Samsung responds to Galaxy S II / Note eMMC bug problem
- ?
- Anonymous
- PFw
- 15 Jun 2012
samsung fail
- c
- col.flech
- utm
- 15 Jun 2012 official word from samsung. I wiped many times on non rooted stock different versions no bricking. What's the authenticity of the report ? Can't rely on saying of just any anonymous G+ user. !
- c
- col.flech
- utm
- 15 Jun 2012 official word from samsung. I wiped many times on non rooted stock different versions no bricking. What's the authenticity of the report ? Can't rely on saying of just any anonymous G+ user. !
- ?
- Anonymous
- mDc
- 15 Jun 2012
the thing, 15 Jun 2012this phone would only last for a few months. tear it apart ... moreYou dont need to zwar IT just to know its body all plastic it can be seen. On the outside of its body... But it's almost 100% Samsung which is good
- s
- sd14
- 3Ax
- 15 Jun 2012
It's ok if it bricks my white note coz i've got a cool red case.
- D
- AnonD-43928
- tR9
- 15 Jun 2012
AnonD-59202, 15 Jun 2012CM9 kernels are not the only safe ones. I have a fairly ... moreI've used two different 'official' ICS software on my Note. Apparently i have the dodgy memory too. Has not bricked my phone at all.
- ?
- Anonymous
- YPb
- 15 Jun 2012
Have guts to admit and fix the problems. That's Samsung. The legendary reliability!
- B
- Box215
- xXK
- 15 Jun 2012
So any coverage for those unfortunate souls who already bricked their phones?
- s
- shihab
- t1$
- 15 Jun 2012
main centre button of my galaxy s2 is not working.i couldn't go for multitasking.
what should i do....? i dint want to sell my phone..
plz give some solutions...
- k
- kh
- b6a
- 15 Jun 2012
Thanks God, never trusted and bought Samsung.
- D
- AnonD-35907
- vMe
- 15 Jun 2012
Hey guys can anybody help me?
I just check my S2 with 'Got Brickbug' app and it says that my eMMC is affected with Brick-Bug.
Can you guys plz explain me what is it? and how it affects my phone n whats the solution? i know nothing abt this.
I'll really appreciate, thnx in advance
- D
- AnonD-59202
- M97
- 15 Jun 2012
CM9 kernels are not the only safe ones.
I have a fairly large list of what is known dangerous and known safe in Chainfire's "Got Brickbug" app thread - it is linked to from the first post.
For example, nearly all known I9100 ICS kernels are safe, whether custom, leak, or official. All official N7000 ICS kernels and leaks are dangerous, but most custom kernels are OK. Nearly all SPH-D710 leaks are dangerous. Nearly all SGH-I777 leaks are dangerous - but almost all I777 users are on custom kernels built from safe I9100 Update4 sources. (These are safe because MMC_CAP_ERASE was removed from drivers/mmc/host/mshci.c)
- a
- alexa
- Kg%
- 15 Jun 2012
im goin to change my brand i wasted to much money because of this emmc bug it ruined everthin esp my money
- D
- D.J XactiX
- P$u
- 15 Jun 2012
I am also the one who had a bricked phone 2 week back.
I had no problem earlier,I used many ROMS on my Note.
After ICS release in India I updated my phone with ICS and I tried to root my phone with CWM + SU rooted kernel and that's it...after that my phone was bricked.
I went into MSDOS mode and I found that factoryfs partion was corrupt.
Due to that Bootloader was not getting installed at all.
I re-partioned and moved the faulty block but issue was not completly resolved,I was not able to install any ROM except Lightening ROM,
I tried each and every kernel from XDA website but had that same issue persisting,
I also tried 16GB PIT file but :-(,
Finally I went to Samsung Service Center,it took a week for them to understand whats wrong with it and finally they decided to change motherboard of it....Now its brand new once again with No Root Counts... :-)
- ?
- Anonymous
- ixT
- 15 Jun 2012
SamsungMEA doesn't care anything about support. Their Support Team is very very very bad in M.E. Region.
- D
- AnonD-44543
- Lbm
- 15 Jun 2012
i m the note owner can any one tell me about that what is this eMMC bug ? and how they affect to device .......
Thank you
- D
- AnonD-12118
- uCk
- 15 Jun 2012
the thing, 15 Jun 2012this phone would only last for a few months. tear it apart ... morewish i could let you play with my 13months old s2.
greater performance than any new dualcore phones in the market today, bar krait s4.
should let you check the awesome body too..
- t
- the thing
- wHr
- 15 Jun 2012
this phone would only last for a few months. tear it apart you will know it.its just 70% plastic.
- W
- bFZ
- 15 Jun 2012
samsung patch your ass quick, can't you patch the ics WIFI issue over OTA, it'been months now, xxxx you.
- T
- Tanweer Alam
- PGw
- 15 Jun 2012
Hi All,
There is another problem/Bug with S2 I9100G, most of the time when play music with headphone it get hanged so badly until u'll not remove the battery its not coming up. I fighted with samsung for 2 months and finally got my refund. So guys don't go for S2 I9100G