life outside for their little phone.

                        Thanks for trying though,it’s cute and hilarious,your desperation is unmatched.Rather just get an SE when you can and end all of this,you will finally not need to upgrade every few months just to keep up with updates and security patches :)

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • XRg
                          • 03 Jun 2020

                          [deleted post]Why don't you keep your phones for 8-10 years by that logic?
                          Tech industry advances faster at 2-3 yr pace.
                          Why use phones with outdated design language, weaker fast charging, smaller batteries, ancient connectivity standards, weaker cameras, etc?

                          We have money to upgrade and we do it in 2-3 years as we want latest and greatest.
                          We don't have to beg to Lord Apple like prisoners for latest features or design or big screen or water resistance or multiple cameras or bigger batteries, etc as iOS users have in the past.

                            [deleted post]They cannot stand the fact that a $399 Apple phone is not only vastly more powerful than their top $1400 droid half baked nonsense that cannot even autofocus properly.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • XRg
                              • 03 Jun 2020

                              Wily2020, 03 Jun 2020” how important are the software updates for the average pe... moreIOS users care for updates coz they get latest features 5 years late.
                              Only way they get their hands on latest in smartphone world is 5 years later.
                              While Android users are already currently enjoying it.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • XRg
                                • 03 Jun 2020

                                domraym, 03 Jun 2020This is the comment I've been looking for. Props to you sir... more
                                It's got nothing to do with value for money phones in Android ecosystem.
                                We upgrade in 2 years since these days no one wants to wait 5 years and hold onto older processors, design language, etc.

                                Look at all phones from 2016 vs 2020 in terms of design.
                                These days you can put 6.5 inch screen inside body of 5.5 inch screen.
                                2016 phones design is outdated.

                                Batteries have gotten bigger.
                                Fast charging has improved by miles.

                                Plenty of other improvements in terms of connectivity like Bluetooth 5.1, WiFi 6, 5g, etc.

                                The average flagship had 1 camera back in 2016. In 2020, you get versatile setup.

                                And coz of many other factors, it makes sense to not drag your device into the fifth year.
                                Within 2 years, there are industry changing improvements.
                                So why should we wait for 5 years before upgrading?
                                We want the latest and greatest.

                                  Bogdan, 03 Jun 2020While this information is good for Apple users, how importa... more” how important are the software updates for the average person? ”

                                  Who wouldn’t like the fact that your old device learns new tricks years after when you bought it? Based on how fast people want to install new iOS versions i would say lot of iOS people care and want to have newest features. I don’t think Android users that much because they haven’t got used to that because the support is so bad and the updates are all over the place and coming different times for different devices etc. We all iOS users getting software update sameday and it’s super simple and easy to install and it’s just very normal stuff for us to enjoy.

                                    • B
                                    • Bogdan
                                    • p%B
                                    • 03 Jun 2020

                                    While this information is good for Apple users, how important are the software updates for the average person? Even the security updates don't matter that much if you don't have sensible data on your phones. Some people think that software updates and security updates are the most important thing in a phone. I don't, and I know many people who think the same.

                                    Thus being said, my S9+ was working great for 4 months until the first major update came for it. It was downhill from there. The next 4 months I was just waiting for some updates from Samsung to correct those issues. Nothing came, so in the end after 8 months I was forced to sell my 750EUR S9+ (with 350EUR). And it wasn't the only case for me, just the latest (something similar happen to me with Asus and Huawei phones).
                                    In my opinion and based on my own experience, if some company will release a smartphone and say to me no security or software updates ever for this model, I will buy that phone instantly. Sadly, such phones doesn't exist, except maybe the 100EUR ones.

                                      • M
                                      • Meir
                                      • 0qJ
                                      • 03 Jun 2020

                                      I wonder if the ios 14 will be a disaster as the ios 13.
                                      Don't expect a big changes on ios 14 and you better stop dreaming about widgets and customisation like on the androids devices.
                                      Thank you.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • sEB
                                        • 03 Jun 2020

                                        hope the master piece of update is not youmoji or hismoji even hermoji
                                        so sad for one of the biggest os