Samsung Galaxy S III explodes, causes still unknown
- V
- VladUK
- Swr
- 22 Jun 2012
Designed for explode LOL
- b
- blueglue
- t1$
- 22 Jun 2012
Dhruv, 22 Jun 2012Did Samsung pay you to write this crap?
*YAWN*Probably you are too blind to notice the facts Nokian presented in his post. we had couple of good debates among us although both of us support different brands and OS.
Sorry to say but, Negating him in the way you did,proves your insensible behavior.
- l
- lordsegun
- N9@
- 22 Jun 2012
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, what a mess, hahahahahahahaha
- ?
- Anonymous
- xBx
- 22 Jun 2012
heyy haters... who doesn't need a phone that can light a cigarette,,,or a fire in case of emergency! ts ts
- V
- Vanadroan
- Gxi
- 22 Jun 2012
well.. so i say motorola rules forever!
- T
- Tizen Takeover
- RbX
- 22 Jun 2012
this gives a whole new meaning to the phrase coined by Elop. "The Burning Platform" LOL
- d
- dylan
- sR3
- 22 Jun 2012
my galaxy s3 also had explosion, i was listening to music then a notification came in, it had a loud noise in the headphone then the headphone port burnt out and some smoke came out.
- A
- Ale
- 22 Jun 2012
Over the past 3 years I have owned the following phones: Nokia 5800 & N97, HTC hero, Legend, Desire & Desire HD, Samsung Galaxy S, LG optimus 2X, Samsung Galaxy S2, HTC One X, Iphone 4S and finally now a Samsung Galaxy S3.
So you could say I have a fairly broad experience of using devices from a variety of different manufactures, and let me tell you they ALL can get quite warm when pushed sufficiently.
The Galaxy S3 in this article is not the first phone in the history of handheld communication devices to 'explode' and the cause has as yet not been determined, so how people are using this as proof that Samsung produce cheap low quality products is beyond me.
- E
- Engr. Ali
- J9S
- 22 Jun 2012
S3 is a New Generation Killing Machine ..WOW
- ?
- Anonymous
- H4t
- 22 Jun 2012
many people who talk about the explosion of the iphones forget that that the samsung makes processors for the iphones
- M
- MMMMM, appppple
- ix1
- 22 Jun 2012
Wow all this just because one phone caught on fire. Now lets see, so far there have been 10 million pre-orders for it so far so i think 1 phone in 10 million is pretty damn good odds compared to the numerous iphone units that set fire.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}8
- 22 Jun 2012
AnonD-9023, 22 Jun 2012I posted it before i read the source and how am i biased ? ... moredidnt know samsung made ipad3....
- C
- CoolIAm
- P@$
- 22 Jun 2012
People are commenting like only Samsung phones are exlploded ever, and other phones (like Nokia, iPhone) are never ever exploded....
If I am not wrong even IPad3 heats so much after 1.5-2 hours of use that you can't pick it up.
- S
- Samarth N8 user.
- Mfx
- 22 Jun 2012
Anonymous, 21 Jun 2012this is not new to us, the galaxy s2 exploded in a man's pa... moreThis is a very funny statement I have quoted... Read this:
"...another man was killed when a nokia phone exploded while charging an iphone..."
Another man was killed? :D
When a "NOKIA" phone exploded, :D
While charging an iPhone... :D :D
When "iPhone" was being charged, how did Nokia explode? :D O God... such funny fanboys comment here...
- A
- Andy
- iFr
- 22 Jun 2012
This has proven that Samsung are @@@ CHEAPO @@@ devices as all say .
- D
- AnonD-49453
- rA@
- 22 Jun 2012
Samsung s3 designed for human to reduce number of human on earth.... lolzzzz
- j
- jack
- U{J
- 22 Jun 2012
em using Samsung s3 phone is Gud bot its getting heated up frequently . Really its not a Gud hardware ap HTC one x
- X
- Xss
- w77
- 22 Jun 2012
Anonymous, 21 Jun 2012that's how quad core actually works. one core running the f... moreYeah, thats funny... Quad Core = 1 Core for running app, another core for set fire = Die Hard... :D
- L
- Linux
- nZw
- 22 Jun 2012
To me it looks like overvoltage supplied by the charger. Most outer power supply chain is affected and nothing else. I wouldn't speculate why you someone would put way more then 4-5 volts, but you can't make fire with your S3 with a good charger which will stop charging if it detects very high current...
- ?
- Anonymous
- vfx
- 22 Jun 2012
CPW accidentally has given that guy a SGS3 Mission Impossible edition. Good luck Jim...!